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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. How is the battery life for you guys? I've been splitting my time pretty evenly between playing on my TV using the Pro controller and playing in handheld mode and I've been able to easily play Zelda and Fast RMX for about 3 hours handheld and still have 10-15% battery. I'm surprised by how much I've used it in handheld mode, I was dead set on just playing Zelda on my TV but it still feels as epic and engrossing on the Switch's screen.

    I was playing Zelda in bed last night on low brightness with the Wi-Fi turned off and got nearly 4 hours out of it!! Really impressive.

  2. I'm not sure I can agree with some of the points made here about embargoes helping to avoid click-bait articles and reviews. I find this excuse to be anti-consumer. While I admit there was a certain amount of stock placed by gaming media (magazines I suppose) in the 90s to have that "world exclusive" review on the front cover, it was fairly simple for the gamer to distinguish which publications were more respected / independent / honest in their reviewing. At least it seemed that way to me.


    Fast-forward to today and we have a situation not too dissimilar. Only now, content is entirely free and there's much more of it. Every gamer who is serious about this hobby knows which publications are to be trusted and respected. I'm sure the vast majority of gamers can tell from a review if the person reviewing it has actually played the game. These relationships between the publishers and the reviewers are built on trust, as are the relationships between the reviewers and the gamers. If a reviewer were to rush reviews and opt for click-bait driven articles based on being first, over time their relationship with gamers would diminish as their reviews would be non-representative of the content offered in the game. The publishers themselves could also take a more active roll in sending out review copies by identifying which reviewers haven't actually played their games and blacklisting them (I realise this is open to abuse, but hey I'm in a positive mood today). Anyone who does find themselves blacklisted can simply wait, just like the rest of us, and review the game when it's on the shelves. If their review is engaging, honest, and maintains journalistic integrity, the clicks will come (I'm thinking, for example, Angry Joe and Jim Stirling here, both blacklisted by Nintendo, but I'm still interested in hearing what they have to say about their games, even if it's days or weeks after release)


    Of course there are a whole heap of other problems in the gaming industry when it comes to reviews and release dates including bought reviews, day one patches, exclusive DLC etc etc. But at the end of the day the consumer doesn't need to be treated like an idiot. I have my set of sites, podcasts, personalities, bloggers and magazines who I trust, as I'm sure 99% of us here do, that would be the same without a review embargo. If IGN or NWR rushed a review just to be first, I'd be able to tell (maybe not always straight away, but eventually) and I'd place less value on their opinion and less clicks on their homepage.

  3. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1350842


    Oh cool! The Switch actually DOES have an Activity Log built in! It just only starts showing stuff after a week's time playing it.


    You'll find it on your profile (click your icon in the top corner of the home menu). It only shows playtimes in 5 hour increments right now sadly, but that might change in the future I suppose.


    The Parental Controls app is still more detailed though, so if you want a detailed breakdown, you can use that (I have it set on, you can actually set it to have no restrictions at all and it'll still track your gameplay time).

    This makes me happy. I like being able to see how much of my time I've spent (wasted) playing games :D

  4. Interesting video that shows why the left Joycon is failing on people. The guy actually fixes it and makes it perform a hell of a lot better, even out performing the right Joycon.



    Been following SWM on YouTube for a while now, he is a great guy who genuinely gives an informed and unbiased opinion on Nintendo related topics. These "taking apart" videos are awesome, clearly has a deep knowledge of electronics and his videos are always informative. Give him a sub, it's definitely worth your time.

  5. https://www.nintendo.com/switch/buy-now/


    These prices were reported not long after the January event.


    Weird, I was on the site this weekend and it was only $60. Gone now though.


    Copied this page from my browser history: https://store.nintendo.com/ng3/us/po/browse/productDetailColorSizePicker.jsp?categoryNav=true&navAction=jump&navCount=2&atg.multisite.remap=false&productId=prod840594&categoryId=cat831380


    Guess I was on the replacement parts page for some reason.... :grin:

  6. FastRMX1.jpg


    Picked this up with my e-shop credit thanks to the positive words @Dcubed used describing it.


