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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. 12 Player Online, Oh Yes! this is going to be GREAT! Let the tournaments Begin! This game is looking really good, and the Motorbikes look great and a lot of fun, A welcome addition, along with the stunts!
  2. WELCOME TO THE FORUMS! You seem Great to talk to already!
  4. @ Fresh: He makes great posts, is a fantastic member and Created my Beautiful sig! And he likes Matt Parkman! Edit: Already done Daft but he still remains to be AWESOME!
  5. Rezourceman makes EXCELLENT COOKIES and has provided me with many a LOL.
  6. Hmm... I suppose Forgetting my homework was slightly annoying today, since the essay took me two hours!
  7. Lol, I did get completely Smashed! You even beat Miltank! And Haruhi is in my Avatar who is the most positive Character ever!!!
  8. Darksnowman comes from Northen Ireland=INSTANT WIN! and gave me great Pokemon battles in the Summer!
  9. Thanks! I wasn't quite sure from the video. The man filming it should have zoomed in a bit! I like her different Final Smash! All the videos of the game are great. I'm going to need to play Smash Bros. Melee, but i don't own the game.
  10. Cool, Ok! Do check out some of the other great series sometime! I'm going to rewatch Haruhi nearer the time of the second season coming out! so it can hold me over until i get new episodes! Although after finishing it i just want to watch it again straight away! I've watched Dragonaut, other new anime this season! It has had a quite good start.
  11. *HUGS UK* Dante, An excellent bringer of news and an AWESOME GUY! Who loves Gurren Lagann!
  12. I was thinking that's what the feature could be. I hope it is! and that they keep it in. It would be great if we can have replays and save clips from them! something like Halo 3. Thanks For the Videos Dante! :awesome: Peaches Final Smash Looks Like you freeze the opponents for a certain amount of time. I'm not sure...
  13. Triforce Keeper is a cool guy, Loves Zelda! and likes his hair a certain way!
  14. A SUPERFUNHAPPY GUY! who loves his Lol based Adventures!
  15. An AWESOME forumer, who makes great posts and has made me laugh on several occasions!
  16. I know, i shouldn't watch thee..... *watches* Mmmmn...MARIOLICIOUS!!!!
  17. Having Watched NGE, have you got the anime bug!? Are you going to watch more series?
  18. So your the one who has been confusing people's minds! I can assure you that i'm male!
  19. YEAH! of course! After tonight i hope no one thinks i'm still a girl! :awesome:
  20. I love the New Mario Wallpaer Cube! IT IS EXCELLENT! I'm using it as mine!
  21. The Game is So Beautiful! *drools*
  22. WOO! I just found out Sonic is in Brawl. Awesome! :awesome: The trailer is GREAT!
  23. 4 and a half Bears out of Seven! I quite like the style!
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