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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. It's not that big a deal, nor is one more sensible than the other. If anything, I found the GamePad/Wii U Pro Controller setup more comfortable for the thumbs than the other.



    Doesn't mean it's sensible just because everyone else did it.


    It was awesome for Splatoon, which rarely used the face buttons, except X, just the sticks and the triggers. But the lack of motion was a disadvantage. I imagine, had we seen more FPSs on the Wii U, it would have been nice to have the Pad Pro layout of the sticks.

  2. Sorry, but it really isn't. You're talking to someone who has spent thousands of hours playing competitively online. The right hand side Wii U Pro buttons aren't even laid out sensibly, hence why they have U turned with the Switch pad.


    The battery is the best thing about it.


    Layout and build quality are not the same thing. Pick up a classic controller for the Wii and then tell me the Wii U pad doesn't have decent build quality. The positioning of buttons isn't a cost which is passed on to the consumer. I agree, it should have been the reverse and was awkward for playing competitively, but the build quality on the Wii U pad was among the best Nintendo have ever produced. The pad feels like a decent piece of kit. It has been more than ample for playing countless hours of Smash, Splatoon or MK8 online for me.



    "I'm willing to bet quite a bit more for what will be a lower build quality pad (going by what the Wii U Pro controller was like)"
  3. The v2 PS4 controller is £40 at Tesco. What's the cheapest the Switch Pro controller is selling for? I'm willing to bet quite a bit more for what will be a lower build quality pad (going by what the Wii U Pro controller was like).


    Lol wut? The build quality on the Wii U Pro is solid (certainly no worse than the DS4) and that 60+ hour battery life, baby.


    That released at £40, and sold for £35 in most places as I seem to recall - not that I got one back then as I thought it was a bit pricey, even though it never went down much. £30 is the cheapest I've ever seen it new. I got mine for £25 second-hand in CeX, not exactly outrageous, but I still grumbled as I handed over the cash.


    I agree with Liger than you should be comparing release prices, and not PS4 DS4 V2.01345 or what ever at Tesco in mid-Jan 2017. The pad has been out 2-3 years, Sony have had time to amend it's design, change parts and bring down costs, Nintendo haven't.


    The Switch Pro-Con is currently at £64.99 at most places, that will likely come down £5/10 before or during launch depending on stock levels (lots of talk on Twitter that they're scarce at the moment, most US sites don't have a pre-order available). We already know there's a hell of a lot of tech in them, same as the Joy-Cons but minus the IR. Battery has been stated at 20+ hours, people who've tried it have been positive on its design and build quality. There is more tech in there than the DS4, a 2-3 year old pad, I'm not surprised it's more expensive. Fairly redundant comparison backed up by a strange statement.


    Still, it is too expensive, outrageously so, and I won't be rushing out to buy one.

  4. Talking of online.... If the Switch has online akin to the Wii U, I may get it as a tablet (assuming the browser wouldn't require payment of the subscription fee :D)

    I love the net access on the Wii U, far superior to my phone, lighter than my laptop, superior (imo) to a tablet access (I despise mobile variants of websites) and portable unlike my PC. The only issue is it isn't AS portable as I would like, some rooms it won't work in or it cuts out in specific areas. Switch no having to communicate with a base console wouldn't have the issue so.... I guess we won't know about that till a lot closer to the launch date though :(




    I'm pretty sure the Switch won't have a browser. Can't remember where I heard / read it but it's apparently not packing one.


    I love Jim, and he's usually right. I agree he's jumping the gun with regards to online, we simply don't know enough yet, but his general criticisms of Nintendo as a company are wholly justified.

  5. @liger05 was just listening to it on my drive home and was wondering why nobody was hyped about it. Hyped again and can see why the joycons and pro controller are expensive. It is likened to the Vive in the talk and it's noted how it blows motion control and the PSMove away and that the camera is the real deal, working like a Kinect 2.0. It was also fascinating where she (sounded like a guy on the poscaat?!) talks about how "this thing is a dream to develop for" and how they make an educated guess as to the VC. Shame they got the analogue triggers wrong but yeah, tired etc.


    I'm not her biggest fan, but the way she spoke about the system was fascinating. Went into a lot of detail about a number of things which really got me hyped. Anyone who's still on the fence, give it a listen, really insightful stuff.

  6. I think this has the potential to be huge, an over the shoulder beat-em-up with what looks like massively deep gameplay. Granted it hasn't grabbed me yet, but I do wonder if this could be Switch's online sleeper hit. Fighting games are serious business in a competitive environment, and this has the potential to appeal to that market.


