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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Yes! Is that Waiting for Godot in it's orginally French Written form? have you seen it in french?
  2. "Nothing happens. nobody comes. nobody goes. It's awful" From Waiting for Godot!
  3. What about the Remix!? http://youtube.com/watch?v=PHGE7bO6Mg8 I love The Sony Bravia Adverts! Especially this one: http://youtube.com/watch?v=A08HQP_SlOA
  4. I'm sure the Shadow Bears can arrange this to happen!
  5. HARUHI FTW! but From Naruto, Hinata is THE BEST! :awesome:
  6. I like my Belkins one! There is rarely a problem with the It. Except when trying to connect with my DS! Which if you have ever tried to play me at a Wifi game you'll know all about. It doesn't do it any more though.
  7. So am I! That will never get old. Classic...lol...
  8. I got up and did more work! Finishing off my notes on Natural Law Ethics, Checking my Tempest book was completely annotated on EVERY page so far and learning my Psycology. For lunch i had Mini Mini Pitta breads and decided to drink Orange Juice out of a large Wine glass! The rest of the day i played More Metroid and Tingle, watched an episode of scrubs, surfed the internet and listened to Music! Another lazy day! *bites into his Dairy Milk Bar*
  10. I've been listening to a lot of Music today! and i got my Last FM working again! But the song i have stuck in my head is The A Team theme tune! When i haven't listened to it today! or for at least a few months.
  11. Cool Thanks! I've Finished Naruto! Time To start Shippuden. It has taken me a while to get here but I watched the last episodes early this morning.
  12. I've had a Great day! I got up about 6 and did some work for school. Then i had some breakfast and played some Metroid Prime 3! Afterwards i went to a local Art exhibition and had to vote for my favourite Painting, i saw one with Hilarious Cows in it So voted for that. I came back and had some lunch (Pitta Bread FTW) and went on the computer for a bit, then had the sudden urge to Play Donkey Konga so got out the old Bongos and played it for about an hour. I then went up to the shops and checked whether i had enough money for mario next week and ought a Cd! oh and had to get a new passport Photo! So in short a Lazy day!
  13. Haku is male as He is always described as Male but he does look like a woman, i aways think of him as a girl as there is no way he can be! (but HE is..) And what episode is Grown Up Hinata in?
  14. I bought: I got it in red!
  15. I really Like Metacritics! It's a good website. I posted them here as i thought it would be easier to see all the scores so far!
  16. It's a bit early but i just had the Most Awesome Marshmellow Snowman Cookie! I'm sorry to hear that The Villan. *Hugs*
  17. From MetaCritics! http://www.metacritics.com/games/platforms/wii/supermariogalaxy It gives an overall Critic score of 97 and links to full reviews of the game.
  18. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I really Love that drawing! i find it Hilarious! I've had a good day! I didn't do much but the general Friday Feeling was good! Watched Scrubs and The Simpsons during my Breaks and Had the most DELICIOUS Apple for lunch! And now it's the weekend!
  19. If he was made a character! that would be so good! He would have a really Unique Moveset! Assist trophy will do! Come on Nintendo!
  20. I have a sponge like Memory but for History, English, Rs and Pscology! not french... i'm very pleased i got a B at GCSE! MBAM I wish i got biscuits on a friday!
  21. You did take French though! That is just Painful...
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