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Posts posted by Nicktendo

  1. Definitely worth going for a new 3DS, but only if you will get decent usage out of it, I suppose. It's obviously more portable than the 2DS and faster when performing basic functions, though if you don't plan on taking it out with you, the 2DS may suit you better. I have the new 3DS (not XL) and feel it's a good compromise between the XL and 2DS. All the benefits of the XL and at a cheaper price point. Did I mention the swappable faceplates and the SNES throwback face buttons??

  2. I haven't bought anything on the Wii U VC except for Earthbound. I think I need to make another exception for this. It must be the best part of 10 years since I've played X and Nintendo's Youtube channel confirms it's the 60Hz version!

  3. I dont know why I called Paper Mario: Colour Splash Colour Paper Mario or Rayman Legends Rayman Adventures, guess I'm just tired from thinking about ALL THESE AWESOME GAMES. I also missed out Super Mario Maker another one of those famous E3 2014 games, but one that just didn't click with me. I'm not an overly creative person and I just couldn't make anything interesting. Playing user made levels got pretty tiring after a while, especially when a lot of people went for the same cliches. Finding a level which was truly great became a bit of a chore. My biggest disappointment of the Wii U in retrospect.


    I also forgot to mention Amiibo. I only have 4 in my collection but I do love the idea and the implmentation thus far. They're still just a bit too pricey for my liking.


    Edit: Bollocks. I forgot about NES Remix 1 and 2 as well. Easily the most challenging games on the system, but I managed to beat them both completely. Bring on the Nintendo Classic Mini. Basically, the Wii U is an awesome system with plenty of great games, so many in fact that it's hard to remember them all! Minecraft.

  4. For the purposes of this post I'm going to change the title to Wii U 2014-2016 - My top 5 games. For the first time since the N64 I hadn't bought a Nintendo home console since launch day. I gave up gaming in 2011 and moved abroad for Uni, then work and I had nothing to play except a couple of emulators on my PC. Then, kind of by chance and boredom, I watched E3 2014 and the entire 3 days of Treehouse Live. I was blown away by what I saw and ordered my Wii U from Amazon Germany about a week later. Having finished Skyward Sword as my 'retirement' (a game which I absolutely adored, despite overall being underwhelmed with the Wii and the direction Nintendo had chosen), I hadn't touched a Nintendo home console game in almost 3 years and I couldn't wait to start playing again.


    My Wii U arrived with Mario Kart 8 and Rayman Legends and over the next two years I fell in love with Nintendo all over again.


    5: The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD




    I didn't really want to include this in the list for the same reasons as Ronnie, but this game is just too good. Arguably the best in the series. The HD upgrade made an already jaw-dropping game even more beautiful. Going through Twilight Princess again a couple of months ago has only confirmed this to me. A fantastic experience with a game world which provides a real sense of adventure and mystery. The upgrades, such as fast sailing and the reduced trifore quest were welcome and I put in 37 hours over 5 days, loving every second of it from start to finish.


    4: Mario Kart 8




    As someone who hated Mario Kart 64 (Come on, Diddy Kong Racing was waaaay better) and was disappointed by Mario Kart Wii after I felt progress had been made with Double Dash, I wasn't actually anticipating Mario Kart 8 as much as other titles. 100 hours and countless league nights later I can comfortably say this is the best edition of the Mario Kart series to date. Flawless track design, comprehensive DLC and an unforgetable soundtrack make this one not only one of the best Mario Kart games of all time, but one of the best racing games of all time.


    3: Pikmin 3




    Another game I wasn't massively anticipating but was keen to try having lost interest with the previous entries in the series. By far this is the best looking game on the system and the touch screen controls / map combo was confirmation that the Wii U gamepad was essential to push forward gameplay and seperate Nintendo from Sony and Microsoft as gameplay innovators. I thoroughly enjoyed this wonderful adventure and beat the game twice in quick succession. The difficulty curve is almost perfect and the game provides a mighty challenge without ever feeling unfairly hard or too easy. Simply sublime.


    2: Hyrule Warriors




    Believe it or not, this was actually the game that sold me on the system. I loved the amount of fan service I saw in the game and was intrigued by mix of Dynasty Warriors and Zelda. I have sunk about 180 hours into this title (alongside the 3DS version) and still to this day haven't finished the adventure mode maps. It doesn't integrate the Wii U's unique features in any special way, but DAMN is it fun! I honestly can't put my finger on what makes this game so great, but every time I put it in the system I lose 2 or 3 hours at a time and never get bored of hacking and slashing hordes upon hordes of enemies.


    1: Splatoon




    Another game from E3 2014 that convinced me to pick up this system and proof, in my opinion, that Nintendo is still the best in the business. A game built for the Wii U which uses the systems features in a way that never feels tacked on or cheap. This is the defining game on the system. New IP, fantastic, tight controls and a game world which oozes class in the way Nintendo games used to. Splatoon was Nintendo's first foray into the busy world of online shooters and this is what they gave us - A budget price, monthly competitions, constantly expanding number of weapons and arenas, free-to-play online, magnificent and well-designed single player experience, excellent ranking and upgrade system which geniunely felt both challenging and rewarding. For a first attempt, this was an incredible effort and easily my favourite new Nintendo IP for the last 15 years. I can't wait to see where they go with this next.




