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Everything posted by DomJcg

  1. Wasn't it because beast said that mr nemesis's parents were around the time mutants started spiking in appearance? rather than isolated like wolvie?
  2. I wonder how many thousands of successful artists haven't died
  3. I'm sick of arguing with my mum over tidying the house. I want to tidy the house really badly for when my girlfriend comes to see me, so mum was like ok, start on your room, but you have to check with me before you throw anything away. But she never tells me why, just that i have to, i could have finished in one day rather than three fucks sake
  4. What a joke, where's my first? The uni sent a email round explaining what their contingency plan is, the link they give for it directs you to the who home page ><
  5. reviewwww Irredeemable 1-3
  6. But it's so cool that it hovers i just think that they are progressing the story too much tbh, robin wanting out straight away? hmm...
  7. Think about it, omnipotent, can do anything, thus an omnipotent being can commit suicide
  8. I wrote an essay on political disengagement in my exam today, i also voted for the lib dems in the european elections, i liked their views on europe the most, they matched mine, it made me chuckle when i read that the Conversatives were going to come up with an 'anti federalist' alliance. Oh the humanity, i really think they should stop their euro skepticism already ><
  9. God damn it, i have my first (of 7!) exam in 20 minutes, i can't revise anymore, i just want to get in there and freak out because i don't understand the question. Or i love the question and get a first, sigh
  10. Oh good god yes
  11. Well i finished the first volume, again, slow, but really heavy stuff, i really enjoyed reading it, but i can't hunt down vol 2 woe is me, I think my favourite bit was pym getting schooled by rogers, that was sweet.
  12. I've just started reading ultimates, it's fricking good, abit slow, but goooooooooood
  13. Hulk vs wolvie? it's pretty gorey, seeing deadpool get his arm sliced off etc, it's pretty good, but i wouldn't say buy it, i don't think it would be worth it.
  14. Leave the gingers alone, half of them live down the road from me (lol damn)
  15. And the fact that its actually the first time he's holding his own in a fight? he usually wins outright, or gets kicked
  16. You do, do i? Yours is pretty much like the essex girl who lives upstairs, but i think yours isn't as strong, but the rest of it sounds the same, it is a bit hard to understand
  17. Tis true, an intense accent that i've never ever heard, twas a good un though i don't have an accent nope =[
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