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About enchantress

  • Birthday 08/29/1983

Personal Information

  • Location
    Sydney, Australia
  • Interests
    Pokémon, Zelda, and roleplaying, particularly when the RPing is either Pokémon or Zelda related.
  • Occupation
    Practice Manager


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    N64, Gamecube, Wii, Game Boy, GBC, GBA, GBA SP, DS
  • Other Systems Owned
    XBox, XBox360
  • Favourite Game?
    The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
  • Gender

enchantress's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. I have both games which I really enjoyed at the time but it's been around eight or nine years since I've played them. I reached a point in both games where I became stuck and could not figure out what to do next despite spending countless hours trying to progress in the games. This was in back in the days before I had my first PC so I had no guides or anything to help me along, and they were eventually put in a drawer. I always meant to go back to them but became caught up with new things, new games, etc,. They're definitely enjoyable, hope you have fun with them!
  2. I really only have two since I've already managed to fall in line with the main one, so... 1) Never again be late for work. 2) Keep all of my posts (or the majority of them) short and sweet ^-^.
  3. I'm terrible with time-frame references. Something could have happened six months ago and I'll swear blind it was only two months. I'll think something happened only a year ago, but it was actually four years ago. It's weird because my recollection of events is pretty stable, it's how long ago it took place that is the problem.
  4. I did mention that my mother was the youngest of eight children so I should also mention that this cousin was the daughter of my mother's eldest sibling. Because of this there is a large age gap between my cousin and myself so she was already dating him when I was growing up (I can't remember her being single). As a result, I loved him as though he was family, not just an in-law, and was actually closer to him than to her because when they'd stop by to visit he'd play with me while she would chat with my grandmother. I still have a picture of him on the swings in the backyard with me when I was about eight or nine. But anyway, getting back on topic, I'll summarise all I know. They were both career oriented and enjoyed the freedom that a life without children gave them. His family was fine with her, and treated her really well in the beginning. Hints were being dropped in the early years about children but when nothing eventuated his family started asking what the problem was. Was she sterile? What was wrong with her? Why couldn't she conceive? His family had simply assumed children were a part of the marriage contract. At this point they announced they didn't plan on having children and that's when all hell broke loose. Suddenly she was the worst person in the world and wasn't allowed to be included in family events until she came to her senses. This went on for a few years until his family finally accepted that children weren't a part of their life plan. They were still resentful and occasionally tried to push the issue, but stopped being completely unreasonable. Then one morning when they were getting ready for work he started having chest pains. She wanted him to go to the doctor, he said he'll be fine. Twenty minutes later he was dead. Everyone was in shock. His heart attack was so sudden, none of us had seen it coming. Although we were devastated, his family was unconsoleable, especially his mother. She saw my cousin as devil spawn and didn't even want her at the funeral. It wasn't a pleasant time. To this day she's not forgiven my cousin for 'corrupting' her son, because apparently he'd wanted to have a family when he was younger and it was her fault he'd not. Whether they both felt the same about not having children, or one of them respected the wishes of the other and chose to forego having a family because the other didn't want one, doesn't really matter. It's a decision they came to a final agreement on together and as such is a decision that should have been respected by both families whether they liked it or not. Hope that answers your question:) But yes, having a large family does help in the sense that there are so many children around that nobody's really looking for when the next one will be coming along, so it's easy for all of us to slide under the reproduction radar :p
  5. I don't mind being an organ donor, they can take whatever is good (if anything :p), but I want to be cremated just because I can't stand the idea of rotting away and being eaten by maggots. Not that it matters since I'm not going to feel it but ew, just eew...
  6. My mother was the youngest of eight children and each of her siblings had at least two children each, so I have a lot of cousins both younger and older than myself. Most of them have married and had families, but a few of my female cousins have decided they don't want children and are happy with that decision. For the most part they've not experienced any negativity surrounding their decisions (surprise perhaps, but not negativity), except for one of them. She married a lovely man whom our family loved dearly, but he unfortunately passed away suddenly several years after they married. His family had always kept pushing for them to have children, but after he died they really resented my cousin for not having given him any. I can understand their grief, and their need to want to hold onto something of his, but this was a mutual decision of theirs and one I don't believe she should have been punished for. I've personally always wanted children although I went through a stage not too long ago when I decided I didn't want to go through it after all. Thankfully that changed with hubby and I now having our beautiful little girl who we love more than we could have possibly imagined, but the decision to start a family isn't one to be taken lightly. The bottom line is that it's human nature to be judgemental. It's nobody's place to judge you for not wanting to have a child, or to judge me for having one. Each person's life is their own to live, and if we're not hurting anyone while we're doing it then what's the problem? Now if a child were being brought into the world for the wrong reasons.... that's an entirely different matter and also an entirely different subject so I'll not go off-topic .
