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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Phones, i don't get the fascination with them! People spend there lives slave to the Phones with constant texts. maybe i just don't have friends...
  2. Kramer Vs Kramer. It's a good movie! 5 bears out of 7
  3. Ellmeister! I love that name! And I like the name Julia. i have no idea why!
  4. *quickly decides not to post the picture of him wearing a skirt*
  5. I used to get NEO it was a good read! (when i read it) I'm quite a bit Further in FMA now, it's an excellent show! I'm also trying out some of the other shows that have started this Season.
  6. Anyone watched Clannad? I watched the First episode on saturday morning. I enjoyed it! Although it did confuse me slightly... It crammed a lot into one episode! I'm going to keep watching.
  7. I'm definately getting this! i had decided this as soon as they had announced it!
  8. I purchased a Bruchetta Slice with Sausages and ham on it today on the way up to a Family Anniversary. IT WAS TASTALICIOUS!
  9. Yeah, the blueness really puts me off!
  10. Ah okay! it just looked odd! What does it taste like?
  11. The online leaderboards is a nice idea. However a full online mode would have sold the game for me! *is sitting on the fence*
  12. I LOVE it 6 Bears out of 7!
  13. I agree Randy is definately the best character! He always manages to make me laugh! I enjoyed this Episode and thought it was funny. I was also suprised they hadn't done this before. This season has been a bit too Cartman Centered, he is a great character! but they just need to give some of the others more of a look in! Bring on more Randy!
  14. The picture made me laugh, your expressions! Another GREAT picture!
  15. I don't care about the story! As long as the gameplay is Awesome (which the game looks like it has nailed) then i'll be a Happy Bear.
  16. Co-Op mode! This is a Great addition! they really have packed everything into the game!
  17. I give yours 5 bears out of 7 I quite like it! it's simple but effective!
  18. I've been watching FMA all evening. It is Excellent! once i finish it i can see it will make it into my favourites!
  19. Crusts! I have no problem with them.
  21. *Attempts to defuse the situation with a hug*
  22. I was Like WHAT? at first. Then giggled at some of the "jokes" about the name. Then my non educated (at games) friends made the same lame jokes and silly puns i had heard ages before and it was no longer mildly amusing. I liked the name! after my initial reaction.
  23. Looking back on the thread! Ash Mat came up with BEARDY PORTUGESE MAN!! Then Bluejay said Beardyman! Then you Made the name official!
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