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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. I'm using the GonGon one for my tea!
  2. How much did the movies cost and where did you get them from?
  3. Same here. I never find there is anything good on t.v.
  4. How long have people been watching Anime for? I've only been fully interested since the end of 2005, although i did watch pokemon when i was younger. Snorlax ftw!!!
  5. They should definately not have called it Mario Party 8 because no matter how good the game is with a title like that it will always feel stale. They should have given it a name with more alliteration like Mario Party: Minigame Madness. However despite the name, this game looks quite good I missed out on 6 and 7 and the wiimote could be used in some nice ways. Although there is a severe lack in an online mode which would've been great for this game.
  6. thanks for the recommendations i will check them out.
  7. Watched the first episode, it is great so far though a little weird... Hopefully it will gain one more fan. I will continue to watch it. What anime are people watching at the moment?
  8. Any recommendations on a short anime series i could watch? Is Honey and Clover short because i might watch that.
  9. LOL don't hate me:D Ok maybe 'hate' is a too stronger word but FMA was the first anime dvd i bought. I listened to it in english and thought fine but as soon as i switched to japanese and then i went back to the english it was no-where near as good. Compared to the japanese i think their bad, but again not the worst dubs ever. This is the point in time where i became a fan of the subs!!!
  10. I hate The FMA dubs, they are painful to listen to.
  11. Although it is not the worst dubbing i have ever heard Light sounds odd and does not sound menacing enough, as if he could justify the killing of people to get what he wants. Also he sounds a bit like a whiny american teenager.
  12. Happy Birthday!!!
  13. Another good week for the Nintendo DS, it's crazy how many uints it sells. The Nintendo Wii is doing equally as well also.
  14. Battle Royale 8/10 great movie, forgot i'd recorded it and watched the last bit i had not watched the other day. King Kong (Peter Jackson) 8/10 The ending is so sad. Poor King Kong so misunderstood... he only ever wanted to be loved:sad:
  15. This show is Awesome!!!, one of my favorite animes. I watched it in the order it was broadcast it is much better that way.
  16. LOL i'm not actually insane. It was just the first thing that entered my head when i read your post.
  17. How many bears out of seven would you rate noein.
  18. I felt something missing as well. I miss the hype, the fake news and then the actual official news which gets me excited for the rest of the year. I want E3 back!!!
  19. Thats a Shame. I bet someone gets one, puts it on ebay and get loads of money for it.
  20. If done right this game could be amazing, I loved soul calibur 2 and the adventure sounds really interesting. This could be a definite purchase.
  21. That looks Awesome. I need one of those. If only i had money...
  22. There is a cat in darker than black that you might be able to use. Look into the cats eyes his angry.
  23. Happy Birthday Supergrunch!
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