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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Vampires have (almost) ALWAYS been tied to romance/sexuality. Their bloodlust has been used symbolically (as it is even in Twilight a little bit, though Meyer shoves in her Mormon views there just to be rude) and metaphorically. Especially in things like Dracula.
  2. I love how there's so much intention behind it all, but I'm left so perplexed. Like..who made this? Why? I imagine it as some sort of really specific meme from a forum or something.
  3. My friend (Dutch but lived in Wales) was so sad. Just loads of cheering in the pub. I'm personally waiting for Wales vs. Scotland. I'm ready. I'm going to the pub in a kilt.
  4. Sorry you lost the rugby.
  5. Lol @ the first one. Reminds me of when Daft accused Marvel of being all about bright colours and shoving crotches in your face. :p
  6. Paj!


    I just found it interesting that in the first the characters are presented differently. It doesn't indicate humour particularly, looks more like an action film or something on the way to being one, the characters are expressionless, very little romantic hinted at apart from the "personal" bit, etc. *shrugs* It's a very supermarket thing I've noticed (and probably in other shops too but that's where I've noticed the "He/She" stickers and the girly borders. It's incredibly primitive and obtuse though...it's like...PAINT IT PINK AND PUT FLOWERS ON IT SO GIRLS KNOW IT'S FOR THEM. Probably works a little bit though. :/
  7. Are they really "truly amazing"? I'm hardly one to talk about hyperbole, but sometimes it verges on being a lie. :p It was good/fine (better than the abortion that was the 3 pages I read of Twilight), with some cooler elements than the series, and some absolute rubbish they made better in the series.
  8. Would go in a generic film thread but anyway- I noticed this and found it interesting. When Bounty Hunter (2010) was in cinemas, the poster was this: Now the DVD cover is this: It made me think about the marketing of films (and other entertainment products). Now I've never seen The Bounty Hunter, but the trailer makes it seem like a mix of romantic comedy and mild action (i.e guns! cars!). Isn't it interesting that the original poster, which gives off quite an "action"/masculine vibe has been replaced with a typical awful photoshopped rom-com cover, complete with the "GIRLY FILMS" border and even a pink title? I dunno why I made this thread, but I find the targetting of a certain audience/the packaging of a product (literally and figuratively) interesting. Was it aiming at male audiences with the poster and trailer highlighting the guns (with doses of the female-friendly Aniston-playing-Rachel moments), but failed to resonate or pull in the numbers it wanted? Is it now going after the 'female audience" with a stupid "funny" cover and flowers? Is this not a bit patronising? tldr; perplexed/annoyed/interested by the marketing of certain things at certain people.
  9. I don't really think much about the conspiracy/supposed dangers of mobile phones etc, but I met this weird guy while out one night (stunning long hair and red leather jacket, felt like a playable character) who was of ambiguous european origin, and had no reason to be there (he wasn't with anyone, no one knew how he attached himself to our group). He was going on about how he doesn't carry a mobile. And he owns one, but keeps it off, in a box hidden away in his room lest he ever need it. He said something haunting (can't remember exactly) about how we should think not about a supervirus or zombie apocalypse killing off swathes of humanity, but how sad it'll be when we all drop dead from brain tumors in 20 years. Mentioned the "silence" of that kind of extinction.
  10. Yeah the music is far too good. It makes no sense. Like...why not make the show good too? I just understand bad things where there's been so little effort put into the writing/plot.
  11. This...is just too much I wish that I could have this moment 4 life. Slugma has been around for a decade. :p And Blitzle is a new one from Black/White.
  12. Oh I heard this! The other day! In a film...which one?! ARGH. Oh no...it was in Skins. Less fun. I quite like it though. Bits sound like Grace Jones, the child voice reminds me of Boards of Canada (vaguely) etc. Nice. --- I'm not sure where to take this thread now.
  13. Yeah I might send a little letter. I was half-tempted to ask to talk to the police guy/authority man in a hi-vis jacket who she went to consult, since it was presumably him who confirmed that I was in fact a filthy faker. But then I never get angry enough to do so, and don't like when people take out frustration on people/workers who don't know any better, or are "doing their jobs".
  14. You should stop taking what I say as though it's imposing a rule on you. I'm just sending what I'm thinking into the ether like everyone else here. You could argue I should have just said nothing, but I did, and it's done, and we should all just get over the fact it's happened, and no one was harmed. I have new view on the use of words. /ok.
  15. Ya it's brill. Loved it (I love Lars Von Trier as a director too), but I just turned the DVD off a few weeks ago, only about 15 mins in. I don't think I wanted to watch it again. :p Thread rip fail.
  16. I'm so scared of lacking foward momentum. Obvs atm I'm fine. Everything boils down to this though. I'm terrifed of the metaphorical concept of 1920's Richmond.
  17. Yeah, epitomizes [american spelling on purpose] my feelings on the album. The verses have something to tell me, but the production/song construction tells me little. Especially in constrast to it's counterpart Raining Men on Loud. There's a reason Roman's Revenge was the one played tonight and not this. I love "Sea full a' sharks an' they all smell blood". 6/10
  18. I assume this is the negative thread. WELL *smacks lips* AT SAINSBURY'S TONIGHT I WENT TO BIUY ALCOHOL AS I HAVE MANY TIMES Paid at self-service, and had to verify my I.d with the woman. I showed her my provisional drivers license, stating that I am indeed a 19 year-old male caucasian person, etc etc. It's the i.d I use on a day to day basis. The woman stared at it for ages, then took my friends i.d. I figured "Well at least she's ACTUALLY looking at it/doing her job". Then she left, to consult with another worker, then a POLICE MAN/SECURITY PERSON. My friend and I were half-laughing, like "Wtf, um lol we're 19.18 respectively ROFL" and then she eventually came back, and said "SORRY I JUST DON'T BELIEVE THESE ARE REAL". .... wut. She claimed "real" provisional licenses had just "Driver license" at the top instead of "PROVISIONAL driver license" and were a different colour. I pointed out in shock/laughter that she must be referring to ACTUAL full licenses, which are pink, but she said "no, sorry loads of fakes are going around with the exact same format of yours, and basically all the ones that looks like yours are fake". Which is WRONG since mine is real. HOWEVER, it's not her fault, it's just her job to tell lies/spread falsities, so I told her such and like metaphorically put my head on her shoulder before leaving really annoyed/shocked at being told my i.d was fake. I love/hate. Fact is I get served un-i.d most places, and was the next shop down the road. It was a humbling experience though. I felt guilty, like I'd done something. But then because I'm so well-behaved/such a brilliant person, I always feel scorned whenever I'm accused of something I haven't done.
  19. Oh just shut the fuck uup everyone. Do formspring or don't. No one's caring.
  20. It fits melodically into the song though. And it's a great song.
  21. The only "allies" I can see really working ae Catwoman and Huntress. And as I mentioned, Huntress need only be a reference/cameo thing.
  22. I have issue with the fact "yard" doesn't rhyme with "Ninty".
  23. That's on my list.
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