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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. I know this is going to be a weird analogy, but stick with me here.


    Let's say you spent your whole life travelling only around small towns using local train stations where the toilets were always free. Then you come to a big city and you have to pay 50p to use the toilet. You're going to be shocked and probably annoyed (maybe outraged, depends on your personality) that to do that thing that has always been free you are now being charged. There is reason and merit in charging, but because it's such an alien notion to you it's going to be jarring. Some people will accept it, some will grumble and pay it while others will find the station manager and rant at them.


    There are people within the mobile market that will have never paid for a game. Will have never considered a need to. The big zeitgeist games of the past (Candy Crush, Clash of Clans, Words with Friends, Draw Something, Pokémon Go) have either been free or IAP (and thus optionally free) and those are the ones they have likely played (or time-killers such as generic match 3 or sudoku games). It will be jarring to some people that they may have to pay.



    Great analogy, and I do understand, it's just depressing that the game has so many one star ratings despite people saying it's a "great game". I'm sure over time it'll swing back to more positive once the initial outrage has died down, but I do worry about how it could affect their decision making in the future.

  2. Welcome to the world of mobile games. Like it or not, that's the market. There's thousands of free games in there, with plenty being as good as Mario Run. Cant really fault people for not wanting to pay for a game when they're used to getting games that are just as fun for free.


    I personally wouldn't pay for a mobile game either. Touch screen controls are almost always garbage, they're designed to be played in short bursts so no depth/story and they never feel like a full game.




    True, but Mario Run doesn't force us to wait through timed periods or watch ads. Fallout Shelter and Pewdiepie's YouTube Sim are two great games that I've sunk lots of hours into on mobile but they have those issues, especially the latter. It's fair game a developer offering a game for free with these models alongside a "pay to win" option, but, personally, I'd much rather pay a small fee than put up with that nonsense. I'm glad Nintendo has chosen this method and once it's out on Android I'll probably buy it.


    It just amazes me that people can't even contemplate why these other games are free and the hoops they have to jump through to play them for free.

  3. I was with NTL, then Virgin from 2006-2011 and they were excellent. Never had a problem, didn't need a phone line and the speeds were always top notch. I'd always opt for them if your address is wired up to them. The TV packages are very competitive as well.


    I'm with BT now because Virgin isn't connected to my current address, and I've been surprised at how good it's been. I have to have a phone line, obviously, which is a pain, but I get 52mb and access to BT Sport for £28.49 a month, plus a £5 discount off my GF's unlimited sim only mobile package, with 20Gb of data a month, which she somehow manages to use up... All their services have worked perfectly since it was installed back in September. Gaming, HD streaming and using multiple devices has never troubled it.


    I was apprehensive about BT because my parents' broadband is atrocious, it drops constantly and is painfully slow, but I don't think they're paying for fibre, and it's the standard ADSL. Either way it's horrible.

  4. Would 1080p and widescreen be too much to ask of Nintendo...? Absolutely aching to play Luigi's Mansion and Sunshine again after Wind Waker HD. There isn't a whole let else off the GC I'm overly interested in, but Double Dash would be nice for nostalgia's sake. I'd love to finally play through TTYD :p I'd prefer to play a new F-Zero than go through GX again, as good as it still is. Metroid, Pikmin and Zelda have already been done on Wii / Wii U. The rest, I guess is up to the third parties, but it would be great to have Capcom and Sega on board.

  5. The Good

    Walking into Game in Leeds a week before launch and finally seeing this thing in action. I didn’t play it, but causally observed from a distance. This is when I knew Wii Sports was going to set the world on fire. At midnight on the 8th December 2006, I went to my local indy games store (don’t see many of them any more) and picked up my pre-order. I’d known Rob, the owner, for a couple of years and he was as excited as me for the release. I picked up the console with Wii Sports, Wii Play, Red Steel and Zelda along with a pair of component cables and two classic controllers. I think I parted with about £300 that day, but Rob knocked some money off as I was a loyal customer. I spent the next week playing Zelda and Red Steel (which I adored) until the early hours of the morning, weekends around Christmas were taken up with “Wii parties” and copious amounts of pizza and alcohol being consumed. It really was the most incredible launch of a games console that I can remember.


    About a year after launch, I sold my Wii, and bought a US NTSC console. Games were cheap from playasia.com and I managed to pick up Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros. Brawl way before they hit the shelves in the UK. I’d cut myself out of the second hand market, but it was worth it to experience the REAL Virtual Console. The VC was undoubtedly the best thing about the Wii. I spent hours re-playing old games as well as going through a huge collection of fantastic Mega Drive games I’d never played as a kid, shout out here to Ristar, now one of my favourite 16-bit games of all time. WiiWare was great too, with both LostWinds games being a personal highlight.


