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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. I know it's not much for Wii U owners but I don't think this is up-scaled.


    I'm sure I read the Switch version of MK8 was 1080p 60 natively in docked mode. That will look amazing.

    Not upscaled as I mistakenly wrote earlier, but MK8DX runs natively in 1080p60 docked, the Wii U version was 720p and, according to Digital Foundry, actually ran at 59fps. The Switch version should be a marked improvement over the Wii U game on a decent screen.

  2. seeing as Wii U owners will have bought essentially upscaled, double item, battle mode for full retail... surely free for Wii U owners would be reasonable. I guess, looking back, as it turns out I did effectively get mk8 for free, so in some way it would be the right things to do to actually spend money on the game (in my personal case)

    I hadn't thought about that! I also got the game for free packaged with the Wii U and only spent £11 on the DLC... The fact that I've put over 100 hours into the game and still really enjoy it makes me feel not so bad about forking out another £40. The upscaling will look amazing on my TV and I've been itching for a battle mode, so there's only general happiness from me at this port.

  3. I wouldn't discount the possibility of further DLC for this either. The last one was so successful on Wii U, it would be a guaranteed money spinner for them to add another 2 or 4 cups a few months down the line.


    Half price for Wii U DLC owners, amirite?

  4. So far I've got:


    -Grey Switch

    -Breath of the Wild

    -1-2 Switch

    -Pro Controller

    -Hori hard case


    I had two £50 Amazon vouchers from work, so the last 3 items ended up costing me £13 and I'm doing the BOTW deal in GAME for £320, so £333 all in for that package isn't bad at all! I'm owed another £50 voucher from work and I'm contemplating getting a set of the neon joy-cons if it comes in time for launch, I don't really need them but they look SO awesome, and I won't say no for £25. I'm not bothering with an SD card until I really need one. On top of that, I'm sure I'll pick up a couple of e-shop titles and

    "VC titles, if they're actually ready for launch"



    Getting really excited now, I cannot wait to play Zelda. I've started avoiding stuff on it because I don't want spoilers, but the idea that I can pick up the game and literally head in any direction I please is making me feel like a child again. Nothing beats a new Nintendo console launch. :bouncy::bouncy::bouncy:

  5. Wenger should announce he's leaving now, so the next few months can be about the celebration of the man. Last night was no surprise, we only know how to play one way. We have no tactical fluidity and we literally fell apart when Kos came off. Kieron Gibbs being given the captaincy was the icing on the cake. Last season we should have won the league when everyone else was falling apart, we didn't. Year after year we fall way, who gives a fuck about last 16 of the UCL, we're never a factor to win it.


    Ozil has been pony for months but he can do what he wants because Wenger doesn't have the backbone to give him a rollicking or drop him. It's beyond laughable that our club is still ruled by one man's iron fist. The club is in a prime position to be taken over by one of the young up and comers like Tuchel, all the foundations are there, we just need a new vision.


    People keep on banging about the "What Wenger has done" narrative, no Arsenal fan questions the legacy the man has the club but surely now everyone looks at the last 10 years and we've won 2 FA and challenged for nothing else.


    The time for change has long since passed. Beyond fucking delusion that the board have already offered him a new deal, just goes to show that as long as Stan is getting his dolla, he ain't giving a single fuck.

    Can you upload a video to YouTube of you saying everything that is written here. Preferably from outside the Emirates ;)


    By the way, I'd much rather take Wenger's legacy than what we've had in the past 20 years. Our one victory at Old Trafford in 2010 is the only piece of "glory" we've had in about 14 years.

  6. Has anyone who ordered the Switch and Zelda bundle from GAME had confirmation that they'll receive it at launch yet? I tried asking on online chat a couple of weeks ago but they said they didn't have numbers yet. :/

    I've got confirmation of my pre order on the app. Going to the midnight launch in Bolton. I did pre order in October though. Think I'm 4th or 5th in the queue.

  7. I think Wenger deserves a huge amount of respect for the job he's done at Arsenal. To get into the last 16 of the Champions League that many times in succession is an achievement I don't think we'll ever see broken by an English club. As a neutral it's impossible not to admire both him and the club, particularly in comparison to the likes of Chelsea, Man City and United who in the last 10 years have all spent their way to success. Bar Ozil and Alexis Sanchez (maybe Xhaka), Arsenal haven't splashed out silly money on players every few years and have still enjoyed a top-4 finish, consistently, while living well within their means, even against a backdrop of building and moving to a new stadium. It must be awful as an Arsenal fan to come so close, so often and still not taste a huge amount of success, but given the way the club is run, it's not really surprising.


