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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. HMMM actually I can't be arsed. If I was going to get anything, it would be invincible, and I'm nto going to anytime soon (spend £20 on it).
  2. I would, if I had money to spend.
  3. No. It sparks something to talk about maybe, shows they're interested in something I might, it shows a bit more personality on the outside. Not defining it. And on a basic level, more visually appealing. Unless it's a shit design. But the decision to get a shit t-shirt or not lies in the hands of the customer.
  4. John, in various forms. David is various forms.
  5. I know I go on about it in a pointless way, but i'd prefer people wore cheap gaming, fun shirts than overly expensive, plain stuff. Not directed at you/what you buy, but ends up that way, sorry. :p
  6. Oh jesus. Is this the first time you've listened to her? (Thanks Razz if so) No one lies when they say she's great, though Long Snake Moan isn't her best. Great though. All her stuff...ever...is on Spotify. Go from the beginning, Dry.
  7. Which bit? I want to know now. I loved it, but saw it ages ago, and can't remember half of it.
  8. I have. I read all of the main run of New X-men. Up to Dark Phoenix's return/departure. I loved. I loved Frank Quitley's art as well. Shame abut Igor Kordey's.
  9. I love Cyclops. He's just brilliant. In the comics, it's less of an issue if he's not on the team, a lot of the issues I read when I read X-Men a lot were when he left the team. But on screen AND in comics, he is the core of the X-men. Wolverine just...isn't.
  10. It really offends me, the third one. Phoenix is handled semi-well and then left aside until the end. This is basically due to have 2 main plots crammed together, Dark Phoenix and the cure. Biggest offence is the death of Cyclops. Maybe it's fanboyism, but he's the core of the X-Men to me. The team fighting the Bro'hood at the end felt and looked shit and sloppy without him. He, in a film about Dark Phoenix, should finally have been given his time to shine. I am aware of why he died, james Marsden wanted to go do Superman. So a lot of the blame is on him too. Mystique was again, underused. One of the best characters in the movie series, or at least one of the most entertaining. Her few scenes were great! Too many unfleshed villains. Multiple being freed and saying "Sure, I'll join you!" is just a cringeworthy piece of writing. The army of Bro'Hood were shit. Just tramps who could leap and stick to walls, mostly. Arclight, Psylocke (!@!!!!!dduh! Potential!) and to an extent Callisto weren't fleshed out enough. I could go on. X-Men 2 is perfect. Just a brilliant improvement over the first one (which can feel like it's lacking something). This is a poor finally. Plus it's such a downer of a film, that not possible movies could go on from it. Especially ot without Cyclops of Xavier (whose death was handled..decently. If it was just him who died, I would have been ok).
  11. Ha, I know. It's a tongue-in-cheek phrase, my mum knows her stuff, she's the Parent Worker for Sctoland with Place2B, counselling parents in some really deprived schools in deprived areas. She knows her stuff, and i suppose laughing at it makes it less grimy and horrid. I mean, I got in the car in school yards the other and we had to wait 15 minutes while she guided one of her patients through an escape plan from her disgusting wife-beating husband, who threatened to kill both her and her son for no reason. She's seen it all. We use terms like "commoner" (or my fave, "Scuffers" :p) aroundthe house in a jokey way, but know not to in real life.
  12. I never check the game bits! I joined because I knew ReZ. I have a Wii and DS, but only game causally, so it's just the general chit chat and creative bits for me! [/tangent]
  13. The Girl Who Leapt Through Time Heard it was great (from this forum) so got it for the girl that lives for me, as she loves anime. I fancied a watch, as sometimes I love anime style, and I loved this. A beautiful animation, with the anime style that really appeals to me, no ugly alien-people here. Very nice story, a good way to tackle the idea of time travel. More realistic to what you;d do if you could time-leap. Good voice acting and moving sortof yeah. 8.6/10
  14. For good measure, another classic that sends shivers down my spine*; *not really, but suitably epic and reminds me of my Disney-love as a child.
  15. I always wonder if chavs know they're chavs. And what they think about that. I assume they see it as some kind of badge of respect, they'd prefer to be that than "snobs" or whatever. [/mahosive generalisations]
  16. I try to avoid what my mother PC-ly calls "commoners" as much as possible.
  17. The pictures could have been examples of what he took from etc, and despite they fact they weren't, they were REALLY small. Or at least the Uncanny one I clicked. Limp ftw.
  18. Letty left Jordan recently, and snce then he's been having a hard time of it. I'm sure it's not just Letty leaving that's making you feel bad Jordan, but you cannot self-harm/kill yourself or whatever you choose to do based solely on her leaving you. It would cruel beyond belief. Just a word of warning, in case you were thinking of doing so.
  19. My thoughts on submitting to the media sensation of SWINE flu.
  20. Not really. I'm very moral, but my own life comes first, and if that's out the window, I may as well indulge.
  21. I never finished Baiten Kaitos, but I liked it.
  22. Not sure. If I didn't curl up in a ball and go insane with the knowledge of my own death/the end of all we know, I might; -Kill someone -Perform/sing a song on some stage, somewhere -Fuck someone -Write various letters/record a video diary thing -Paint/artify my feelings of the situations -Walk around town talking to random people -Tell everyone I know EXACTLY how I feel about them -Skydive -Go see Tori Amos live. (I need to complete the Trion) Other things too.
  23. Yeah, this morning here it was beaming sun, then during the day rained a fair amount, then really hot this afternoon and sunny again. Finished my art exam. Definitely happy with my piece. I was the only one (I think) doing a portrait panting, and I have to say that it's actually pretty good. I have such a lack of confidence in my own abilities, but the Superman shirt I'm wearing in the painting is so brilliant. The symbol anyway. I want to touch it, to see if the folds are real. [/boast] Seriously though, happy. Now the weekend to do my sketchbook. Uh oh.
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