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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. Rules are simple, and copy the format of IGN's recent go at this (thanks H-o-T for clarifying):

    • We each take a turn in adding a game to the top 10. 
    • Once the ten games are established, you then can either add a game to the list at any position ( knocking down all the games underneath ) or swap the positions of 2 games that are already on the list.
    • If a game is thrown off the list twice then it stays of the list for good.
    • Each person can choose to veto a decision once.

    Let's establish another rule: The same person cannot suggest a new title within 5 posts, let others have their say. If we can have 10 suggestions from 10 different people to get the ball rolling, then feel free to chime in with other suggestions. Vetos can either be written or added to a post using the sad smiley. Each person posts their choice and newly edited list after their choice so it's easy to see where we're at from the latest post. Feel free to post screenshots and a bit of blurb about your choice if you so wish. 

    Here's IGN's list:

    1. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
    2. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
    3. Super Mario World
    4. Super Mario Bros.
    5. Super Mario 64
    6. Super Metroid
    7. The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time
    8. Super Smash Bros. Melee
    9. Metroid Prime
    10. Pokemon Gold/Silver

    More IGN rules:  Only standalone Nintendo-made games are eligible. No collections. That means only games published or developed by Nintendo. So, yes to Banjo-Kazooie (developed by Rare, published by Nintendo), but no to Chrono Trigger (made by Square), even if it was on the Super NES. The games have to have come out somewhere in the world. So Star Fox 2 wouldn't be eligible quite yet, but Mother 3 is eligible.

    Shall I start then? Okey.

    First game on the list is Wii Sports. 

    Let the games begin!

    List (edit into your post)
    1. Wii Sports.

    • Thanks 2
  2. 9 hours ago, Ronnie said:

    When was the last time you replayed Sunshine?

    Mario Kart 64 may not hold up much these days but at the time it was a huge achievement bringing the series into 3D.

    To be honest I thought it was pretty poor, especially in comparison to the vastly superior Diddy Kong Racing, which looked nicer and seemed to run better (+ no rubber banding!!)

    I've only played Sunshine twice to completion. Both times during the GC's lifespan so I know that's totally nostalgia speaking :D I claim its the best because I remember having more fun with it on my first play through than I did with the Galaxy games (as incredible as they are) or 3D world. Generally preffered the hub world route and multiple stars per world than the more linear affairs.

    • Like 2
  3. I'm genuinely surprised that more people chose invisibility, even if by a tiny margin. Must have been all them pervy kids :laughing: I genuinely think we could have swung a percentage point overall, especially as we were kicking arse in the first group. 

    I ended up at 21-15 for the Splatfest, which isn't so bad I guess. Been on the winning side both times now :heh: Had a highest power level of 2077.5. How did everyone else get on? 

  4. Disconnected.... 5 points off Flight Queen as well. That's me done for the night, can't be arsed waiting to be allowed to play again. Good games tonight. Will get a few in tomorrow morning as well.

  5. Man, you can really feel the difficulty ramp up when you win a few games. Some of those games against the 2000+ power level players are insane. Way tougher than A ranked battle modes. I love the new shifty station level for the splatfest, the one on the last one was pants.

    Also, snipers annoy the hell out of me.

    I have someone on my friend's list that has already played this game for 350 hours. That's 10 hours a day almost. Let that sink in. I will never be an elite player at this game. 


    /random thoughts.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Glen-i said:

    I don't think it's possible to form a pair in Splatfest.

    Sad face. Ok I'll wait until a spot opens up then, will be playing long into the night if people are still around.

  7. I'm going to make some food, will be back around 9 for team battle or in pairs. 

    We were unlucky in the last game on Moray Towers. A team which were clearly a unit, had the same names, all at level 50 or there abouts and we lost by only 5 or so %. Some class games lads. Absolutely destroyed some teams.

    • Like 2
  8. I'll be on from about 6pm, joining the group above. Happy to play into the wee hours of Sunday and join any teams going. Also want to give the voice chat app a try if anyone else fancies it.

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