    I do wonder what the reaction will be if Wenger leaves and Arsenal don't finish in the top 4 next season. Plus I'll be gutted to miss out on all those videos of upset Arsenal fans calling for his head.

  8. This link explained the game sharing stuff which is the main account stuff @Sheikah has been talking about.




    That article also mentions an FAQ on the Playstation website (which isnt there anymore but was for launch) that explained more stuff.

    Different users can already access content downloaded from the e-shop on the Wii U. I don't see why this wouldn't continue on the Switch.


    Having a Japanese and EU account on the same system is another matter, but also one which is not supported actively by Nintendo, so I doubt we'll hear anything about it.


    Having two EU accounts which both have e-shop content may or may not have game sharing, I guess we'll find out soon, though it would seem backwards of they don't support this considering the Wii U die, albeit with a master account tied to the system.

  9. This is what needs clearing up. Those leaks don't confirm that's the case.

    Do you have any links to press releases from Microsoft, Sony or Valve for that matter which demonstrated how users could create multiple accounts in different countries so they could download games from different regions?


    I don't understand what needs 'clearing up'. The 0.001% of users who will create multiple accounts will just have to wait and see instead of blaming Nintendo for not confirming something they are so obviously not going to actively support.

  10. I'm really, really not a fan of them announcing DLC before the game is out. It's unbelievably cheap and devalues the final product in my eyes. Exactly why are we paying £50 for a game that has had bits potentially cut out of it?


    I understand that BOTW has had a long and turbulent development cycle. I understand that they have gone way above any beyond any type of world building project the company has ever undertaken and that releasing DLC is a good way to make extra profit off these huge outlay costs, but did they REALLY need to do this now?


    What would have been wrong with announcing all this stuff in, say, April or May for example? Give people a chance to play and finish the game and then hit them with the, "Oh, by the way, if you enjoyed that, check this out". I would much prefer to pay £20 for a new storyline, new dungeons etc. set in the same massive world, than wait 18 months - 3 years and pay 50 to play a game which uses the same engine and models, but a different world (a la Majora's Mask). Financially for gamers, and for Nintendo it makes sense, especially when so much cash has been sunk into BOTW already.


    But WHY announce it now? Can we please just play the game first before you start telling us what it doesn't have? Dumb move, and it's really soured me on the game now. At least with MK8 they waited until people had actually played the game before the (excellent) DLC was eventually announced. I could have been really excited for this DLC coming off the completion of what looks to be an amazing game, now I couldn't care less, because I know the game I buy on March 3rd isn't the "full experience" I thought it was going to be.

  11. I just received another £50 Amazon voucher from work, pre-ordered 1-2 Switch and got myself a Hori carry case. The hype is real.


    I don't know how much I'll like 1-2 Switch. It intrigues me, and I know at least for a couple of evenings it'll be fun to play with the missus or something to stick on between Zelda sessions. I figured it wasn't going to cost me anything, so why not? I definitely would have got Bomberman had it been half the price it currently is, but there's no way I'm forking out £44.99, even if it is free money, on something which looks like it should be a budget e-shop title.


    We could really do with a direct right about now.

  12. If they did that it could be cool if they did themed joycons that came with a vc game included.

    Looking at the GC controller though, I don't see how they could get a GC joy con that would feel right. if they adapt the design (fairly significantly) they could do it, but if they essentially replaced the central portion of a GC pad with the switch, it would look far less slick.

    The best I can imagine would be like a nunchuck, with the dpad closer to being directly beneath the left analogue stick and with the 4 face buttons on the right rotated round the A, so the be is beneath the a, y and x buttons both rotated anticlockwise round the A by about 30 degrees so the layout is more of a "Y". Not sure how that would feel though. I think supporting the gc adapter wouldn't be a terrible move, but as mentioned it would reduce the portability of several games. maybe a Joy-con + will be released in a couple of years with analogue shoulders to coincide with GC releases. Oh, as well as UHD rumble :laughing:

    You're obviously forgetting about this bad boy.



  13. Just pre-ordered a pro controller from Amazon, do they usually hit release date for delivery of products?


    Seen some YouTubers who've played the game saying the joy-cons aren't entirely comfortable for playing Zelda, so seeing this as an investment for some of the bigger single player games I'll be playing exclusively at home.

  14. So I'm back posting in the weight loss and fitness thread for the first time in 8 years...


    Back in 2009 I went from 12 stone 6lbs down to 9 stone 2lbs in about 7 months, with the help and advice of all you lovely people of course! I'm only 5ft 3, that's why that low weight might seem a bit shocking. Anyway, I had a bash on Wii Fit last night purely out of curiosity and there it was, a BMI of 31.5, or 13 stone! This is officially the heaviest I've been in my life and the first time I've seen the words "OBESE" next to my Mii. After a year or so of gradually gaining weight (I quit smoking last year and I'm convinced that had something to do with it), I'm going to try and shed 50lbs over the next 7-8 months.


