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Everything posted by DomJcg

  1. Oh man, people have decided that DC is just trying to be racist now
  2. Unsurprisingly most of mine have been exam related ><
  3. Thats right! Its time to let the inner Freud thats in all of us out for a controversial spin! Post your Dreams, post your Nightmares! My dream last night was simple, I was in the House of Commons except it looked like a church, it was a non important day there so there were only 50 or so MPs hence why no body minded me being there (:/ wish it worked this way in real life) and David Cameron was telling us all how he was going to bring the toy making factories back to Britain by giving toy businesses incentives. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah now you go First Thread Ever!
  4. Yes but I'm doing things actively to make myself not bored, should point out my girlfriends working full time at the job because she's bored... I'm stuck at home revising
  5. Two things 1. Pre-occupied? Your not a kid of 12 I'm going to Italy, Spain and 2 camping trips, and I still think I'll be booooored. 2. Leg wassup?
  6. Did anyone read Gates of Gotham?
  7. Any lovers of Clive Cussler? Top Notch Adventure fare, not trying to be bigger than it is. Have recently read Night Probe and Atlantis Found and Inca Gold (one of the best) Have started reading Game of Thrones, about 30 percent of the way through, I hear book three is like 1300 pages, this one is 800 or so :/ I would have been put off for the length, but its just superb writing, and pretty grand fantasy.
  8. Now that cap thing was very funny, They were doing Cap America Reborn for 6 issues Before issue 5 came out he was in Dark Avengers Who will Wield the Shield came out before issue 6 @ ReZ fine, you spoilsport
  9. Its rumoured to be Bucky maybe... God tell me about it, this fear itself tie in was worse, there is one spread that relates, thats it Chaykin is good in small doses, like the first issue, and mockingbirds been dying for 4 issues Bendis sucks when he's being bendis, but moon knight was good so yeh he has weird pacing problems. Stupid Cash Cow
  10. Uncanny X-force (not yost/kyle, but the Remender one) is unparalleled awesome, a tiny misstep last issue, but it started 7 months ago and its on its 10th issue, soon to be 11th.
  11. You should jump on when Gillen started writing (and check out Gen Hope by him too) Its a different direction that Fraction took them in, and its really fun too. As for Iron man, you do know that Pepper is going to fighting Hammer in the middle of the crater that was Paris right? He's still continuing his threads, just putting some fear in to it as well
  12. Looking at the DC and Marvel solicts, why is it future story lines are so much more exciting than current ones? Oh and Fear itself 5 Plus marvel is publishing comics bi weekly in alot of cases now Score!
  13. The university feels lonely and sad without twozzok there Happy birthday!
  14. Grrr I'm walking in to the exams (4 in one weeks time sigh) with a 67, 67, 62 (fuck you) 66. Why is this in the good thread? because I wanted to boast about my results.
  15. Good?/Not good? It has manapul on art and he is amazing...
  16. Thats because I did :o


    I came to see what the new whelps looked like


    How awesome are we?

  17. Happenstance, I read the JL Lost series, wassup?
  18. Uh-oh you've really done it now... Oh and ReZ FlashPoint will be about Zoom going back in time to alter history rather than a parallel universe, also the last page of the first issue will feature batman.
  19. Its amusing because it is only 13 volumes long, I think it's about one hundred and ten issues long? The more I look back the more I think it should have stopped at a certain point, I think at vol 8?
  20. After waking up and realising I'm not Ellmiester I thought today is going to be a good day I also found out I got 67,68,66 in my last three essays I handed in. All were written around the time my Grandad died. love you really ell
  21. Granted I have 'unlimited funds' All of Green Lantern Batman Inc Batman and Robin Detective Comics Superman (for the lols) Was reading Brightest Day and JLGL The Flash Action Comics Thats pretty much all for DC Amazing Spider-man Thunderbolts Ruse All Avengers (although I will stop reading New Avengers, Mockingbirds been dying for 3 issues now!) Iron Man Fear Itself Fear Itself Home Front Fear Itself Spiderman Daredevil (Mark Waid) FF Ultimate Spiderman/Ultimates Thor Journey in to Mystery Hulk Incredible Hulks X-men (will drop this) Uncanny X-men Wolverine Shield Secret Warriors Uncanny X-force Generation Hope Silver Surfer Quite a bit from Marvel! Image Invincible Planning to read Red Wing by Hickman Morning Glories
  22. I've read the Ultimates, Breakout looks interesting, I keep giving Cap America shot after shot but I just can't get into it. I read Reborn, and then jumped on again for the Trial, and the 616 issue but it just doesn't sit well with me. I've also read morning glories and all of wolf man. I suppose anything before 2007 marvel wise, although I have read spiderman from issue 500. I might have a look at the TT one though, i've not read any of them.
  23. Um, I'm more of a marvel man than a DC one, but I read Green Lantern/Batman/Superman/Flash and I did read Brightest Day/JLGL As for Marvel I read most things that they put out. And yes I have read Kingdom Come and Marvels (both seriously amazing) As for style, I'm not fussed. Just nothing recent by Jeph Loeb.
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