    Despite the lack of big hitters, the Wii had a solid line up of first and third party games, often offering something completely new or innovative in terms of gameplay. The Galaxy games were superb, Mario Kart Wii was a decent entry which finally gave us decent, competitive online, Animal Crossing was engaging and fresh enough to be a step up from Wild World and Wii Speak provided a number of laughs with some members of this forum. I lost 3 stone with the help of Wii Fit. Wii Sports and it’s sequel were a revolution in gaming which harked back to that classic NES formula of easy to pick-up, tough to master, Excitetruck and Punch Out also followed this formula with great success.


    While third parties didn’t push the boat out because of the consoles limitations, there were still some fantastic games, which really took advantage of the hardware. Particularly De Blob, Boom Blox, Zack and Wiki, House of the Dead: Overkill and Little King’s Story – All fantastic Wii games. Nintendo fans also got enhanced ports of previous gen games which really added to the immersion, Resident Evil 4, Bully and The Godfather were my personal highlights. The console’s life finally came to an end after a short burst (Xenoblade, Last Story etc.) with Skyward Sword (A game which showed how far the technology had come since the waggle-fest which was Twilight Princess), but by this point it seemed nobody cared.


    The Bad

    Despite the Wii’s more than solid line-up of games, gamers were left wanting more, and thus was born the casual / hardcore split. As someone who has been a Nintendo gamer since the age of 4, the Wii alone was not enough to keep me gaming and will always be remembered by me as the console that led me to buy an Xbox. All my “hardcore” gaming friends had one, online gaming had exploded and the technology was genuinely pushing the medium forward. Nintendo seemed stuck in the past. If you wanted a decent racing game, sports game or online shooter, Nintendo Wii was not the place to be.


    Though Nintendo seemingly dropped the “blue ocean strategy” with the Wii U, their output on the Wii cetrainly suffered because of it. While they were still innovating, in a different direction from that of their competitors, games because smaller, cheaper and more linear. Side-scrolling platformers made a welcome return, but then were exhausted to the point of frustration. While the Galaxy games were a joy to behold in their own right, they failed to live up to the magic and freedom of 64 and Sunshine, relying a little too much on nostalgia. Brawl, while choc-full of features and surprises, failed to live up to the might of Melee. New Super Mario Bros., despite being a commercial success, was another failed attempt at luring people in with nostalgia as opposed to doing something new.


    The Uglii

    The Virtual Console. Yes, I know I already mentioned it in the Good, but the PAL virtual console was a mess. In 2006 and beyond, Nintendo were still offering us sub-standard games when the technology was available to offer us the original. Could they have given us a choice? Too confusing (probably). Could they have just offered us the original? Might not have worked on your Granny’s 20-year-old 50hz TV. I’m sure there were reasons why they went down this road, but it just felt like a big fuck you to European gamers. I’m also willing to bet that 95% of those gamers who downloaded VC games had the means of playing them in 60hz, but these arguments are long in the past now.


    Nintendo’s decision to not go HD, while nice on the consumer’s wallet (and Nintendo’s, incidentally) made their games look like ass on modern TV sets, at least without a set of component cables. I forked out for a decent CRT TV, just so my games wouldn’t look like a jaggy mess, and while it was a massive step up from my relatively cheap LCD, especially VC games, the decision is still one which annoys me to this day. While the other systems pushed the boundaries is display quality, Nintendo didn’t care, and it showed, big time.



    I don’t want this to end on a negative note, because I genuinely loved the Wii, but at times it seems this was despite Nintendo and not because of them. I will always remember the Wii parties as being some of my favourite gaming memories, in a world where online has become the standard. Nintendo’s last effort to capture the living room, while valiant, ultimately failed.

  6. Had the evening off for a change so it was fun to play with you guys again. Got disconnected on the final race of GP1, but it's ok because Toad Harbour sucks :P Cannot believe the finish to Rainbow Road 64, unbelievable...


    Good night all round, cheers! :D

  7. Just picked up -



    Animal Crossing-amiibo festival pack for the Wii U.


    Slight problem, I don't have a Wii U but nevermind.




    “After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but is often true”.


