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THE ganondorflol

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Everything posted by THE ganondorflol

  1. Jesus loves you telly...
  2. Fresh: Wakes up next to his boyfriend exclaiming 'I'll use the bathroom first, dear. Then has out of date bacon for brekkie, goes to work, gets fired for calling someone a rude name. Comes home, sticks on the box, watches a repeat of Coronation street. Repeat until murdered.
  3. Congratulations, you have just gone against 3.4 billion people's beliefs. Bloody facism
  4. I have had to pass A-level maths, English, Biology, Chemistry, Zoology and Physics to get where I am today. And i still have to stay at uni for five years. With shit loads of studying to do...
  5. Sure, I agree. Just ignore the Bible, Koran, all 3 Jewish holy books, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the actual city of Jerusalem, 2.1 billion Christians, 1.3 billion Muslims and 11 million Jews, every other religion is this world, the fact that the Universe is too pretty to be a mistake, and everything happens for a REASON and you have no evidence God exists. Even modern Scientists know that everything has a reason behind it. Evolution? Darwin's theory, we're all primates, no books from when the earth began and about 1 billion believers. *yawns* Bloody communism
  6. *falls to floor in amusement* 'what i hate about Christianity is that its always changing' He created the Earth in 7 periods of time, but there was no word for that in the language in the Stuart period. it never changes, you just are now making things up and calling all Christians dumb for what they believe in. So really, you are the dumb one. and just when i was beginning to like you...
  7. Agreed. Welcome to the real world you silly fish- brained The fish. I don't care much of my race, but when people insult my religion- that is when it gets personal.
  8. cheers, hero! now if only i could get my Datel LAN adapter to work so i could check it out. I envy you so much...
  9. congratulations! You have just insulted 2.1billion people! Not all science is theories. Take Pythagoras's therom for example. And the only indirect evidence of evolution is that we are all primates. I could say 'well, humans all used to have one eye, but evolution changed us, and it would be a theory. Indirect evidence/ we all have 2 eyes! As long as it goes against what is in the Bible, your a fan.
  10. Thus proving just how stupid and illogical you actually are. There is no evidence for evolution, hence being called a theory[i 20% of americans are obese. 60million. That is the population of the UK. Racism has never been an issue where I come from. i grew up with a black boy not knowing he was any different until the TV started displaying a whole load of rascist stuff. my girlfriend is asian. I find their skin colour ro be my favourite. It is lovely and dark and I wish i was asian and not white. Rascism is something that is dying now. Inj 20 years london will be teaming with chinese people (getting the best jobs) and england will be 50% white and 50% black, you mark my words.
  11. The Constantine: gets up, goes to school, fails miserably, gets on bus, goes on MSN, pretending to be me. He is an imposter, I tell you! Today when i asked him why to use The in his name like me he said it was 'original'. Nice try mate.
  12. Can you please? I haven't told it to share the internet connection. Would this work? I plug it into my modem not a router. Could this still be a problem? Cheers.
  13. Aliens exist; the question is whether or not we will ever see them. i have read loads of books on them, and some of the stories make sense- hope they do.
  14. 4000 Wii points or Pro evo 6? It's a question we've all asked ourselves...
  15. But the datel one apparently is just 'dandy'. According to all the reviews on the site at least...
  16. fresh... where do i start?
  17. expect a call from the RSPCA. Driving over rabbits must stop. Full stop. Just keep on watching those films and going on those walks and you'll suit each other in no time! PS I konw it's off topic but why was Bastsabomb (or whatever) banned? I konw he is annoying, but...
  18. It is a wii LAN adapter. Zeldafreak, do you have a wired connection/ If so, what do you use? The manual is extremely unhelpful, but it does say something about firewall's. I have AVG, would it affect it? I'm sorry, not knowing is depressing me. The ethernet cable is really short, and whenever it tests my wired connection it says 'error code 205050 (or502020 I can't remember) i need online now! (My USB connector didn't work)
  19. What do I use? What do I plug what into what? Please help!
  20. Get it. Kirby got 5 out of 5
  21. Marvel are the best guys at comics, much better than DC. They have not disappointed with films. Spiderman 1 and 2 were great, FF was alright and Punisher is just funny. Ghost rider WILL be good, i know Marvel. They don't disappoint.
  22. I didn't like her with the hair, and now she has made herslf look uglier? You can see that she smokes by the veins... well, that is if I'm half- decent at biology(I am)
  23. You went to New York? lucky! Going this year, any good?
  24. I want a job. I dont have one. I am getting a good education, though. Healthcare is not free, that is what taxes are for. Now could you stop arguing? That is my job, not yours.
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