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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. Absolutely nay. The sole purpose of the embargo is to drive pre-orders. Publishers know within two weeks the turd of game they just crapped out will be in the bargain bins, so the only way to make money off it is to hype it up to the moon and cash in before the game is even released. See also: Pre-order bonus material / extras / DLC.

  2. Google:




    Im out.

    It's a shitty practice and never used to be the case back in the glory days of N64 magazine, but it's just what we have to deal with in 2017. Publishers are entirely to blame.


    1. Wind Waker

    2. Skyward Sword

    3. Majora's Mask

    4. Ocarina

    5. Twilight Princess


    Played through all five games in the last two years and that's how I see it now, will definitely change if I play through them all again some time.

  3. Just been into my local Smyths store after hearing they were getting a delivery today. Missed out by half an hour... Their whole batch sold out within two.


    Been refreshing Amazon every hour and despite it appearing sparodically over the past couple of days, I've still not managed to bag one.


    How is this thing STILL so hard to find?

  4. My favourite part of that presentation was the use of the word "curating".


    I'm pleased Nintendo are playing an active role in what's released for the Switch. The thought of a Steam style free-for-all would be a massive turn off for me when it comes to e-shop titles.


    So excited for Streamworld Dig 2. The first game is awesome (review coming soon). Some other titles looked great, though I don't know how many I'll pick up as they launch, more likely I'll wait for a few sales or My Nintendo promotions.

  5. Right i'm now starting to become excited about the possibility of being promoted after 6 long undeserved seasons in League 1.


    We are currently sitting top of the table and 7 points clear. The whole team have been brilliant this year, in particular Billy Sharp. I'm


    Not just the Blades having a good season, what about Wednesday? :awesome: I kid of course! It looks as if we're going to make the playoffs this season after nearly 15 years of utter chaos at our club. Yes, I'm talking about Leeds and our win over the Owls last week was a big part of that. Garry Monk has been a breath of fresh air at Leeds, even if our chairman is still an absolute nut case. Managed to get to a couple of games this year and this is easily the best side we've had since we went down in 2004.


    I hope the Blades get promoted, and if we don't manage it this season then I'd be happy to see either Huddersfield or Wednesday go up to the Premier League. It's been too long since Yorkshire had decent representation at the top level and Hull don't count, because Hull.

  6. Working Thursday night then heading straight into the city centre to pick up my Switch and Zelda at the midnight launch from GAME.


    Got a case, pro controller and 1-2 Switch coming from Amazon on the Friday and will have a look on the e-shop when I tear myself away from Zelda, probably gonna go for I am Setsuna and FAST RMX, but not straight away. I have Friday, Saturday and Sunday off work and I'm as excited as I was for the GameCube launch.


    Only 4 days to go...

  7. This is no "soft launch". I don't understand why people think it is. I think its an excuse for nintendo fans to use should the thing not do well or the fact their online services aren't up to scratch, no VC etc.


    Nintendo is going all out marketing this thing. This is a proper launch. If it was just for the fanboys they would not be marketing the hell out of it. I think they are implementing the marketing really well, spending lots of money. I want this thing to be a mega success for them.

    The console is launching 2 months after Christmas, with a very limited number of titles. The launch window line up is focused on brining high quality releases up until the end of the year, hence why we've heard nothing about 2018 yet.


    While I agree that the marketing has been fairly solid thus far, I'm inclined to believe this is more an exercise in brand awareness marketing, given how toxic the Wii name has become. Maybe it's not entirely a "soft" launch, but it's certainly unique in comparison with recent console launches where maximum sales in the run up to Xmas are pushed and the console has full support from the manufacturer and, importantly, third parties.


    Nintendo has almost nothing to show from major third parties, for better or worse. I would assume given the rumblings we've heard over the past 12 months with dev kits not being easily acquired, that Nintendo have manufactured this situation so as not to front load the system on launch day and make room for Zelda and Zelda alone. Other consoles (including the Wii U) have launched with at least a version FIFA or COD.


    Furthermore, the lack of any kind of bundle whatsoever suggests Nintendo feel they don't need to really push for sales, as day one buyers will be buying regardless, hence more £££s in the till for them.


    The bundles, online and the VC will come, and I wouldn't be surprised if another big marketing push and some attractive bundles appear then too, starting in Autumn in the run up to the holidays.