    How's everyone finding it?


    After finishing the Wii U version I'm very happy with this sequel. The graphics have had a noticeable improvement, the menus and UI seem cleaner and sleeker and it's apparent to me that the ship's handling has been massively improved, I actually feel more in control of it this time round! The AI is also certainly fairer than it was before. Loving the new tracks as well.


    Looking forward to the update so we can get some N-E games going.

  7. LOL. Everyone has a unique story.


    Does anyone else feel sheer terror when those guys randomly appear? (keeping it non spoiler)... The smaller guys are fine and have good prizes but the bigger ones... Reminds me of the advice that dude gave Neo when ever he sees an agent...RUN! (but evening running might not save you).


    In these instances though I find the fast travel a bit cheap. I feel it should be inactive during battle.


    I decided to take on a big one for the first time last night. I had +10 hearts from food and it still almost killed me. What a feeling when you finally take it down though! Awesome mini-boss.

  8. I've got about £15 in GAME reward points which I'm going to spend on an E-shop voucher. Currently torn between FAST RMX and Shovel Knight. Owned both on Wii U and will buy both eventually but I can't for the life of me decide which one to go for.


    Can anyone shed any light on RMX and how it differs from Wii U or whether the extra content in Shovel Knight is decent? I only played through the base game on Wii U.

  9. Apparently the Switch is getting exclusive DLC.


    If this was half price I would have downloaded it.


    Me too. I was planning on getting this, but £30 is just too steep after buying the console and everything else.

  10. Yeah, just noticed mine has some light scratches, I've only removed it from the dock a couple of times. :(

    Some people have suggested sticking electrical tape at the base of the dock. Seems to be a decent solution for those who don't want to buy a screen protector.

  11. I'm surprised things don't respawn like you would expect, especially some things like peppers for instance. Maybe they do over a long time.


    For some reason I expected enemy encampments to respawn but I'm very glad they don't. Makes it a bit less video gamey.

    Take a picture of everything with your Sheikah slate. Makes it much easier to track stuff down later on.

  12. Haha, I absolutely love those 'apparatus'!


    This game is just gorgeous... Love how the map locations have familiar names.


    @Nicktendo saw you putting in some work in the wee hours - gotten far?

    Not at all! I've played for coming up to 25 hours and have done nothing of real significance. About 16 shrines and a lot of exploring. I've done a few side quests but pretty much ignored the main quest. Mainly been searching for ingredients to cook some useful food and trying to find better weapons. I'm having a blast just wandering around.

  13. So I’ve had the Switch for coming up to 2 full days now and I guess it’s time to post some thoughts…


    Went to the midnight launch in Bolton, where I picked up the console and Zelda. After reading some of the other posts in this thread, I’m kind of glad I did pre-order in the old bricks and mortar store. I really feel for you guys who’ve been screwed over or made to wait so long. I would have been livid if I’d have been made to wait as long as some people and I’m not renowned for my patience. The launch was a lot of fun, people were playing the Wii U version of Zelda on a demo kiosk set up in store, the staff were obviously really excited too. I’d say there were between 60 and 70 people there, which was unexpected for a town of this size, there was a lot of talk about Nintendo and the Switch in general and a great atmosphere of positivity and excitement. I don’t think there was anyone there under 25 though, so I’m guessing that says a lot about Nintendo’s dedicated fan base. Nostalgia is king. The whole process was mega smooth and everyone paid up before midnight allowing the staff to hand out the goods very quickly.


    Setting the system up was a breeze, and yes, the joy-cons were about 70% charged which meant I could do the initial set-up (including linking My Nintendo and the Parental Controls app!) on the tablet, before docking it and placing the joy-cons into the grip. The update took a minute, which was fantastic and I dove straight in to Zelda.