    I got this in the Amazon Black Friday sale for £11. Thought it wasn't a bad price for 2 Amiibo and a set of AC Amiibo cards ;)

  8. And dear lord plonk it all on there at once, stop dragging it out for years after each new console.


    But hasn't the whole idea of the VC essentially been this:


    "Any new games this week, Nintendo?"

    "Yep, Super Ghouls and Ghosts!"

    "...K, cool. Next week?"

    "Look, Urban Champion. 'Member that?"

    "Yeaaah, I 'member. When's the next 3D Mario title coming out then?"

    "....Super Mario..."



    "I'm listening!!"

    "2: Yoshi's Island will be dropping next week on VC!"

    "Oh... When are we getting Destiny?"

    "Look! Clu Clu Land! 'Member?"


    -"Well I was going to buy a PS4, but now you drop THIS bombshell on me" (Said 10 million people).

    -"I'm out" (Said 40 million)

  9. I have no love really for the "unholy trinity" of Clarkson and co. but seeing as how my girlfriend got 6 months of Prime free I decided to give this a watch.


    My general dislike of the three presenters, particularly Clarkson, could not cloud that fact that this is a genuienly engrossing, beautifully shot TV show for people who love cars, basically everything that Top Gear failed to be in the most recent season. I'm happy Clarkson is off the BBC, but with Amazon's budget behind them, they have clearly gone all out for this show after it had definitely become tired on the BBC in recent years. Now, it feels like a new lease of life has been breathed into it and it has been freed from the chains, budgetary or otherwise which may have held them back or led to frustrations at the BBC.


    I wish I had a 4K TV, as even in 1080p this was jawdroppingly stunning. I loved the amount of time they dedicated to the 2-part in-depth feature on the electric supercars, and regardless of what I think of them, their chemistry works, which is kind of critical when you consider the new Top Gear line-up. It was refreshing to see them, aged, haggard and generally unkempt indluging in a subject they clearly have an enourmous amount of passion for, not something we really see on TV anymore. Credit where credit's due, this was a massive success as far as I'm concerned and I will be tuning in again.

  10. But how do we get a discount if we want a physical copy? How do I prove that I have the game and that the game is mine?


    That's for Nintendo to decide, unfortunately, and highly unlikely in the grand scheme of things. I'm sure some sort of trade-in scheme could work, but I doubt they'd do it.


    I also hope for some add ons (MK with maybe 8 new tracks and some other tweaks and Splatoon with another single player campaing and then just to continue with the free DLC's they used to give before or even some we have to pay for, but they should be major, or cheap, but with this they would have to allow us to choose the maps we want to play - also it looks like there is a chance of having the option to change gear during an active game, so there is hope for some other tweaks).


    We've already seen King Boo in MK Switch, as well as characters being able to hold 2 items, new tracks have also been rumoured from the leakers, so it looks like there will be some kind of new content, how much is anyone's guess though. In Splatoon we've seen new character designs and a new map, so it seems like that is getting new content as well, but again it depends on the scale of this new content. If Splatoon will be (as rumoured) a pack-in with the system, then I suppose this discussion is fairly redundant as early adopters will be getting it anyway. If they are going down the 8.5 route as opposed to the Mario Kart 9 one for the system's lifespan, then I expect we'll see a healthy amount of bi-annual or annual DLC on top of a huge base game, in which case I'll probably buy it.

  11. Are most people here going to buy Splatoon and Mario Kart for Switch? I am asking because you are the only guys I play online games with.


    I still haven't finished with these on Wii U and would love to keep playing on Switch with the community, but if the titles are going to be full price, Nintendo either needs to include decent number of additions to justify the price or give Wii U owners some sort of discount for me to jump.

  12. I often read the Guardian online, as well as the Independent and occasionally I'll look at UK news stories on RT, as they often cover stuff ignored by our press, or have a different take to the left or right leaning media. I also read Delfi, which covers the Baltics and Russia in both English and Russian, as well as Lenta RU which is a fairly respected independent Russian news outlet which covers global news well.


    I agree that the Guardian comments section is usually pretty good and attracts a wide number of people both left and right leaning, usually provoking good discussion. I stay away completely from any kind of Facebook news and/or discussion.


    My main source of news used to be the BBC and the Guardian exclusively, but as time has passed I've been placing less and less trust in them and now read almost every article with a grain of salt while finding myself identifying less and less as a 'liberal', particularly in a post-Brexit / Trump world. My crumbling faith in them is mostly down to their shocking coverage of Russia and how unashamedly they potray everything that happens in that country in a negative light. And it is constant. Unrelenting, especially if one were to compare that with their coverage of China, who our leaders are conveniently more favourable towards.


