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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. La Roux stars in George A. Romero's controversial new film.
  2. One day I'll watch Arrested Development And then I'll Come BAAAAAACK TOOO YOUUUuuuuuu.... [/my hit single]
  3. I want cufflinks in the shape of Alannah Myles' face. IGNORE ME
  4. I was testing you. Don't worry, I love you and your name already.
  5. Why is Make-Up by Lou Reed my favourite "listen-to-when-tipsy" song? First one to tell me the truth gets all my love.
  6. My other best friend's B'day celebrations (meaning the third member of my besties group, along with Chair) at a posh restaurant tonight. great, lovely food, vert funny. then planned on going to some club tha twas mildly easy to get into, but of c ourse it was "student i.d" nght, so I was KB'd doubly. And yes, I'm now the last person in our "group" to be 17. I fucking hate it. Everyone's gone to UNI byu he time I'm 18 as well. So I'm at home eatying a pain au choclat listening to Portishead instead of at a club.
  7. Like I say, there's no relief. At least in my one, it's one long hall. You have no control over what you want to look at, you have to trek through the never-ending twisty turns and horizons that never end until you reach the chekout.
  8. Why does that Blank Space exist, when the forum could so easily just be central in the page?
  9. I tried to kill myself in IKEA once. I hate the one in Edinburgh isn't divided into sections at all, it's just one long hallway with EVERYTHING in it. There's not pause for relief. I hated.
  10. Batman as a universe of characters and locations is one of most open to interpretation in the comics depending on the writer, and also in movies/TV shows. Joker especially is erratic (it's in his character though). He can be a fairly harmless clown or a sadistic murderer one minute later. However, he's still always a threat to Batman. I think Hath Ledger got that across much better than Nicholson, who really just updated the old Adam West show one to be a bit darker. It's a fine performance, but heath Ledger did Joker more justice in general, getting across the fact that this clown is a serious threat whatever he does.
  11. Why does it look like some shit flash animation? Who the frak is the flying guy with red skin?
  12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Shining_(film)#Comparison_with_the_book He was dissatisfied with the changes he made.
  13. Fail. YOU FAIL. No. The Shining is a book by Stephen King. The film adaptation was changed a bit (not readt he book, but from what I hear) by Stanley Kubrick. So, in his fury, Stephen King arranged for a new shit one to be made exactly following the line of the book, with shit actors and it was generally shit.
  14. I'm constantly stunned by the Sacre Coeur.
  15. What are you on about? It sounds you're disagreeing with him that the second The Shining was bad, and that in your opinion, it was good?! LIES.
  16. Yeah, it's Maase. We're meant to be huddling in a corner shaking, crying etc.
  17. Just bear in mind she went insane adter Scarlet's Walk. As in, just really...trite and not at all as good. It's all produced and nice and pleasant now. But yeah. Beekeeper has some nice songs on it. But beware.
  18. Especially Batman Returns, which is brilliant. Batman is good too, but not so much.
  19. I love you getting Telegram, when it's hardly an essential. Though it's lovely.
  20. Leave her be. She's had a hard time coming to terms with the diagnosis.

  21. I was never allowed game consoles really, everyone else had them, but my first one was my friend's old Nintendo 64, as his mum said he had to get rid of one of his game consoles if he wanted a new one (the new one being an Xbox or PS2 or something). Had that for a good while. I was so happy when I got a Gamecube and SSB:Melee for my 12th birthday. Cheekily, I managed to get all the main consoles of that generation but only had to pay for the gamecube...my PS2 and Xbox were gifts from other people who got improved versions.
  22. I saw the trailer ages ago but was uninspired. Maybe it's cause I've seen too much Dollhouse/Terminator/general sci-fi about robots/mindwiping.
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