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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. The fact you comapre Britney Spears to Madonna is just stupid. Sure they fit LOOSELY into "mainstream/popular music", but other than that...wtf. And it's just...true that Madonna is "better" than Beyonce, as an artist. However Madonna's stabs at "urban/hip-hop" are chit compared to Beyonce. I'm not a liar. Beyonce is great fun and talented, but is definitely a singles artist. I'm gonna pick one of the truly brilliant Madonna albums like Erotica or Ray Of Light for this listening party thing. Then you can compare Ray Of Light to any of Beyonce's albums or Britney albums and see for yourself. An artist isn't their singles. LET'S NOT TALK ABOUT THIS ANYMORE IN THIS THREAD
  2. Words like noob or even lol would be more fitting. Web 2.0 is more of a phrase isolated to internet communities, in my experience.
  3. Yeah, I think we should rally loads of peopel to do the listening party thing (and evne the movie party, harder though), despite what their musical tastes might be. However, it would probably be advised to choose albums that have SOME depth or discussion available to them.
  4. That's like saying Susan Boyle is a better musical artist than Oasis, because she has a better voice. Ridiculous.
  5. Well obviously. I like Madonna, but not enough to go see her. I'd prefer to see several "proper" bands for the price of one ticket to any of these pop women. I meant in the fact she goes the whole hog. Is willing to work and put on a show worth the money. It's quite sad that Beyonce/Britney/Katy Perry/Gaga/Ashley Tisdale/anyone whining over an electro backing track is now cream of the crop. Madonna has made some great music considering what "genre" she's in/her status. Just cause she's still around means she's being compared to superior people nowadays (compared to her music now, fair enough, it's too shit and urban). However, nothing any of the above have, or will make, could rival Like A Prayer (the album), Erotica, Ray Of Light, etc. They just want the money and No.1's. Challenging (for a perceived girly pop singer), provocative etc. I'm not a massive fan, but people who don't like her, write her off for not being as attractive (musically and visually) as the current pop whore/not knowing what she's done for her contemporaries. She neve repeast herself etc. [/rant] You don't have to like her. Just realise she's better than Beyonce as an artist. It's not hard. :p
  6. Madonna is the same as Beyonce, sings live, dances the entire time with amazing choreography, and I actually like a god amount of her music. (not of late though) And she's a genuine entertainer who isn't threatening to keel over in a fit of madness like some people. Provocative too. And not in a shit "F U C K me lol!" way like Britney. I love this song/performance in particular.
  7. So, bought my first single issue US comics for about a year and a half. Last bought Uncanny way back during the Fall of the Shi'Ar. Uncanny X-Men 509 - Loved the writing. Heard Fraction was great, but really liked it. Had jokes to tell me. Land's art is nice when it's not glaringly obvious the source is out of place. Which is more often than not unfortunately. Lovely cover though. Gonna stick with this I think. X-Men Forever 1 - Not a great fan fo Claremont's writing in recent years, it's a bit patronising. Xtreme was just...wtf. However, after this issue, it looks to get a bit more interesting. Since when was Cortez super strong? Batman & Robin 1 - MORRISON AND QUITELY = jizz. Not followed anything abotu Batman's death after the first few issues of R.I.P, but didn't really need to. Love the look of Pyg and his crew.
  8. From what I've heard isn't it just loads and loads of circus-esque gimmicks and shiz flying around to distract from her mediocre dancing? I get the experience is different and so on, but I'd prefer listen to the CD, and go see...Madonna.
  9. Exactly. Obviously there's grey areas, at which point it all goes into the long debate which no one wants again about worthy art and stuff.
  10. However, films are a lot easier to classiy as either or than Music, which is just a minfield of opinions. Alien is a good film, Batman & Robin is a bad film. Superhero Movie is a bad film, There Will Be Blood is a good film. And so on. That's nothing to do with enjoyment really. I vasty enjoy Batman & Robin for it's OTT campiness from both Uma Thurman and Arnie, but I'm under no illusion of it's quality.
  11. I seek out and enjoy and want to experience amazing films. And I enjoy them. And i dislike bad films/pointless films/films that leave you with nothing. And obviously it's "all subjective!!!", but in regards to what the universe regards as "good" in film, I usually really enjoy, or at least appreciate. But that sounds like I like them because they're known for being good, which isn't true. But knowing what is highly regaded helps me find a lot of amazing films.
  12. When did I have a vendetta against you???!!! Weren't you Wolverine last game? Nothing do with my plans or life, as Dark Beast. The lady doth protest too much methinks. Hamlet, fucking hell. It's pretty obvious we're all going to kill you next time. Deal with it.
  13. On a music form I frequent, they have "listening parties". In these, everyone particpating puts on an album that the "party" is dedicated to at the same time, and rapidly posts all their thoughts in real time as the album progresses. I've done ones with albums I know like the back of my hand, and albums I don't. I really enjoyed them. We could do them, with perhaps suggestions from various people. then shuffle the order of when to do them. I'd suggest doing it in a seperate thread though (in the playground). Thoughts?
  14. Well, ignoring music, I think I have a pretty good taste in films and visual art, if you can really have a taste in either. I like challenging stuff/like analysing stuff. I don't know very much about Banksy...I thought he was sort of "flavour of the month" a while back with his books being sold inj HMV, but I like a lot of what I've seen.
  15. Fantastic Four : Rise Of The Silver Surfer Watched with chair for the first time since the cinema two years ago, stunning. I love when Invisible Woman pointlessly doesn't go invisible when trying to find out what Doc Doom is up to. Joke/10
  16. Tellyn already posted today.
  17. Vote: Tellyn The vigilante should off Vicar tonight just to be safe. Keep the streets empty.
  18. YES! I feel as strong AS A HURRICANE!
  19. So is none of the typical response I posted true in your case? I'm not saying she's amazing. But I find her interesting. People resent her for not being John Lennon.
  20. Molly has been online since I posted it though.
  21. Why are all non-human characters human? My desktop is the "Last Supper" BSG promo;
  22. SHE'z weurd. Jon lenin was way beter she broke up the beetles what a bitch shes rubbish she cany sing bloody birch Lennin ftw.
  23. I used to watch Fresh Prince when I was...10. He annoys me slightly. A bit like Tom Cruise. I'm wary of any film he's in, whether the fear is founded or not. I can't believe no one got what I said though. Battlestar sex. The fact neither you or EEVIL got it is only to be expected though.
  24. Yeah, EEVIL you have some really questionable views of things like art, film etc. *waits for "so do you", as I've set myself up for*
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