    The straw that broke the horses back, so to speak, was when the BBC ran a written article on the currency crisis in Russia, December 2014, when the rouble plunged to 100 roubles to the pound. At the time I was working just off Nevsky Prospect and the BBC were going on about huge queues and a sense of utter panic at the currency exchange bureau right over the road from my work. It was complete bullshit. There was no panic whatsoever, at least that wasn't confined to a bunch of ex-pat teachers. No queues. Nothing. People simply didn't care. People were prepared to ride it out. After already being unimpressed with their underreporting of the riots on George Square during the Scottish Referendum and (what I perceived to be) bias in the run-up to the vote, they had already been on shaky ground with me. Now I am suspicious of everything they write, but still believe it gives a more rounded and generally more impartial view than other media outlets based in the UK. Plus it's fairly good for sport and local news. I still go there, but mostly as a force of habit.

  13. Is that Rabbids series actually any good? I always had the impression it was pretty crap, but caught on in the first Wii "game drought".


    Rabbids Go Home was one of my favourite games on the Wii. Essentially an action adventure game with an amusing premise, very good music and geniunely funny moments. The controls were really tight and the gameplay was challenging. Incidently, I never played the mini-game collection that launched with the system, but I've heard / read it's not any good. If Rabbids Go Home is anything to go by, then this game could be surprisingly good.

  14. But this is a unique situation, you say not forced to buy it, of course people aren't, but if you're a big nintendo fan - love platoon, love smash, love mario kart, then you're going to want to play them on the new system, where the community will be; and because they're porting them, there probably won't be new versions of them for many many years (Splatoon likely exception depending on if this is a port or not); so in effect, if hardcore nintendo fans want to play mario kart and Smash on the new system they HAVE to buy an updated version of a game they've already bought and paid for (and paid double for in smash's case). In my opinion that's bad.


    What makes it worse is that this only happening because the Wii U sold so so poorly; so the people who's supported nintendo in their darkest time, are getting the bum deal; when people who didn't support them are getting an incredible deal. Again, I don't think this is good.


    The fact they are online games also makes the "they'll still play on the wii u" doubly moot, because the communities won't be there. The point is to play online with friends and the world.

    Can't say I disagree with this. I wouldn't be happy about paying £100 for potentially incremental updates just so I could continue to play MK, Smash and Splatoon with the Nintendo community. Especially after I spent extra money on the DLC for MK8 and Smash.

  15. It was £249.99 on launch and then the dropped it to £199.99 quickly afterwards (IIRC, it was within the first 4-6 months - it was the 3DS emergency price drop of its day ;) )

    Found this on IGN.


    Then, to make things worse, Nintendo chose to cut the price of its 64-bit system less than two months after launch by a whopping £100, causing certain members of the IGN team considerable childhood pain. It dropped from $199 to $149 at around the same time.


    Ouch, no wonder my mate's mum went crazy over it, she bought it for his birthday which was April 29th (days before the price drop). That price compared with the US and then a "free game" to make up for it is pretty disgusting. Glad I was made to wait :D


    If they can get the Switch out for less than £200, I think it will be a pretty irresistible impulse buy, especially at a time where not much else will be happening in the industry. Maybe Nintendo do know what they're doing after all.... ;)

  16. It's still more expensive than the Wii (or any other Nintendo home console at launch not called Wii U), but it's very good news all round! I know it seems cheap, but consoles didn't used to cost £300-500 back in the day... If anything, the price is in-line with what consoles used to sell for (and back to the historic, Nintendo-like range)


    Didn't the N64 launch at £349 or something equally crazy? I remember not being allowed one at launch as it was too expensive, but my friend who did get one at launch got a couple of free games off Nintendo when they did end up dropping the price a couple of months later.

  17. Nice.


    I was just saying to flameboy that I think I'll have to come back to doing the 24 hours again next year. I figured after struggling last year I was done with it but I didn't like being on this side of it all, just watching!


    Yeah, this was the first time I've taken part and it was an awesome experience despite the tiredness, especially in a place such as the Arcade Club. Would be well up for doing something for a good cause next year. Thanks again to everyone in this wonderful community for supporting us and helping us smash our target 3 times over. :yay:

  18. [tweet]796434898764476416[/tweet]


    Hopefully an isolated incident but when you have a VP who wants to use conversion therapy it's no wonder calls to helplines apparently increased exponentially yesterday. There is a legitimate reason to fear I believe, not just for the LGBT+ community but others that have been attacked and insulted by Trump and his ilk.