    Initial impressions of the OS and e-shop were a bit underwhelming. Coming off the back of the Wii U, which of course after 4-5 years, is fully fleshed out, the whole thing feels severely undercooked. Hell, even the 3DS had more stuff to fiddle about with at launch. I’m prepared to eat humble pie here and admit that the whole thing feels a little rushed. I get the impression that Miiverse and Streetpass will be sorely missed if something even slightly similar to those features is not ready quite soon. Like some people have mentioned already, I was also a heavy user of the data apps on Wii U and 3DS, where you could see which games you’ve played and for how long etc. I’m really surprised there isn’t something similar on the Switch, and the stuff on the Parental Controls app is pathetic in comparison, however it seems come the end of March there will be more detailed information related to the month as a whole. Still, not a patch on what was a very basic feature for previous systems.


    What has really surprised me however, is the sheer speed of everything. Coming out of sleep mode and back into a game is lightning quick, as is generally moving around the OS. Very impressive stuff. The store loads much quicker than the Wii U and 3DS despite lacking an actual structured layout. Taking screenshots and posting to Twitter is easy as pie, even if the editing options are very bare-bones. The touch screen seems very responsive and is a marked step up from the Wii U.


    While I’m very impressed with the build quality if the device, I’ve had a few issues. The game card slot is a nightmare, it’s very fiddly and I’ve even had the console fail to recognise I’d changed the game one or two times. After an extended play on Zelda, I stuck in 1-2 Switch and nothing happened. It worked upon re-insertion, but it’s worrying, as it happened again when I put Zelda back in. The joy-con straps are also a pain to remove. During a game of 1-2 Switch I had to use considerable force to remove them both for the first few times, even though I’d unlocked them at the strap. Seems to be easier now, but still, not ideal. For the console it’s fine, and slotting the joy-cons out after docking is just as smooth and satisfying as I’d imagined it would be.


    I played about 7 hours of Zelda over Friday night and Saturday morning with the joy-con grip and felt it was more than adequate. The controls took me ages to get used to, but once I got the hang of it, it felt like I was using a normal pad. I do feel the joy-cons are much more comfortable in handheld mode though, especially after experiencing the pro-controller. That thing is a beast. Unbelievably comfortable and suitably weighty, definitely up there with the Gamecube pad, the fact it’s lacking proper analogue triggers is still a crime though. Why, Nintendo, why? Still, a great purchase for anyone who is planning on spending long hours in docked mode. I’ve spent most of today playing handheld and I much prefer it to the 3DS, which used to give me slight cramps after an hour or so of play. None of that here.


    The screen is jaw-droppingly good and performs even better than my new TV! Even on low brightness everything seems to pop out and there are no issues with colours running, motion blur or ghosting as you sometimes get on LCD screens. I’ve been playing at about 25% brightness, 50% sound and I was at 45% battery after an hour and 50 minutes of Zelda. Extremely impressive.


    HD rumble is just as awesome as it’s been hyped up to be. Ball count in 1-2 Switch is utterly fantastic, you really can feel every little detail, I can’t wait to see how this is implemented in future. As for 1-2 Switch, me and the missus played for about an hour last night. It was fun, and easy for her as a non-gamer to understand using the joy-con, barring one or two games, which required a little bit more detailed explanation. I’ll probably put it on a couple more times, but there isn’t much there for two people, it’s definitely more a party game. I’d love to take it into work and get some people playing on a break or something, I feel that is where it will shine. Wii Sports it most certainly isn’t though, and it won’t have the longevity of it either. Feels a bit throwaway, in all honesty. Because of that, I’m glad it wasn’t a pack in, it really lacks the charm or depth of Wii Sports and is obviously not suited to one-player sessions. I got it for free with a gift-voucher from work, but it is absolutely not worth the RRP, even £20 would be a bit steep given the content on offer.


    I won’t say much about Zelda here, but I’m loving it. I’ve put in about 15-20 hours and have barely done anything apart from wandering around to find stuff and fight Bokoblins. It really captures the spirit of the original NES game and looks just beautiful. Nintendo have outdone themselves in terms of world-building and scale. The game begs the player to explore, rewarding and punishing that exploration accordingly, without ever feeling cheap or unfair. It feels like Nintendo have really stepped into the 21st Century with this game, into a world where Assassin’s Creed and Grand Theft Auto do exist. Their take on the genre is so typically Nintendo, yet so un-Nintendo in equal measure. If anything, this game gives me confidence that in a few years’ time we’ll all be talking about how Nintendo got back to their best.


