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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. 10 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    Is it the Splatfest this weekend? Would be good if at least 4 of us could get a team together for it and play some time over the weekend. I have yet to choose a side and will happily just jump over to which ever side wants to get a team together.

    I'm away this weekend, so I'm likely going to miss it :cry:

    According to the app, it seems most of the N-E heathens have sided with Ketchup, so that might be your best bet. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    Thing is, like a lot of other issues, this was present in the original game, as well ( shoddy matchmaking). So I haven't got any faith that they will sort it out. 

    Another issue i've started to encounter is just how long it actually takes to fill a lobby. No word of a lie, I must have sat close to 7 mins yesterday waiting for the lobby to fill up. It's happened a few times now and sometimes the game just boots me back to the starting area due to connection being lost to host/other console or whatever it says. There is definitely issues with their servers and they really need to sort it out if they expect people to pay for their online service come next year.

    The lack of the jumping mini-game is really noticeable, isn't it? I played around with the music for a while before I got bored, but I've also been waiting a while on occasion. Generally it's quick, especially in the evening, but at other times it's painfully slow. Still, I'm an ardent supporter of the map-rotation and the reduction to two hours. I can still get around 15+ games done in an hour, where as choosing load outs and maps every time would definitely hinder that number. I feel like I've learned all the new maps, with the Main Stage being the only one I'd consider a dud. I'm also happy to use the Sniper, for example, for a few rounds, then back out, change my gear and go hell for leather with the N-Zap '85. I personally prefer this set up to choosing prior to every round, but can understand why others don't particularly like it. 

  3. On another note incidentally, when in game I haven't really noticed any of the issues with lag. In Splatoon 1, I was constantly getting splatted before I could even react, in this game I've not experienced that at all. That was my biggest frustration with the first game (though probably due to the fact I was playing with the Japanese 90% of the time), so I'm glad it doesn't seem to be rearing it's ugly head this time round. The new maps are great, if a little small, and the weapons seem much more balanced. Overall I'm pleased with how this turned out, but there's still some issues that are really holding it back. 

    • Like 1
  4. I've been getting really frustrated with the matchmaking recently. First few days it was perfect, but now I'm getting loads of disconnects and keep getting put on incompetent teams. As in, I'd get more kills than the rest combined and more than double the second best player in terms of area covered. Normally I'd let this slide if it was the odd occasion, but it's happening so consistently that the game just isn't fun for long periods. I'm at level 20, and when I get put in a team with a load of sub level 8s up against an entire team of teens and twenties it's just frustrating as hell. I'm not trying to say I'm better than most, blah blah blah, because I'm really not, but the matchmaking is simply atrocious, it lacks any kind of intelligence. I don't mind playing against similar or tougher opponents, but when I feel like I'm on my own for games on end, it just saps all the fun out of it. I've lost my fresh ranking in loads of weapons and have been having to sit through a few time bans over the past couple of days, even though I know my connection is not the issue. Sorely tempted to just put this game to one side or exclusively stick to Salmon Run. It needs sorting out ASAP. 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Glen-i said:

    Multiple Switches are needed. You can find the local modes in that arcade place near the Dance Dance Revolution rip-off machine.

    Anyway, is anyone up for some Salmon Run tonight? After Mario Kart N-E League?

    I will be. Finishing work at 9 so I should be good to go around 9.30.

    • Like 1
  6. Salmon Run is so awesome. Think we only didn't finish twice, right? Absolutely killed it. And that time we got 28 eggs on the first wave, lovely stuff. I'm up to 180% pay bonus now and got over 800 points from that hour alone, cheers!

    • Like 1
  7. 54 minutes ago, Pestneb said:

    I obviously haven't played the game, but in splatoon I found persevering with a weapon ended up with me improving a lot. 

    This is so true, I was awful with rollers and snipers in the first one, but I've persevered in this game and I'm pretty handy with both now. Snipers are the bomb in ranked mode.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

    Sorry @Nicktendo We didn't realise you were coming back.

    Great games though, managed to get another 3 shirts, one with a skill I like, so that's nice.

