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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. any better Flinky/Shadow?
  2. Awww... I thought I had it! Ohoho Cheeky. Cheese Cat-Astrophe Starring Speedy Gonzales
  3. You're a genius. Although the ball does naturally want to hit me. (which briefly made me a competent Goal Keeper) until I got a bit temperamental, haha!
  4. Omj! that would be awesome. Strangely I have been goal posts before! Also I read your post wrong and thought you said the other Goal Posts should be Ducks! I remember when I had a football net in the garden and my sister used to WHAM! (occasional football to the groin incidents :p) it into the back of the net, which promptly meant the insecure net just cascaded down on top of me and I got entangled into the mesh, helpless and confused as my mother stared out the window and said "What would you like to drink?"
  5. Ooh thanks for posting that I lost my Gif version of that! and that seems higher quality!
  6. A wild Joe appeared! *Battle music* Blue uses walking... It's a miss. Joe uses Sleep on the couch. It was not very effective. Bluey uses Slap, it was Super Effective. Joe is confused and may hurt himself in the confusion... Joe uses flail attack. EPIC FLAIL! Bluey uses teleport. (into Jamba's sexy arms) THE END. (I need to go to sleep)
  7. Hohoho, I see what you are getting at Paj!
  9. Cool. She looks good on a HDTV. Trust Me. Having spent a brief time as a moderator on a pop music forum. (that's a story for another day) I think you can combine two of them together as apparently I'm a Sarayl Fan which is of course Sarah and Cheryl put together! :p One have one when you can have both?
  10. Haha, I love. I have the Calendar and it is currently on this month. I'm not going to be able to look at her with out seeing a Villian! Haha, I loved someones reaction when they walked into my room the other day they were like.. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?
  11. Have you been watching Season 20? It's a bit better. but yeah a shell of it's former self. Yeah... that is pretty fail. I'm the biggest Simpsons fan there is (hehe.) and see that as ridiculous! If I was in a relationship I'd go on a walk or whatever, you can watch the Simpsons any time!!!
  12. I fail at pictures. I'll sort it out, again.
  13. Me thinks it is time for a lesson. :p The pictures are from the Calendar. My pictures borked again! They'll be back!
  14. I've got 4 more years. Woohoo! (actually I phased out of watching the Simpsons at a specific time when I was 16) Now that's maturity! :p
  15. I've always been told "Teeth falling out" means you are anxious about something! I usually have those dreams when I'm stressed. The worst is when my teeth fell out and I was forced to eat them for money. They were hollow and I ended up hurling them at the farmers that were keeping me captaive!
  16. Ever read anything written in Nuts/Zoo? They are hilarious. (not in a good way!)
  17. OMJ PARTY RINGS! Okay I love Tortilla's they arouse me in all the wrong ways. I also have a Fetish Bear...
  18. This. (New Signature and Avatar coming soon! )
  19. Sit with me... I'll bring cake! (ooh maybe cupcakes)
  20. Finally an excuse to use my gif!
  21. Speedy Gonzales in Los Gatos Bandidos!?
  22. Well that's good! I get "OH GOOOOOOOD WE ARE NOT PLAYING N+ AGAIN"...that was painful". :p
  23. Haha, this amuses me to. My friend always laughs at my poor accuracy but to be fair to him I am not very good! I did run in with the shocking device to often and hope for the best, though! :p
  24. Cool! ^____^ This evening I've been listening to Unter Null. I'm not even sure I guess a form of EBM a genre I'm not really familiar with. It is intensely relaxing...if something can be that. I haven't forgotten Paj! I shall be listening to Cementimental either tomorrow evening or Saturday.
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