    Or maybe they just weren't ready and this has all been haphazardly pieced together, though considering how quiet they've been in the past two years, I find that hard to believe.

  8. I really liked Skyward Sword, I felt it did something new after TP, which despite being a fantastic game, didn't do too much different from OOT or expand on the traditional Zelda formula.


    That's not to say SS is without its faults. Many of them have been mentioned, but I really enjoyed the motion controls and how they really added to the experience, felt they were done really well. The story was one of the best, most in-depth stories in a 3D Zelda game as well, plus the game gave us the first orchestral soundtrack, which was incredible. I can see why others didn't really enjoy it though, it wasn't without niggles.


    Before the game was released I wasn't too hyped for it, I was a bit burned out on gaming and it even failed to bring me back really. I did play through it all eventually and thoroughly enjoyed it, for me it still ranks as one of the best 3D Zeldas.


    From a personal standpoint, BOTW is the most hyped I've been for a game since Wind Waker probably. I'm going on a blackout this week, the previews, particularly from places like Gametrailers, have got me confident this is going to live up to the hype.

  9. It's definitely disappointing that we won't get VC games at launch but it's what we all expected unfortunately. I'm willing to give them a couple of months to get it all up and running but if there isn't a large library of VC games available when the service launches and they appear to be going the same trickled release route as with the Wii U and 3DS then I will be very disappointed and will most certainly complain. Same goes for the online service too, Nintendo deserve some time to get things right but if there hasn't been any improvement in service over what was available on Wii U by the time they start charging for it then i'll happily join the outrage.


    It's good news to hear that Fast RMX and Shovel Knight will be available on launch day too, hopefully the Nindies presentation next week has some more info on the eshop and online services. I got an email from Nintendo earlier telling me to make sure all my money was in order, so hopefully it ships soon!


    See, now this is a sensible and measured post. Instead of blind outrage, this post is frank in its assesments, not over the top. "Disappointing" instead of "ridiculous". "Willing to wait" instead of moaning or saying "typical Nintendo" who are "out of touch", like their word is gospel.


    There are a few people on this forum who I'm sure say the things they do for a reaction, yes everything I've written today has been very black and white, but that is simply a response to the people who warble on about the same thing every time, that "it's not good enough" from Nintendo. Not good enough FOR YOU. Not good enough to get YOUR MONEY (even though they are). This is why I don't understand why they are buying day one, it just defies logic. "Oh but I'll enjoy the games" is used as justification for pissing on everything else. Like I said it's not that black and white, yet people endlessly make the same boring points.


    When people claim they'll enjoy the games, I would ask, what games? Zelda is about the bulk of it and a couple of Wii U indie ports at lauch. What games? My arguments about this being a soft launch have been ignored because people want it ALL and want it NOW.


    There are a lot of things I'm not 100% pleased about with the Switch launch, especially the price of the accessories. I have stated my criticisms previously, but overall I'm excited for release, feel the pros outweigh the cons and I'm looking forward to the console. Online and VC will come with time. No it's not the PS4, sorry, but this is Nintendo after all, so out of touch. I'm up for in-depth and well informed discussion about the launch and the games, but the same people (from both sides, incidentally) keep dragging it down with points we've heard 100 times. How can discussion move on if every time Nintendo make a perceived wrong move people drag the discussion back to stuff we've already exhausted.


    Criticism is fair game, but using the appropriate language and not retreading old arguments would go a long way to making it more tolerable.

  10. Any other company that so blatantly ignored their core fanbase this consistently would have gone bust a long, long time ago. Thanks to what seems to be a kind of begrudging reverse-fanboyism, which is based on seemingly nothing but nostalgia, Nintendo are being kept in business by people who consistently rush out to buy products they don't really want. We all hate Nintendo, but damn we love their games.


    Here's hoping Nintendo go third party so people can finally be at peace again.

  11. There are countless things I give money to every day; the idea that giving money precludes you from complaining about said thing is, frankly, ridiculous.

    Buying a console on launch day and complaining about it is absolutely hilarious. I loved my Wii U, mostly because I bought it 2 years after it came out when it actually had some appeal. It's called common sense and logic. It didn't appeal to me in the first two years, so I ignored it.


    For all those people wanting Nintendo to change, giving them your cash on day one ain't gonna make them do it. Entitled gamers with no patience.

