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Everything posted by Zelda_Rulez

  1. Great boxart, it reminds me of the Super Mario 64 box art.
  2. I hope we'll get some more info about Brawl, maybe an online confirmation but that could be hoping for too much.
  3. I wonder if this was Reggie's September surprise?
  4. I wonder if the Wii will still manage to outsell the 360 next month. It will be interesting to see what happens. I hope MP3 will continue to sell at this rate through September, it's doing better than MP2 until now.
  5. Not one of these again, it's getting more ridiculous every time.
  6. The first picture is their taunt. But on the last picture they don't have their in their hands anymore. This isn't their taunt (why would they drop their weapons plus they already have one) , so it could be a victory celebration on stage or maybe entrances are back?
  7. So I was correct about a veteran character, but I would have preferred another instead of them. Good to see them back though, some people were expecting them to be cut so this improves Game & Watch's chances as well. And a new icon has been added. Number 14 is the Ice Climbers one so that could mean that 13 is Game and Watch.
  8. There won't be an update on Saturday.
  9. That would be weird, but after it's rebuild it will technically be another company just with the same name, because of Wesker being in charge, right?
  10. I think we'll get a veteran, it's been a long time since we've got one of them. I'm predicting Captain Falcon.
  11. Umbrella is a large international corporation that made the T-Virus which turns everyone into zombies. They're practically your adversary in the main series. I don't know the exact details about them it would take a while to type as well :p as I have only played RE4. Wesker works for them. Here's some more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umbrella_Corporation
  12. Not that I know off, no.
  13. I'm sure this won't have much replay value beyond trying to beat levels more quickly. But if some puzzles are really that difficult, the first time through the game should be lenghty enough.
  14. That would mean you would now be able to damage someone with it on if it returns. Otherwise it would be a pretty boring match if noone could get hurt when you select clear mode. Edit: One thing I just noticed is that there's no camera mode option. This makes me think that you'll now always be able to take a picture in the pause screen. Although angled could be the same thing.
  15. Cool update. It confirms a lot of items are still in the game like the Metal Block and Bunny Hood. I wonder what the clear means next to metal? Stamina still seems to be stuck at 150 HP. I don't see anything where you can set this number on the screens. Bunny Hood + Low Gravity + Pokemon Stadium (Flying) should be fun
  16. I thought it was a photo at first! It looks amazing.
  17. QTE = Quick-Time Event. For example were you have to press L+R really quickly in Resident Evil 4.
  18. I won't be happy unless his taunt is the same. :p
  19. Yes, I'm Dutch and all games here are in English. Only some really old PC adventures were fully translated, plus the few that Cookie mentioned that had a Dutch option.
  20. I actually was expecting Captain Falcon today, we have his icon already so he's practically confirmed. We haven't had a veteran update in a long time I hope we'll see one this week, maybe Friday.
  21. GOTY confirmed :p.
  22. They'll probably have another Final Destination type level again. I like this level, including the gun that shoots at certain times. But it would be fun if you could fight inside it or on deck or something like that.
  23. I wasn't really interested in this game, it looked too shallow to me. But I am interested in Disaster and I hope that won't get cancelled/shelved as well.
  24. That's Tommy Cooper right? He's was a great comedian
  25. I always wonder why these "mistakes" happen so often. :p
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