    I guess next weekend, Splatfest will override everything, so... Maybe after that.


    No worries, I tried to reconnect but the room kept showing as full so I went over to ranked mode.

    No words can sum up how much I despise the blaster waepon. What an absolute piece of junk. 

    Good games while it lasted, though. Finally got my superbonus! 4,000 coins. Yay.....

  9. 21 minutes ago, Sméagol said:

    Is it me, or are some weapons simply terrible when playing Salmon run? I don't like the snipers, the minigun, or the paintbrush at all.

    The sniper barely inks, is the absolute best weapon against those bomb throwing boss enemies, but crap against anything else.

    The minigun also barely inks, is great against small groups of small enemies, ok against most boss characters individually, but useless when things get hectic (which is often).

    The paintbrush is ok at inking, but can barely kill anything.

    I love Salmon run, but it's excruciating when I get these weapons :indeed:.

    Still, I'm up for some midnight (23:00 UK) Salmon run if anyone wants to play. Unless I'm not back home yet.

    I'm up for some games tonight. The weapon choice for this Salmon Run isn't the best, especially the blaster, but the heavy splatling is god tier for some of the bosses. Don't forget that today's Salmon Run ends at 1am UK time, I wanna try and get the superbonus as I still haven't managed to get one yet.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Pestneb said:

    In splatoon at least,  when you have the lead, there are points where going backwards (while your team holds off the opposing team from coming into your territory) can actually be a safer way of winning the match than trying to push further forward. not sure if that is still true in splat2, nor if that is what you are talking about... there are people who I think are either trolling or panicking when they grab the rainmaker :D

    There is a huge area at the bottom of Moray Towers to duel, escape or hide in, why anyone would go back up their OWN RAMP in the last few seconds before dying really puzzles me. I'm just annoyed because it cost me my B rank :cry:

  11. I was aware it was you guys and H-o-T. Some good games, really enjoying the new maps and special weapons. Music isn't as good as the first game but the graphics are much nicer.

    Salmon Run is absolute god tier. Looking forward to some N-E nights on that!

  12. 5 minutes ago, Kaxxx said:

    You would have thought Nintendo UK store would have improved after the Switch shambles but no, no game arrived today.

    I got mine, along with the t-shirt at 11am.

  13. Like so many people of our age, Linkin Park were the band that shaped so much of my musical taste and were the soundtrack to my final years of school.

    R.I.P. Chester, you were one of my heroes. Thanks for the music and for the memories.

  14. 13 minutes ago, Serebii said:

    I do get why they've gone the app route, but they need to improve the app considerably. It's not as doomsaying or "backwards" as people make it out to be

    I think anyone who knows what Nintendo is about can understand why they've gone down the app route. I've left them my feedback in the app, I hope they'll consider the suggestions I made. I mean, look at how the Switch looked on March 3rd compared to how it looks now, in three and a half months it's gone through some pretty decent changes and added some functionality. The app will look completely different by the time the paid service launches, I'll make my judgment at the time whether it's worth it or not, not on what is essentially a free day-one beta. In six months time, I'm sure I'll be sat with a glass of sancerre, nostalgically flicking through the now bookmarked pages of unbridled outrage, still failing to understand how Nintendo's biggest critics are often the ones that throw the most money at them. 

    • Like 1
  15. Some highlights from NeoGaf.


    continue to disappoint us with her online offering


    This is embarrassing.


    This is fucking embarrassing.


    This is something else


    So stupid.


    Utter idiocy. exactly what was expected.


    fucking mistake


    This is like failure inception


    Today we know that it is absolute shit.


    I'm actually looking forward to Reggie spin this shitstorm into something positive


    This is indefensible.


    15 years we have known about what quality online services should look like on consoles. 15 years.


    inconceivable that a company can so readily f#&k up


    I honestly hope this game bombs


    seeing it makes it way funnier and sad.


    they're fucking up on purpose

    So this is where we are before the app has even officially launched. 

    Looking forward to those record Splatoon 2 sales and massive number of people signing up to the paid online service when it launches.

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