  7. I've never understood the whole facebook / text phenomena but my sister is always glued to her phone and the computer (either MSN or facebook), often texting while online. She ignores everyone directly around her, and you have to repeat yourself or yell just to get a grunt of acknowledgement from her, and even then she doesn't take in what you've actually said as she never remembers later. She rarely acknowledges anyone else in the house as she's always glued to a keyboard, then last week she got all stroppy with me telling me I never talk to her. Right...
  8. Now it's regular size and purple ^-~. I once had a guy ask me for bus fare so he could get to a job interview. Mind you he was wearing his tracksuit and sneakers. Perhaps he was applying for a job at a sporting goods store, or gym, or something...
  9. [/massive edit after an even more massive over-share of personal background/history/experiences] I'm not opposed to helping those in genuine need, but not those who have no wish to help themselves.
  10. Stephen King was my favourite author for as long as I can remember until I discovered Matthew Reilly, but Stephen King will always remain one of my favourite authors no matter who else comes along. I don't have all of his novels, but I do have an awful lot of them and still enjoy reading some of them again from time to time. The most recent ones I've read are Insomnia, Rose Madder, and the Green Mile, although some of his most memorable in my mind are IT, Carrie, and The Stand. His short stories are also worth reading. One in particular that has stuck in my mind is Dolan's Cadillac from Nightmares & Dreamscapes. There are so many of his books I love that I don't know where to start, but this topic has prompted me to pull all of my novels out of storage, dust them off, and pop them all back on my bookshelf ^-^. Now I want to read them all again as well :p
  11. I'm not sure how rare these are, but they're most definitely prized. I have: The Zelda SP An Ocarina of Time And a Pokémon Edition N64 (which is unfortunately damaged, and no longer works ;-
  12. My daughter's name is Samantha, but if we were to have another girl we'll call her either Hayley, Stephanie, or Chloe. For a boy we've chosen Christopher since it's a family name on my partner's side, but I'm not really sure what I'd choose if I had free reign over the decision. There are a few names I like, but I'm not sure I like any of them enough to give them to my child. Names are so permanent. Here is Samantha. This was taken three weeks ago, when she was six weeks old ^-^.
  13. I had stopped playing WoW but Cataclysm looks awesome so I'm considering reactivating my account. I only have one character, a Night Elf Druid, but the Worgen's look pretty cool so I'm thinking of making one. I won't rush into it though as I'm rather picky with characters and want to make sure each one is just right before creating them, so will definitely put a lot of thought into it beforehand.
  14. When I went to see Titanic there was this woman sitting two seats across from me who laughed at just about everything, in particular the scenes where it was totally inappropriate considering the nature of the actual event. Another woman on the other side of me kept shooting me death stares because she thought it was me laughing, which wasn't very pleasant, but no matter what was said to the cackler (by myself as well as others in her immediate vicinity), she just wouldn't stop. If anything the people telling her to keep it down just tickled her funny bone, making the entire movie that much more entertaining for her. She definitely spoiled it for me, as well as many other people unfortunate enough to be seated near her, but the kicker was after the movie was over. The death stare lady said really loudly to her partner as we were walking out, "It was such a tragic event and this STUPID girl next to me kept laughing through the WHOLE movie!" Naturally those around us heard her while she stared hatefully at me, but this random guy who must have been sitting somewhere behind me turned to her and said, "She was smart enough to leave before the lights came on," then he turned to me and said, "I don't know how you put up with her for so long, I couldn't have been that patient". Death stare lady turned red when she realised she was insulting the wrong person and scurried off as quickly as she could, but the whole experience was a bad one. I love that movie too, and have seen it many times since, but have never forgotten that loud and obnoxious woman who I'm sure many of us thought was a few cans short of a six pack ;-; Another unpleasant experience was when these two teens were sitting behind me making out. I don't mind a couple of kids having a smooch in a dark cinema but my goodness they were loud. Long, wet, noisy, sloppy kissing through the entire movie isn't something anyone wants to hear, but I didn't want to spoil it for them by saying anything so I just changed seats and noticed a short time later that others were doing the same. If only the cinema hadn't been so packed during Titanic, I would have done the same. Other than those two incidents my movie going experiences have been mainly good. As long as I don't have some tall dude sitting in front of me I'm happy ^-^.
  15. The thread isn't old old, but it is still on the first page of the Retro Gaming subforum despite the fact the last post was in August. I saw a thread I had an interest in but because it's a few months old thought it safest to ask first. It's no big deal though but thanks for getting back to me, I appreciate it ^-^.
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