  12. No you are wrong. I can buy it day 1 and still get plenty of enjoyment from the the product. However that doesn't mean I accept whatever bs Nintendo give me.


    I'm allowed to be disappointed when Nintendo don't match the standards I expect. I mean God forbid someone would expect them to not miss the VC store 3 times in a row. How dare one think they might just of delivered this time.


    What I do think this shows is VC isn't so much a revenue spinner for Nintendo hence once again the lack of urgency to get it running.


    Maybe it's time they look at the obscene pricing model and start selling 20 year old games cheaper.

    No I'm not. You are giving Nintendo your money, therefore buying their "bs".

  13. Entitled gamers? You mean customers who just expect better.


    I wish people wouldn't pick and choose when they want to compare Nintendo with the competition.


    Either do it for everything or not at all.

    "Entitled" = people who throw their money at a company or a product day one and demand that it has all the features they want, because they can't compute the idea of not buying it or just simply waiting. Instead they prefer to bitch and moan about the injustice they face for making the decision to purchase something they don't even want or something that doesn't adhere to their every specific need.


    A lot of this has been happening since the Switch was announced, especially in this forum. A lot of people have stated their desire to wait until Christmas. A great deal of others have essentially moaned about how they're being forced to buy it day one despite it not being what they really want. Baffles the mind.

  14. VC has been done at launch before, Wii and Vita are two recent examples.


    Given Nintendo have fuck all on the schedule for a while after Zelda and that we'll probably complete Zelda pretty quickly, you'd think getting this ready for launch would have been a priority.




    There's no excuse for not having the accounts/online side of things up for launch. Everyone else can do it.

    Accounts are ready for launch. As is online. The only thing that isn't is whether previous purchases will carry over. Just like all those PS1 games you bought on PS3 that you could download on your PS4 day one. Oh wait...

  15. Why not get it ready for launch though? They have had plenty of time.

    Like Ronnie says, they're likely overhauling it, what with GC rumoured to be coming. Then there are the rumours regarding accounts and previous purchases carrying over. These things take time if they are being implemented. Though, all rumours at this stage, we could end up with another naff VC.


    I think most users would agree that it's better to have a VC done right that rushed for launch. The Arlo video that was posted a couple of pages ago made a lot of sense with regard to this being a "soft launch", aimed at hardcore Nintendo fans, with Xmas being when it gets a big push when more units will be available. Having everyone rush in at once in November or December leaves a lot of people unhappy and is prime ground for scalpers. This way, those who are prepared to fork out on day 1, with an average launch line-up and unclear online features get their console before everyone else, then there are more units available for the "mass market" once marketing and word of mouth have started to do their jobs.


    The value proposition offered by Switch in the run up to Christmas will be staggering once everything has fallen into place. Lots of games, coherent online and a working VC with a nice selection of games from various past consoles (hopefully with more N64 and GC). I think it's an interesting strategy that should pay off, unlike Wii U which did bonkers numbers on day one before committing seppuku a week later.

  16. Not good enough.


    Why? Which other consoles bar the Wii have launched with a virtual back catalogue?


    I'm so tired of this entitled gamer mentality where people feel they have the right to complain about every single decision. Why are you buying day one if the console doesn't have what you want? Why are you wasting your money on a product that you're not happy with?


    How exactly is no VC a big deal? Just like every other consoles launch in history we won't have a huge choice of stuff to play initially. We paid our pre-orders knowing that, complaining about it now is ridiculous.


    The VC will launch when Nintendo are ready to launch it and hopefully it will be much better than the Wii U one. Not being available at launch indicates they might be making an effort this time.

  17. Beaten Xenoblade Chronicles X recently. The Noctilum theme was already one of my absolute favourites from that game.


    Broadcast Yourself


    And the Man-on ship is also a favourite


    Broadcast Yourself


    But having got further into the game and beaten it there are a few more favourites from this soundtrack:


    Broadcast Yourself


    Broadcast Yourself


    Broadcast Yourself


    Broadcast Yourself


    And I actually kind of like this song...


    Broadcast Yourself


    I do understand the hate that Xenoblade X's OST gets, it's so unique and different from anything in gaming OSTs before it, definitely unconventional... I absolutely love it though, especially the Noctilum theme! My favourite OST of the generation.

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