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Everything posted by Wolfhound

  1. Well i got in to the wii points part of the site but got this message: The Wii Points Card Shop is momentarily closed due to maintenance work. Please come back later. We apologise for the inconvenience. Der Wii Points Card Shop ist zur Zeit aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten geschlossen. Bitte schau später wieder rein! Wir bitten, die Unannehmlichkeiten zu entschuldigen. La boutique Wii Points Cards est momentanément fermée pour cause de maintenance. Prière de revenir ultérieurement. Nous vous prions de nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée. La Wii Points Card Shop está temporalmente cerrada por labores de mantenimiento. Vuelve más tarde. Nos disculpamos por las molestias. Il Wii Points Card shop è momentaneamente chiuso per manutenzione. Ti preghiamo di riprovare più tardi. Ci scusiamo per il disagio. De Wii Points Card Shop is momenteel gesloten vanwege onderhoudswerk. Probeer het later nog eens. Onze excuses voor het ongemak.
  2. Just got an email from Play.com to say that they haven't received any RGB cables and won't make the launch date with them. Mid December is a possibility now.
  3. BAD NEWS :mad: It seems we in Europe have been shafted again! All RGB Cables AND Component cables have been pushed back in europe to the 15th of December!! Play.com (who i have ordered from) have apparently emailed a few people letting them know of the delay, they have yet to email me though. Play have removed all reference to the cables on their site also!! Game though have updated their site accordingly with the new 15th release date, Gameplay on the other hand are a little slow.
  4. Apparently Zelda will be released as normal (as a normal GC game) amongst a Revolution section. As for the shelf space, Sony pay GAME huge amounts of money for it. The GAME website will stock GC though. I seen the GAME memo on the situation and it doesn't look good.
  5. Unfortunately GAME stores across the UK and Ireland will start phasing out Gamecube stock from 6th March 2006, which includes all games and accessories! This will largely affect smaller stores, larger stores will however remain selling Gamecube a little while longer, still at FULL price, they will recieve extra stock from the countless smaller stores that have to discontinue the system. Bad move I say. Shelf space is supposedly the decider.
  6. Got ICO myself and it is one hell of a moody game! Moody as in very atmospehric, weird, dreamy, confusing etc etc But it is good, atleast so far. It's not what i expected it to be that's for sure, but still a good game. Have to finish it first to make a better opinion.
  7. These Analysts always base on what the situation is 'Now' and are clearly using the fact that X-Box 360 has this miraculous so-called head start.
  8. The "PIRA" are the mainstream "IRA". The PIRA are commonly referred to and called IRA, which is to not confuse matters. The PIRA are the ones who have just decommissioned and gone out of business. The CIRA and the RIRA are splinter groups that split from the mainstream PIRA (IRA). Confusing for non-Irish I know. lol.
  9. That Arsenal of weapons is tiny compared to the combined weapons of the British Army serving in this part of Ireland. Let alone the weapons of the Loyalist Death Squad Terrorists, that were funded and equipped from the Ian Paisley formed Terrorist organisation- Ulster Resistance and others. The IRA's move is brilliant news and hopefully will spur on those Loyalists to decommission for peace. But that won't happen anytime soon.
  10. Ye, I know. Listening to the Unionists moaning on T.V makes them out to be bigots, which is a good thing as they are showing the world who and what they really are. Sinn Féin Abú- The ballot box will gain us freedom a lot quicker, thats why they are worried.
  11. Paisley isn't only a twit, but a hate filled Anti-Catholic bigot, along with his D.U.P cohorts. Sinn Féin will gain more support through this latest effort in the Irish peace process, that is only plain to see. From that we will see within the coming months the paranoia and fear from the Unionists of the growing Nationalist electorate, that will have a showing in the polls. Now is the time for full Patten Reforms of the bigoted police of the N.E of Ireland, the full withdrawl/removal of the foreign British Army installations and fortresses and the crack down on the Loyalist paramilitary terrorists and Orange Order, that are not only terrorising the native Irish of Ulster, but their own community as well!
  12. This isn't Nintendo's own leaflet! It's from Friday's edition of MCV, which included a 30 page supplement on "The Wonderful Christmas World of Nintendo Handheld". It was interesting reading.
  13. Thanks for the references regarding the 'Shell'. However I feel this set up could only be used for retro gaming. But there is a danger lazy third party developers could just use the shell for ports, which would be a travesty to be honest, especially not opting for the unique potential of the rev controller. Dave Perry would be one of those that would be lazy enough not to experiment and try something new with the new controller, if going by his recent remarks can be taken into consideration.
  14. Forget the shell! What's the point in Nintendo spending all that time and effort on a new set up, a supposed revolutionary one at that, only to revert to a shell which would be an easy and enticing way to go for the 'not so sure' 3rd party developers. In fact, I haven't seen or heard Nintendo mentioning a "Shell" only IGN (who were the first to post a mock up shell) so if anyone has the quote from Nintendo themselves regarding a 'Shell' please post it so I can get a read. With the Nunchuck/chaku set up, as was previously mentioned above, we do not 'need' a traditional controller set up. And if Iwata is to be believed (going by the recent German interview) after touching and using the controller, we will never want to use the old approach to controllers again.
  15. Argh! Has Tim Street actually READ what members of cube-europe forums had regarding improving the magazine? I mean, come on Tim! How long is it now since you started that thread on cube-europe!? We don't want Pokémon stickers for crying out loud! And other nonsense free gifts that only end up in the bin! Btw I have read MCV and their public poll, stating that females read NOM more than males. I wonder why. As for the new Viewtiful Joe game, it's only a preview, not a final score. So we can only live in hope.
  16. I think the DS is better suited for GTA than GC (or PS2 for that matter).
  17. Resident Evil 4.....In the Resident Evil series. I wouldn't say it is the greatest game ever, but it surely ranks above all other RE games.
  18. Lol. In reality i wonder what is really going on in Gates's mind after the controller unveiling.
  19. Well I was 'WOLF-HOUND' and now i'm plain old 'Wolfhound' Maybe someone could transfer some of the old topics over, if it is possible. Or perhaps it's a better idea to start from scratch, keeping the vibrant, fresh approach.
  20. Congrats to the team who created this fresh look, coincidentally fitting in so well with Nintendo's new Revolution set-up colour scheme! Congrats to Conor Smyth too! A fellow Lurgan man- as small as this Irish town is of ours! And who went to the same school. As we say over here..."Good on ye!"
  21. Is AMN a registered company?, corporate or otherwise? or another fan based internet network hub? I'm a bit confused about it to be honest.
  22. I sincerely hope it is rechargeable.
  23. Batteries would be a be concern with it. Will they release a lithium battery for it or will it be cumbersome AAA/AA batteries all the time? Costing a fortune in the long run.
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