    The honorable mentions

    On a system that easily surpassed the Wii, the Wii U has countless of really great experiences which didn't quite make it into my top 5. Although I don't hold it in as high regard as the N64 or the GameCube (but that just could be age and nostalgia speaking), here are some of the titles I have enjoyed in the past couple of years.


    The closest to my top 5 was easily Bayonetta 1 and 2, although I didn't get quite as much milage out of them as those on the list, playing through them was an unfogettable experience. Loved the humour, the cinematic experience and the tight controls. I will go back and try to get all the pure platinum medals once I get some other games out the way. My second most played game on Wii U is actually Super Smash Bros for Wii U and this doesn't make the list simply for the fact that I feel Melee was better overall. The single player material was a little bit lacking here, but eveything else was god-tier, a massive improvement gameplay-wise over Brawl, in my opinion. Xenoblade Chronicles X doesn't make the list, simply because I haven't finished it yet. I'm 50 hours in and love it. Including, controversially, the music WAH, TWO, THREE, FOH, I CAN'T HEAR YOU, I CAN'T SEE YOU. Tokyo Mirage Sessions was my favourite JRPG of a long-long time and it was a pleasure to review it for this site. Even though I gave it a 9/10 and loved everything about it, I didn't love it quite as much as the games on the list. Or Bayonetta.


    The ultimate asymmetrical gameplay experience that is Nintendo Land is also one of my favourite games on the system, plus my non-gamer girlfriend also loved playing this with me which wins it serious points. I don't think there's a bad game in there and the gamepad integration is, obviously, second to none. Personally had I bought the system on launch with this as a pack-in I wouldn't have been disappointed. Both mainline Mario games on the system are also very good Super Mario 3D World being my favourite of the two thanks to it's incredible graphics and music, another game me and my girlfriend played through together. Captain Toad was a joy to play as well. We also enjoyed Yoshi's Wooly World but I didn't think it quite reached the lofty heights of the SNES game, despite being an absolute charm to look at. In spite of the hate, I really enjoyed Star Fox Zero, though fall on the side of the argument that it lost a lot of what made the 64 game special, as well as the controls occasionally being needlessly frustrating. I also couldn't get into Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze quite as much as some people on here did, but it's still a top level platformer which I loved playing through. Finally, Wii Sports Club, Rayman Adventures and Need For Speed Most Wanted were all great titles that I put a decent amount of time into.


    I haven't even mentioned the E-Shop but enjoyed Shovelknight, of course, as well as Fast Racing Neo, Affordable Space Adventures and Swords and Soldiers. I do have other titles downloaded (about 15 in all), but either haven't finished them or enjoyed them a whole lot.


    Colour Paper Mario will be my final Wii U game, which I'll buy before the end of the year.


    Thank you Nintendo for re-igniting my love for this nearly 30 year old hobby of mine. These past two years have been great and I already can't wait for the Switch.

  5. The lack of faith that some of us are showing in GAME seems to highlight just how poor our high street options are these days. I'm more than ready for somebody to come along and challenge GAME. We used to have GameStation, who were always amazing to me. CEX seem to be the only other alternative, but they specialise in second-hand gaming. Too bad we don't have a Grainger Games near us.


    Had there been a Grainger close to me, I would have pre-ordered there, but there isn't. It really is a shame the current state of our high street. The Gamestation in my home town was one of the first in the country back in the mid to late 90s, the staff were always really great and would chat about Nintendo for hours, they let you try games before you bought them and always gave great recommendations back before the Internet took off. As the years went by it all became a bit more corporate and the trade in prices got worse as Game eventually took them over. CeX is great, and I loved working there while I was at uni, but as you say it only deals with the second-hand market. Maybe there is just no money to be made on the high street these days, and people prefer to use the cheaper online services.

  6. Having waited two years for it people can wait another 12 hours and get it delivered to them? I understand the hype of a midnight launch but I don't think it's worth the risk where Game are concerned.

    At least now I know I'm in a queue and will get the console on release day. Doing this online is not always guaranteed if everyone jumps in when pre orders begin or if you're not near a computer at the that time. What if we see another Wii like shortage? I don't want to pay over the odds or wait potentially weeks. Thanks, but I think going with Game is actually playing it rather safe.

  7. 50 fucking quid? What happens if they go under again?

    Goodbye money and goodbye Day-1 Switch. I hate Game as much as the next guy, but if you want it guaranteed at midnight what other choice do you have? They are the only high street retailer left. Supermarkets are a possibility, but I doubt they'll have as good a pre-order structure. I think the fact that it's refundable, means in the unlikely event they do go under we, being gamers who actively post online, will get a whiff of it and I'll be able to go in for a refund.


