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Everything posted by DomJcg

  1. Wow, just wow, we thought it may happen, but thats just amazing, they've created all new jumping on points that really work best if you've read FlashPoint. I must say this is the ballsiest move i've ever seen by the big two, their relaunching their whole line and going to day and date them digitally? Simply outstanding, could either work amazingly or backfire. By the by, Jim lee's batman's costume is the batman inc costume, it's safe to say that it is sticking around. Geoff and Jim, its going to be beautiful.
  2. I thought that it was being annoucned on the 11th of June at a comic-con? Bleeding cool are leaking the news maybe? Anyway! REVIEW TIME The Flash: Rebirth Went in to this having read the main Flash series by Geoff Johns, I read somewhere that the two weren't tied together that much. I think that was apt, it has Flash villians, minor ones that react to Barry coming back alive, it was nice and it showed how widely impacting the return was. Minor niggle was that introducing the villains breifly seemed to set up later issues, which isn't happening because Johns is not continuing his run. I really liked the book though, it was awesome in the sense that it had many powerful moments, and a very personal feud at the heart of the book. Its easy to see Johns continuing the beats of Rebirth in Flashpoint, Rebirth sets the foundations but only if you started Flashpoint, otherwise it is a standalone story. Which is unusal for Johns and very nice too. I think if it was around I would have read Wally and Barts flashes, such is the likableness for the characters that Johns gave you. I think it is actually very memorable series, it doesn't alter much to the flash mythos as it does reveal things you didn't know about the flash mythos even after some fifty years. Very impressed actually. tl;dr : Score 9/10
  3. *ignores rez due to time constraints* HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  4. Really Goeff? your twelve issues of flash was all you could think to do with the character? Poor show indeed...(plus flashpoint and rebirth...) I'm looking forward to Aquaman rebirth now
  5. Well Blackest Night and Flash Rebirth arrived today Will let you know what I think of it laaaaaaaaaaaaaater (after i've read them...) Maybe we should do our own reviews ...?
  6. I seeee, written and drawn by him...
  7. Who's the artist?
  8. I've only just read them (three this week, 30 quid would have been spent on all the issues...if i paid for them)
  9. I had completely forgotten i'd met you ReZ, i think my brain must have buried the memory. Bravo?
  10. GUH! Butterfly World! there's a few of them round there (didn't know you live/went to there! I live in the town over) Go to the roman ruins in st albans their awesome
  11. Hmm interesting... as for the dream/sliding door lady
  12. some thing much worse
  13. I stopped watching when the break started (it happens, stupid american tv!) what happened in the end?
  14. Um, 5 years ago? Grant Morrison made him (although...i guess O'Neil/Bruce/Talia did...?) and Dicks been batman for over two years now. Ever since
  15. Dwarf Shortage
  16. Its my second exam of four today! woohoo! Its also the hardest! out of the way early yatta!
  17. Everything is normal now thank yee
  18. give it time you hoe

  19. Why is the time on every thread out by an hour?
  20. My girlfriends dream last night? "I just couldn't stop the ducks eating glass dom, I just couldn't!"
  21. It's no big deal he was in my room once squeeeeeeeeeee One exam done, 3 to go, hardest tomorrow!
  22. Mind recapping what happened from 7 onwards? my memory is foggy (I am on issue...79 now) but yeh, it hits the ground running and builds up from there. Just wait til 25
  23. These are the worthy!
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