    While these kinds of attacks are disturbing and deeply unsettling, I feel the mainstream media in the US will do the opposite of the UK and continue to promote their country as an open and tolerant one and we won't see the sharp increase in hate crime we saw here. Everyone there is an immigrant after all. The mainstream media, especially television, is mostly liberal leaning in its overall message and it will likely be the less-respected, less widely consumed media sources such as talk radio that could try to fan the flames.


    What you're very unlikely to have, for example, is a widely consumed piece of mass media pointing out someone's inadequacies to a do job simply because they are gay in front page fashion, as the Daily Mail attempted with the recent high court judges Brexit case, or huge, falsified headlines attacking and blaming people of colour and whipping up a frenzy.


    The US will end up being the example for the UK in how to handle this kind of situation, because we are completely down the shitter in this respect.

  19. I read this before the election and struggled to find fault with it.



    I despise Trump, and despise his rhetoric. I despise his use of language and what he stands for, but I don't think this will be the disaster some people are making out.


    The Democrats are in a crisis and are now completely out of power in all aspects of American politics. This is a good thing. Their approach of chasing corporate money and media over working people has been their downfall. This will hopefully inspire them to look at that and come back stronger in four years. I geniunely believe Sanders would have won this election had it not been for the corrupt way the primaries were handled. Look how close it was in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Florida. Sanders, runnning on a similar but ultimately more tasteful anti-establishment, populist programme could have taken those states and unltimately the white house. American politics is unbelievably tribal, but that would likely have been enough.


    Furthermore, I believe the global community has less to fear from Trump than they would have from Clinton, despite his character. Obama has basically continued Bush's interventinalist policies and now we live in a world where ISIS exists and the US working man's and Middle Class' (regardless of colour) situation is still as poor as it was 8 years ago. If Trump really does opt to run on an "America first" program and take a more non-interventionalist approach to foreign policy, including resetting relations with Russia and scaling back the number of troops / forces abroad, I think a lot of problems could be solved.


    If he is successful (and I don't think he will be, for what it's worth) in bringing business, industry and money back to America then it will be a massive success after 40+ years of it leaving. Real wages of working people haven't increased since Clinton the first, and continuing on the already trodden path for another 4 years wouldn't have changed that. Hillary wouldn't have changed that.


    Let us also remember, as the poster above pointed out that Trump recieved less votes than the previous two Republican candidates. This wasn't a popular uprising. This wasn't a fascist takeover. This was people not wanting Hillary Clinton in the White House. This was Democrats not wanting her in there. Democrats in states where it really mattered.


    People are entirely justified in their fears in what this means for a liberal, open-minded society, but again - millions of newly justified racists haven't suddenly woken up overnight, no more than there already were, anyway. This is where I think this differs from Brexit. Traditional republicans voted for their candidate as they always do, in less numbers than before and the Democrats simply stayed at home. I don't think American liberal culture will really change all that much. I don't think minorities have anything to fear from their neighbours or the media, certainly not in the way sections of the british press have treated them.


    I hope that in four years the world will be in a better place than it currently is. I hope Trump can actually deliver on some of his more decent policies which appealed to his supporters who want a respectable wage or a increase in the standart of living, and of course the millions of people around the globe who want America to take a step back in global affairs. His rhetoric was vile and appealed to the lowest common denomenator, respect to Hillary Clinton for remaining classy and stateswomanlike. Hopefully we can put all this sordid unpleasentness behind us and things can be handled a hell of a lot more amicably from now on. The America that voted in Obama 8 years ago has not disappeared, it is still a magnificent country filled with wonderful people who want social and cultual progress, this will not change.


    It's hilarious how many of our own politicians have u-turned on Trump. I heard Theresa May on the radio yesterday and her speech sounded so prepared and fake. She is awful. Do I worry that this will inspire nationalists and racists in Europe? Yes. But as I have pointed out above, this wasn't a landslide or an uprising. This was people who were turned off by establishment politics, if you look at the numbers.


    Let's have a look in a year and see where we're at. I assume we'll see a very different picture from "the end of the world". Love still Trumps hate, and will continue to do so.

  20. I put 3 hours into the new update yesterday after deciding not to nuke my town. The thought of their little faces was just too much... Anyway seems like I have a lot to still do in this game and I always enjoy a bit of AC so if anyone wants to visit just let me know. Bring fruit.


    Maybe we should resurrect the online codes thread from the doldrums?

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