    I'd be interested if the single player is meaty, I'm a fan of the art style. Maybe we'll see an appearance from Punchout characters, maybe they'll try and push this as a whole new IP a là Splatoon. Interesting concept nonetheless, and bodes will for online gaming with the Switch.

  7. From what I've seen it's £50. Wii U owners are having to pay top dollar for the same game but with a couple of new characters and a battle mode. Add to that the price of playing online and you can see why many are unhappy with what's on offer.




    So that's £10 less than Zelda. I can see Amazon / Tesco etc. selling at £39.99. Wii U games were £50 RRP but outside of Game never really sold for that much. £40 is a big ask, but I'll probably bite if I find it for a bit below that.


    Edit: 1080p 60FPS is a big part of the draw for me personally.

  8. No extra tracks for single player is a shame, but I think this means they either have DLC planned for this or a new version is in the works for Switch.


    Have we had solid confirmation on the RRP?



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. I agree that it's good Nintendo are innovating on the controller front. It's the stiff u like them to do. The wave bird blew me away, it's that kind of innovation I like from Nintendo.


    HD rumble will probably become a fixture on Sony and MS controllers in the future.


    On the flip side no analogue triggers is really annoying. How does GameCube VC work without analogue triggers? Racing titles without analogue triggers? Why do they keep doing it.



    I thought @Ashley had confirmed they were analogue just no where near as deep as the GameCube triggers, a tiny amount of give, but analogue nonetheless, no? What about on the pro-controller? Can anyone who attended confirm anything?

  10. I think they are waiting to see how Switch sells before they make their next move. Whether that takes the form of a home console, handheld, VR device or even a smartphone based system it's impossible to say. Remember that the Nintendo Account was to be used for the Nintendo "family of systems" and a lot of emphasis has been made on how Nintendo have become focused on scaling projects for differently powered devices. Makes me think we could either see a more powerful device next, or a cheaper, underpowered, portable exclusive one depending on Switch's success in the market.

  11. I had the email from GAME this morning while I was asleep confirming my pre-order and one will be there for me on launch day. I will be attending the midnight launch, but will be picking up much less than I had anticipated. I won't be getting a pro-controller or a second pair of joycons, and I'll only be picking up Zelda. The prices are simply obscene. I'm sure, just like most of you, no-one was anticipating these prices. Nintendo have really painted themselves into a corner here and I can't see this selling like hotcakes like the Wii, or even the Wii U did at launch.


    I was impressed with the presentation last night and remain overwhelmingly positive on the system. I think by Christmas the console will have one of the strongest first year line-ups we will have ever seen from a new system. While the likes of Arms and 1-2 Switch didn't really grab me, I am liking the fact Nintendo has kept complex motion control in the joy-cons and isn't just focusing on "traditional" software. I like the fact that the system seems to amalgamate all of Nintendo's hardware innovations into one system, despite the price. My hope is that the tech lives up to the price and that developers take advantage of the tech in innovative and interesting ways.


    Thankfully I already have the bulk of the money put to one side for this and have been saving up since October last year, the extra money I'll have to fork out won't be such a big hit as I can put £10 a week or so aside without taking a huge hit, but I still feel like I'm paying over the odds and if I didn't already have a pre-order, I'd maybe consider Zelda on Wii U. Maybe some kind of ambassador program is in the works again and that would be some relief.


    The communication on online has been horrendous, and a quick look at the comments here or on NeoGaf shows that still nobody really knows what is going on. I've seen £20 banded about as an "acceptable" price point for the year, my feeling is that it will be at least double that, this is Nintendo after all... If the online is comparable with PSN or Xbox Live, I'd have no qualms about paying, though this does seem a big ask from the Big N, let's see if that DeNa partnership has produced something of note. I agree with what @Kaepora_Gaebora said in another thread that online features through a smart device has the potential to be huge. That Parental Controls trailer was unbelievably cute, but showed a very smart system, how much of it is actually built into the system remains to be seen, but it's certainly an interesting approach.


    Overall I'm still positive on this system and really looking forward to a number of the games that were shown last night, I'm sure even more will be revealed during the next couple of days with a number of third parties and second party devs like Next Level and Retro Studios yet to show their hand. We haven't heard anything about VC, but potentially online NES and SNES games is going to be huge. The price is a tough pill to swallow at this point and Nintendo really have their work cut out for them, but I'm sure in 7 weeks time, when everything has been explained and I have my hands on the system, I'll be pleased with my purchase.

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