    Last time I did it all without going to the gym. I walked for about 60-90 mins every day and drastically decreased my intake of unhealthy food and snacks. I then maintained 10 stone or so for the better part of 6 years, most of which was spent either going to the gym twice a week or doing light exercise at home to keep up some level of fitness, this time I want to go with a mix of both walking and light training. Since I moved back to the UK I have done almost nothing by way of exercise and binged on all the food goodness I missed out on while I was abroad, I think a stone and a half of my weight gain has been in the last 5 months a lone.


    I went for a walk this morning, about 2 miles, and despite working in a restaurant and being on my feet for hours everyday, I was exhausted within minutes. Going from being a teacher in Russia to working on my feet here, I guess I kind of naively thought I'd lose weight that way, or at least maintain my weight. I had obviously forgotten about free food. Pizza. Everyday and that has contributed massively as well I guess.


    So, my plan for the first 2 weeks is simply to drink lots of water, cut out beer, pizza, pasta and heavy carbs and walk for 60 mins on every day when I'm not doing a double shift at work. Other areas I'm going to work on are getting my sleeping pattern under control, I usually do sleep 6-8 hours a night, but don't go to sleep until about 4 or 5am as I never have to be up before 11. Plus I'll be doing 20-30 mins of Wii Fit activities every day. When the two weeks is up, I'm hoping to join a gym and take it from there.


    So this is Day 1 (again) and I weigh 13 Stone, or 182lbs.

    I'll check back in after two weeks with an update. :grin:

  15. If you want to save a few bob but still get a magnificent TV without all the bells and whistles I'd recommend the Sony Bravia W805C. It comes in 43", 47" and 55" if I remember correctly. There's no HDR and no 4K, but it's easily the best 1080p TV I've ever seen. You can get it for around £400 - £500 in Richer Sounds / John Lewis depending on the model. It's a real top of the range TV, which perfects "known technology" but doesn't delve into the newer stuff.


    I bought one because I didn't want to go cheap on an entry model 4KTV as my budget was £600 max at the time. It runs on an Android operating system with built in Wi-Fi and there are countless apps available. The game mode is superb, lag is almost non-existent. It has a wealth of options so you can fine tune your viewing depending on the kind of content your viewing. An all round excellent piece of kit. Plus if you buy from Richer Sounds you get a six year warranty.

  16. I expect we'll see a Metroid alongside Fire Emblem in 2018, given how quiet they've been about the distant future and literally all the traditional 'big hitters' are coming in year one, Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart and I suppose Splatoon.


    If Nintendo are serious about attracting the types of people they've been using in their marketing so far then they have a lot of work to do, marketing to gamers and not just Nintendo fans needs to happen throughout the console's lifespan. Obviously the third parties will fill this gap in a lot of respects, if sports games and shooters are on the table (they've already lost the racing fans thanks to the horrible decision not to use analogue triggers), but they need to show something less colourful and cutesy if they want to attract more "mainstream" gamers, who are now used to more complex storytelling and systems as opposed to simply solid gameplay and tight control which has always been Nintendo's staple. 1-2 Switch and Arms are likely not that, regardless of how deep Arms' control scheme turns out to be, it still looks like a 'Nintendo' game.


    Nintendo needs something like a Metroid to appeal to a different kind of gamer, those who are fond of these deeper, more story-driven experiences. Furthermore, "B-titles" need to make a return. Yes, I'm talking about F-Zero (sorry), WaveRace, even Disaster Day of Crisis and the like, but properly marketed and released! Support games niche games like Bayonetta. While these games might not sell bucket loads they give the console variety and the consumer a wider choice which ultimately improves the viability of the console to the averge gamers wallet. The days of slapping a Nintendo mascot on a title won't cut it anymore and hoping to sell it to the hardcore is a battle of diminishing returns.


    While I'll be more than happy with a Wii U 2 kind of lineup, selling 100 million consoles on that premise, as Kimishima boldly suggested they would do, simply won't happen. I really hope for their own sakes they have a lot more up their sleeves.


    As for Reggie, I'd pay him absolutely no heed. He is the just the English language mouthpiece for NCL. What US and EU gamers want from Nintendo is probably not even in their comprehension. The info they've released so far on the Switch so far (especially the information they haven't) is massively Japan centric and watching him squirm in interviews makes me pity the guy because he is obviously so neutered by Japan. Don't envy him at all.

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