    I did the same for the GameCube and Wii and never had any problems. So I'm hoping this will be the same.

  8. @flameboy has been organising that side of things so I'll rely on his knowledge, but can I just check you mean you're taking part in the tournament and plan to be at the club for 24 hours or you'll just be watching from home and jumping in to the tournament when it's on?


    I'll be at the club, hopefully for the full 24 hours, but if the tournament takes place during those 24 hours then I'm guessing I'll have to run home to take part as there won't be a Wii U set up there? It's only 10 mins by car so it will take me around an hour or so.

  9. I still use it, but only to grab the coins and Nintendo outfits. I'm hoping all the outfits you get, such as the Kirby, Link, Samus gear, somehow transfer over to your Mii on the Switch. Having a bunch of stuff unlocked on day one will be great.


    Yep. That's exactly why I still log in everyday.

  10. Remember that the US don't pay VAT on their purchases though, the sales tax gets added on in the store so $249 would translate to about $270-80. If they do go with 249 in the US, I'm calling £229.99 in the UK. I think there'd be a small outage if they had the gall to charge us the same as the US. Though who knows where our currency will be by then... Maybe €250 throughout Europe. I think that's a sensible and more importantly, achievable pricepoint. Obviously that may or may not include a number of extras.


    I'm hoping games will retail for £50 rrp. Which means Game will continue to rip us off but we should still be able to find them online or in supermarkets for £40. What's everyone expecting in the box? Will we see a digital game packed in? Or even a physical one for that matter? I'm tempted to go into town this week and pre order from game as I can see this being another Wii situation when it comes to stock.

  11. When does the new FIFA games tend to release?

    September. Which means releasing '17 at launch when it has already been out for 6 months on other platforms would be a huge mistake and likely kill the franchise on Switch. If EA have any sense whatsoever they will resist the urge to try and cash in on it at launch and release FIFA '18 alongside the PS4 And Xbone versions next September with the overall goal of the Switch version to be as close as to those versions as possible. No half-arsed Switch edition.

  12. They partnered for the mobile aspect more than online as far as I'm aware.


    You're right, but I thought this was also interesting:


    TOKYO, JAPAN - March 17, 2015 - Nintendo Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 7974) and DeNA Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 2432) today entered into a business and capital alliance to develop and operate new game apps for smart devices and build a new multi-device membership service for consumers worldwide.


    If the online services are integrated with smartphones / PC / web etc. as we were led to believe then I'm fairly confident we'll see a fairly large-scale improvement, even if the My Nintendo rewards have been nothing to write home about thus far.

  13. Hoping to pick this up once BT send me an Amazon gift card :santa: Seems like the perfect swansong for the Wii U and will probably be the last title I pick up before I switch over to the switch (still hasn't gotten old).


    I haven't played a Paper Mario game since the '64 and I'm guessing having skipped TTYD and the rest, I won't be casting as critical an eye over this as some were? I've skipped all the reviews and have only seen the Toad Youtube shorts. I literally have no idea what to expect except 'less RPG elements'

  14. Basically I want their online setup to be pretty much the same as the Xbox or PS. I want party chat, to be able to see who's online, set it so I can see notifications for when people come online, have instant messaging with notifications, having access to all of these features while playing any game online. It was infuriating with the Wii U where if you were playing online some games wouldn't allow you to hit the Home button and access the main OS screen.


    I honestly have zero faith that they will match what has pretty much been standard in the industry for 2 generations now.


    Isn't this why they partnered with DeNa though? I'm 100% certain it will be an improvement on what the Wii U had, though whether it will be enough is another question.

  15. The controls were so, so good. I literally spent hours running round the plaza jumping, wall kicking and sliding for no other reason than it felt amazing. Loved spraying water into the path ahead and then trying to slide for as long as possible. I agree that some of the level design wasn't spectacular but the overall package was great, especially the music.


    If they took that engine as a base for the next game I would be immensely pleased.

  16. I would not want this at all.


    Can you imagine the parent who gets this for their kid only to bring it home and realise they had to buy the dock separately for them to be able to play on the TV? Everything needs to come in the box as one to keep things as simple as possible.


    All they need to do to solve their account infrastructure is copy Sony/Microsoft and not tie accounts/purchases to that one piece of hardware.


    I was just being realistic when it comes to Nintendo ;) I do think they should sell it as a bundle, obviously. But the option to buy just the tablet as a 'handheld' option for a lower price may appeal to parents, kind of like a 2DS. I realise this all needs to be explained thoroughly though and knowing Nintendo...

  17. Just a quick thought with regards to the account set-up, maybe your account will be tied to the tablet portion and the dock will come separate but allow any tablet to be docked. I.e. if three or four people in one household owned a tablet each, only one dock would be required for big screen gaming. This way each user would have their own software, saves, gamer info and themes on their own device and the dock would simply allow big-screen gaming using their own profile. That would mostly make transferring accounts to different devices redundant. Also interesting if two tablets can be used with one dock (wia WiFi or bluetooth) to allow asymmetrical gaming a la Wii U.

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