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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. It's basically the naval combat from AC Blackflag
  2. I really need to get the South Park games Edit: Just looked at the screen..."Oh, Elijah Wood" ... ... ... EXCUSE ME?
  3. Good Lord, can a trailer for a racing game be any longer?
  4. Well, if anything this won't show up in the Spotlight then
  5. The graphics are okay. I hate the fact that so many things have those fucking Rabbid faces/bodies/ears all over them... I don't know. It just doesn't fit. For me it's a disgrace to Mario...
  6. Really? It should've either been a Mario or a Rabbids game...as it is it just looks terrible. Gameplay might be good but I hate how the Rabbids ruin everything that make Mario's worlds so appealing...
  7. Mario should've stayed out of this...
  8. This looks utterly boring... And this Rabbids shit is destroying the appeal of Mario worlds...
  9. Chelsea players do.
  10. Thanks. Well, this is becoming quite a mess, isn't it...
  11. Just watched 10 minutes of the PC games conference. Urgh, so boring...
  12. Anybody got a link to that story?
  13. Can't find a God of War thread so I'm just gonna post this here. Don't want to create a duplicate thread: GoW Release Date set for 28th November 2017. I've seen a "source image" (from the YouTube game page) a couple of hours ago but can't find it anymore. With Ni No Kuni II apparently also releasing in November, Sony is going all out before Christmas it seems Well, it's a rumour so it could be wrong :p
  14. Now that the release date is out of the way....Ni No Kuni Remaster for PS4. K, thanks.
  15. Cool, I'll just talk to myself in the chat then.
  16. Ah, I see. Will give it go and see if I need to read up or not.
  17. Crash announcement (that has already been leeked via the trophy lists). Check the dedicated thread to find out what it is. People speculate that they might talk about features for a new firmware update. Sooo...10 hours and 20 minutes to go (or 9 hours and 20 minutes, if you watch the pre-show). Will there be anyone in the NE-Chat?
  18. Would I have to catch up on something or can I just watch DB Super and be good?
  19. Golden Frieza? Jesus, I'm so out of touch with Dragon Ball...I stopped following it halfway through the Buu Saga. No idea what happens in the movies or in whatever the fuck's going on with the series now :lauging: Looking forward to the game, though.
  20. On Tuesday.
  21. Check a look. Edit: Just finished watching it. I thought it was hilarious Wonder if they'll be allowed to have another conference next year
  22. Couldn't find a thread, so here goes: Never played an Ace Combat game. This looks cool, silly and fucking amazing. On my list.
  23. Awesome. Time to start my second Dishonored 2 playthrough
  24. This looks awesome.
  25. That maintenance makes me cautiously optimistic.
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