    One point of note though, I played through Skyward Sword in the run up to this and I will be genuinely sad if we don’t see another “Ocarina” style Zelda again. There’s something about the pacing, progression and structure of those games (OK, maybe not SS) that just feels so incredible. While an open world can be a wonderful thing and give an immense sense of freedom and immersion, a well-structured and defined path through a game world and story can be just as enjoyable. The Zelda series, at least for me, in it’s now previous form was the pinnacle of that. I hope it makes a return in some form one day.


    After missing out on the Wii U launch, I decided to join in the fun from the start this time. There are so many games coming out for the Switch that have grabbed my interest, alongside a wealth of indie titles that will be ideal for this machine. The potential for the Switch really is off the charts. I made the jump on that promise and that potential. Did I need to? In hindsight, no. While the Switch itself is easily the best hardware Nintendo have ever put out, the software side is lacking. The OS, while undoubtedly slick, is very, very basic. A number of features from previous generations feel sorely missed and I get the impression that this won’t all be built up until the back end of the year at the earliest. I would have bought this system regardless, doing it on launch day proved expensive and a little underwhelming given the hype for this thing.


    Don’t get me wrong though, I LOVE playing Zelda on my new Switch and feel I made the right choice getting the Switch version as opposed to the Wii U one. Plus, it always feels good to be the first to own new technology and this is the first time since the Wii’s launch that I’ve day one’d hardware :D I’ll point out here that I haven’t experienced any of the issues doing the rounds on the web. No joy-cons sync issues, wi-fi works upstairs even after sleeping, and I’m not noticing any scratching on my device.


    For those that haven’t made the jump, I would say you aren’t really missing that much as of now. Once some more games come out and Nintendo put a little more work into some of the more background features of the system, I think we’ll have one of the best systems they’ve produced in years. Even though it’s dumb as hell, I can see why IGN gave it a 6.7. Lots and lots of potential, lacking a little on execution on day 1, but I suppose that won’t be news to anyone in 2017.

  14. So glad I got this from GAME's midnight launch in the end, despite some people mocking me for pre-ordering there :P


    Reading through the Switch thread has been painful, I would have been on edge all Thursday and today... Having the peace of mind that my stuff already had my name on it and was ready for collection was a great feeling in hindsight, even if it mend forking out £15 or so more on Zelda.


    My Amazon stuff didn't get shown as dispatched until after midnight. My case isn't coming til Monday, but it's no big deal. Pro controller and 1-2 Switch already out for delivery.


    Put about 8 hours into Zelda already and absolutely loving it. The OS and the e-shop are very bare bones though, bit underwhelmed in all honesty. Zelda more than makes up for it for now.


    Hope everyone enjoys launch day and the courier gods deliver at an acceptable time!

  15. Personally I'd rather keep all Zelda chat in one thread, less confusing, but whatever the majority want.


    How would people know when to venture into a spoiler thread? If I want to talk about something 5 hours in, but someone else has posted about something 30 hours in. So yeah I'd just suggest this thread with spoiler tags giving vague hints on the kind of spoiler.

    The point is that the spoilers aren't hidden on mobile apps, so many of us who browse the forum using Tapatalk, for example, sometimes can't avoid the spoilers. At least if there was a separate thread specifically for marked spoilers I'd know not to even open it.

  16. >See Hero-of-Time has posted in thread

    >am dissappoint to see it isn't to say he's just finished off the final boss ;)




    Was just thinking about this myself, was contemplating editing the title of this to say potential spoilers but ask people to post and use spoiler tags? Of course I've seen people say spoilers aren't so great on the Tap-a-talk app thingy so I dunno - what do people want? One thread or two??


    Or if anyone's particularly keen on it they could create a 'non-spoiler' thread and we'll see how it goes?

    I say let's keep this one spoiler free and create a new one for those who have the game already.

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