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Everything posted by DomJcg

  1. Batman & Robin 1 Batwoman 1 Demon Knights 1 Frankenstein: Agent of Shade 1 Green Lantern 1 Thats all folks, might get grifter but I'm not expecting it to be great, don't recognise the team...but as this is the DCnU so I might as well.
  2. Or a teacher, or went to oxford or cambridge etc. Most shops there last a year or two before going into administration. How is the job hunt going anyway? I get to apply for teaching jobs in november (eek)
  3. Civil war? OMD? (Lol) ... Dark Pheonix saga? Most daredevil stories?
  4. Spent three days at a primary school for the pgce course, was pretty fun but it really showed me that I want to be a secondary school teacher. Also the quote thing is weird not sure if thats good or not....
  5. Stormwatch is by Cornell, its largely unknown by the world and solves extraterrestrial problems/problems too bizarre for the league. Its pretty larger than life. I loved it Rez
  6. Just read Stormwatch, it was great really, fantastic, larger than life. Saw the goddess, she was glowing this time I think she should appear in every comic of dc's forever, and they should never explain her.
  7. Yes PaJ! Go for Snyders new batman, he was amazing in detective.
  9. Really? Poop, i dislike Tony Daniels writing no dc for me.
  10. EEEEEK the DCNu starts properly tomorrow Swamp thing wonder woman batman animal man action comics
  11. I must say happenstance, your sig is boss, thats the morlun issues isn't it? JMS at his best, what issues are they, I'm tempted to purchase them.
  12. Just read flashpoint 5, thought it was really good
  13. So! NuDC/DCnU is next week I wonder how well flashpoint 5 will sell this time around
  14. Just went to go see my nan at the old folks home, she's looking a lot better. Talked for about 20 minutes, at christmas she said hello then fell asleep so this was really good. Felt much better that I saw her before I left for the north
  15. Just cleared out my room of crap, threw away 7 rubbish bags (3 of them clothes). Feels good, now my life is packed into my car. Ready to move out
  16. True, but nowadays there is alot more good than bad. I have reservations about anything Scott lobdell writes. I've been burned by his x-men. He's writing 4 comics i think? Too much I think.
  17. I must say I'm looking forward to the defenders and aarons Hulk, both will be amazing. Annoyed that gillens leaving GHope, I'm enjoying the series. Is James Asmus any good? never heard of him?
  18. Might not hear from me for awhile. Or sporadically. I'm moving up to Carlisle on the Monday! Going to be in a class room in just under two months, little kiddies beware! The internet is shocking up there so i'm 'getting' as many films as possible right now, got 15 so far for the enviable snow days.
  19. Agreed. Schmucks
  20. DUN DUN DUN Torchy Torch anyone?
  21. I drove past the enfield fire at 2pm, it was ridiculously big
  22. I am enjoying this comic, it works better as a weekly in three pages. Rather than three separate ones which would make it seem very slow I like
  23. Back from Spain! Both good and bad
  24. Back from Spain! Both good and bad
  25. Thanks for the messages guys, it really means alot to me. I have to go to spain now, been a booked holiday for months. Its with the family as well. Not sure how its going to go, going to feel very weird.
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