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  1. I love these quaint walkways in and around Edinburgh.
  2. I bought a microwave, which will be delivered today. πŸ™‚
  3. I'm 39 and have no recollection of when I joined N-Europe. But I joined my first forum on 16 May, 2003. It was the IMDb boards. 😁
  4. I didn't even know Meowth's original voice actress had passed away until yesterday. 😧
  5. Can anybody recommend me good suspenceful horror films on Netflix, that may be in the vein of Disturbia or Wrong Turn? I particularly enjoy ones about people acting odd next door, which invokes suspicion in someone. Or ones where people get lost in some rural spot with cannibals in pursuit, or whatever, are always good to watch. The haunted house type films are good too, but many of them are a slog. But I find I just get bored quickly if they fail to hook me in.
  6. Nae bang, bang, over fighting with teh booger sugar bossmen, now. I live in this area. πŸ˜‹ 🏠 https://www.edinburghlive.co.uk/news/edinburgh-news/edinburgh-fire-property-linked-kingpin-31253050 😬
  7. Excuse me. It is Ma'am. ☺️
  8. This is a really nippy part of Silent Hill: The Short Message. Sakura Head is breathing down your neck, but you have to pick up all the memos. It needs patched though, to include a 'New Game' option.
  9. CM Punk has shaved. https://www.wrestling-world.com/news/news/wwe/34678/cm-punk-shaves-beard-ahead-of-upcoming-return/
  10. If Neil keeps saying a third game is not happening, he is telling you that because it is indeed in production. According to some leaker, at least. Neil would rather just focus on his other Naughty Dog project first. https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/the-last-of-us-part-3-casting-rumor-filming-ps5/
  11. I hope we get Silent Hill: Townfall news soon. Konami is definitely going to have future transmissions to cover the series.
  12. I actually noticed years ago that RE8 was sort of copying the SH series. The house over the bridge looks a lot like the P.T. house. Then the plot with Ethan and Rosemary Winters was very similar to the cult thing that had gone on with Harry and Heather Mason, with Rosemary saying she is hated by other teenagers because of her past or powers, or whatever it was. And it's easy to compare Miranda to Claudia Wolf, or Dahlia from before. And this part with the mannequins, too... That's all very Silent Hill like to me. But this is very peculiar for the Resident Evil series. Seeing as how RE ain't really meant to be presenting itself like a supernatural tale, this does seem like they were just trying to rip off Konami. 🀣
  13. The [new] Silent Hill games don't have nurses anymore. But I swear. When games stop having shades of what they were founded upon, it just doesn't feel right. But maybe the health drinks will still be included. It's like when the Resident Evil games stopped having zombies. You could see it was moving into corny territory with the sh*t Capcom eventually chucked in. But even so, RE has somehow lasted this long as a franchise, with people praising the games highly to keep it atop the mountain. But I still fail to see what this game (a mainline game too, supposedly) has to do with 'Silent Hill' itself. So maybe call it by a different name then. πŸ‘€ Seeing as how it is not even set in Silent Hill, the game is just part of a shared universe, because Konami wants it that way. 🀀
  14. They hinted that it means find. But I couldn't help but think that the game has little in common with past entries. πŸ˜‘ With how they were talking about the ideas and so on and so forth, it was like the whole time, they just wanted to remind you of the essence being intact. Although to me, it felt like they were making a confession to sway away from saying, "This ain't truly a Silent Hill game. But we will feed you dialogue to say otherwise". Like, "Hey. It may feel like you are in Silent Hill, as the atmosphere is all there and blah, blah. It is, however, set in Japan as opposed to the United States. So fans will obviously ask questions. We hope nonetheless, you will enjoy it". It's just like Capcom and RE all over again. Putting the name there to market a game that looks and feels unaffiliated with what has occurred. But hell. The game seems interesting in its own right, even if the correlation to the older titles isn't really there at all, from what I can observe on my own. And bugger off, typos. 😈
  15. We've had quite a wait for any update since the fall of 2022. But finally. It will all go down tonight. Do you think "f" is linked to "The Short Message", due to the flower monster in the original trailer being similar to Sakura Head from the game, that we received in January of last year as a free download? To clarify...
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