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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. If Sweet Escape had better production overall it would be passable. There's just too many songs that either leave you with nothing or actively take away from your enjoyment of life. Like Breakin Up, and Orange County Girl (Which I enjoyed live).
  2. I love how I had an image of an RPG character using a water spell the minute you mentioned hating it, and then you mentioned elements.
  3. The people with blurry 3-D were just unlucky. Soz. It was perfect the 3 times (!!!) I saw it in 3-D (Don't worry, I only intended to go once, but seperate groups ended up going etc, and I enjoyed repeat vieweings more than I thought). --- I want your Psycho, want your Vertigo schtick Want you in my Rear Window (1954) Baby, it's sick! I want your love. Love LOVE Love.
  4. The unknown brother of the more famous Baldwin I assume.
  5. ^ She doesn't play herself in Arrested Development! I assume so. She's good though. I've never seen anything else with her in it (except AD, in which she is different). It's well-written.
  6. What does the 2+2=4 symbolise, SPAMBOT? I actually quite like it, but wanna know the reasoning.
  7. It's quite shit, but I'd watch it just for Sue Sylvester, played by Jane Lynch. A very entertaining character. It's one of those shows where you just know YOU could have plotted it better. Half of the actual "Glee Club" have next to no lines and are never explained at all or anything, and the music is horribly mixed and mimed (i.e horribly mimed. Obviously it has to be mimed. But it's just done badly cause the songs sounds so out of place or sung by horrible singers like Quin). But it is quite entertaining in patches. It's not awful, just dissapointing (IMO).
  8. It wasn't cold at all this morning (around 11) when I took the dog for a walk. Well, he was shivering, but he's small and unused to it. It snowed last night/afternoon too.
  9. Yeah I read only the very start of Messiah Complex, but know what went on with Hope and shiz. I agree with you that eventually they should find some sort of stability. I mean they just got on the island and it's already sinking! :p But yeah, I just love how of all the Marvel flagship series, the whole dynamic of the series and it's characters can and has shifted so much over the years. From the very start, at the school with a small team, to the Australian years/X Factor and then the kinda 90's reboot all back together with the organised X-Teams, then I remember that many members left after Operation: Zero Tolerance leaving the team all poor and rag-tag, then Cyclops dying and the hit and miss Claremont run, before the excellent restructuring of New X-Men/X-Treme/Uncanny all revolving around the school going public. Ah memories. Now with San Francisco and then Utopia. [/pointless memory lane visit]
  10. It's not long at all, it's standard film length, under 2 hours... And the snow was so lovely. If it was sand I could understand you not liking it. Am I right in thinking it's next in line in the queue of pointless remakes? I heard it was being americanised, which is the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life.
  11. Oh. Well I knew the repurcussions of those events were still evident, I just didn't think it was 7 years ago. :p Actually, know you mention it, I love how when Marvel say "It'll never be the same!" they actually mean it. Like you say, The Avengers haven't truly been a cohesive force like they were for 40 years since Disassembled. I like the sound of The Heroic Age. There's only so many of these events you can link, and I don't think they'll "go away", but rather be relating to something else/go in a new direction. That reminds me, X-Men/Mutantkind is really not doing well out of all this, is it? Yeah I know the big thing happened with M-Day ages back, but as Beast/Iceman pointed out (can't remember which), the entire population of mutants (effectively) is on it's own island nation, waiting to be eradicated in one fell swoop. On another note
  12. Let The Right One In Wow, really brilliant. Not a fault. Just really...beautiful? Original, injects life and zest into a horrible genre of shiteness ("vampire"), wonderfully acted and filmed and paced perfectly. Not predictable at all etc. 10/10
  13. Caught up with Uncanny and Invincible. Lovely. Uncanny just seems really well written. I'll also read Siege at some point. Also, what makes it "7 years in the making?". What happened 7 years ago?
  14. That dissapointed me. I can't remember why. I should really listen to it again.
  15. I had no idea what it was. (until you just explained it) Seems pointless.
  16. My recent listenings I love; and Loved that Doors album for a while, only stuff of their I own/have heard, but it's good. Just listened to The Cure for the first time today.
  17. The colour one is way more dynamic. Or something. I prefer it.
  18. I never finished The Wire Season 1. It was brilliant. But so involving and unrelenting and I think at the time I really wasn't geling with it. But yeah, It's awesome and I'll finish it and move onto the others soon!
  19. Oh. That might explain why it's never on my radar then.
  20. She was on a list of "Upcoming!" in Q, but so was Ellie Goulding, I like her a lot more... ALTHOUGH I just discovered not all her stuff is like that, it's electro-y...I thought this acoustic verison was the actual one (didn't say it wasn't on iTunes)..the actual one I just heard is really bad. (ly produced by Frankmusik) But I love the video version I posted in any case.
  21. Veronica Mars is on my "list". I always forget about it when I'm in shops looking at boxsets though.
  22. I was very late onto the bandwagon, but recently I realised I really like Vampire Weekend. I love the noises of Africa. I'm actually excited for their new one.
  23. I want to take you home. And wish you birthday greatness.
  24. Hmm. Well might find it on the shack of TV soonish (or somewhere similar). I'm more interested in Caprica. Saw about 25 mins of the first episode a while back.
  25. ^ I heard it was comprised of 80% clips, but was mildly interesting? If not I may skip/read a summary.
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