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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is finally done! Spirit Adventure that is... Final Battle was really cool and pretty hard, took me three attempts. Nice cutscene at the end, and the way the main music goes into piano only towards the end of the credits is pretty awesome. I'm sat at 96.9% completion, so I guess I have a few more fights to mop up. I have 209 spirits to collect (including a lot of the DLC / event ones which I've missed), so I guess that's the next thing I should do. What an amazing game.
  2. Do you know if it's still possible to get them? My NEW 3DS is about 4 years old now and the battery doesn't usually go beyond 2 hours. What about eBay? Amazon? or is it better to buy official ones direct from the big N?
  3. Mario Kart 9: Kick in the dick. Never a more apt subtitle for a Mario Kart game. The game is unfairness personified. Less a game, more an experience. An experience of torment and pain. I don't know how many times I've outraced the entire field in that game only to be blue-shelled, red-shelled, bloody green-shelled and fifth-positioned on the final corner. Sometimes I just really, really hate it. Still plays and looks nice at least. And that soundtrack Yeah, despite looking similar, it's so strikingly different from Nintendo's traditional Mario expression. I 100%'d the first world last night and I think it might be my favourite rendition of the Mushroom Kingdom. Borrows quite heavily from World, but that maze at the end where you have to go up the tower was incredible, even the second, third and fourth time. Huge respect for Ubisoft and Davide Soliani for pulling something so unique off with such an established franchise. Props also to Kirkhope for being awesome, as always.
  4. Nice haul. I put about 25 hours into Fantasy Life and REALLY enjoyed it, but the demand of other games got the better of me. Definitely one I'd like to go back to because it was very unique in its approach to classes and progression.
  5. Yeah, I went back and watched that video the other day. Hilariously wrong. He does often admit to being wrong though, instead of sweeping it under the rug, so fair play to him. I'm still waiting for his apology about BOTW and Mario Odyssey being bad though. He's in good company with half of this forum...
  6. Even though Sacred Symbols is a PlayStation Podcast™, I feel it touches on the other consoles and industry as a whole enough to be enjoyed by any gaming fan. I certainly enjoy their hot takes on Nintendo, but they absolutely give praise where it's due too. It's one of the most balanced podcasts I've ever listened to despite Colin being a self-proclaimed Sony fanboy. Edit: how the hell do you remove colour from behind text? Edit 2.0: done.
  7. You know who Jason Donovan is... ...and that’s the real quiz!
  8. Agree completely. This should have been factored in from the start. Absolutely baffling that we’re a month from release and their solution is “We’re working on it (but you have to pay 😉)” I bought a 256gb SD card last week and transferred everything from my old card (games and saves) from the old on to the new one. No hassle at all. Will I be able to do this with AC, if I want to upgrade to a 400gb, for instance? I accept security being an issue, everyone and their mum had a hacked Wii or an R4 card, but the issue is specifically with Animal Crossing Switch. Either they simply haven’t thought it through and deserve mockery OR, and much worse, they’ve found a fix but are forcing people to pay for it. Ludicrous.
  9. Cloud based saving is scummy, but I understand to an extent. Transferring a save from the SD card or system to a new system, simply to keep your actual data (not copy or manipulate it) SHOULD be available to ALL customers as it has been since the days of memory cards. The fact this is being locked behind a paywall is really, really bad. They’re essentially holding you save file hostage unless you pay up.
  10. “Online subscribers only” Screw everybody else. Give us your money. Embarrassing.
  11. This is especially dumb when you consider the fact that an upgraded Switch will likely be coming in the next couple of years. Who wants to spend a year plus playing, countless hours into the game and then get punished by Nintendo because they buy the updated console... So unbelievably short-sighted if it turns out to be true.
  12. Just finished editing the podcast and it's depressing as hell... Thanks for the question @Hero-of-Time Ended up getting about 50 minutes out of it. Will be interesting how other people feel on the forum about our... thoughts.
  13. For 2.99 (Euros), I picked it up too. I did enjoy the demo, despite the long load times and choppy frame rate. I guess the fact that it's been out a while means they could have patched some stuff like the frame rate. For that price, worth a punt I guess.
  14. Yeah but usually all Nintendo games are super compressed. Isn’t Odyssey like <4gb? I think the HD textures will be part of it, but surely not that much. Maybe instead of collecting NES games they have N64 Roms loaded into it to find this time...
  15. I’m up to the final world in Graceful Explosion Machine and it’s proving to be quite tough. Managed the third world without having to start over and even managed to ace stage 3 of world 4 😎. It’s 4-4 I can’t beat, died a few times now and not having any luck. Game feels so good when you pull off a good run though, and especially when you get the balance between weapons just right. I powered up Mario and Rabbids for the first time in over two years last night. Forgot how gorgeous this game looks. Also forgot how to play as I got my arse handed to me on stage 3-1. I went back through the first two worlds and collected some stuff I missed. I do enjoy the puzzle-solving and collectable nature of the overworld. Quite simplified, in reality, but still hits the spot. Needless to say I picked up the Donkey Kong DLC in the Ubisoft sale that went live today. Can’t bloody help myself sometime. These two games and Kirby’s Dreamland 3 (which I have started and am REALLY not feeling) are now on my February to-do list before I inevitably get sidetracked by Animal Crossing.
  16. 6.2Gb?? So unlike Nintendo. Given how little we’ve seen if the game, I’m now expecting this to be packed with content. I’m sure the other AC games have been nowhere close to this size.
  17. Hungarian is arguably the hardest European language to learn. It's from the same branch as Finnish, but just looking at it makes me feel nauseous. Finnish is much more pleasing on the eye. As for the country, I've never visited, but Budapest is up there in the top tier of Central European cities. Glorious architecture, cheap food and beer / wine / local spirits. Plenty of culture and lots to see. Everyone I know who has been there had a great time.
  18. Have you considered a 10 minute plus YouTube video? There’re all the rage these days.
  19. You should make a 10:13 YouTube video about it.
  20. OK, so my joke didn't land. Therefore, I'm turning my pointless thread into a detective story. I went to tag Lee (londragon) in something and another name came up... @longshawn28 Shawn Long. Use the search function. No posts. Is this RGT85? Did he register in 2013? Please assist @Hero-of-Time @nekunando (You're the only ones I know who enjoy(ed) his content.
  21. Was a pretty shit film in hindsight. Definitely one of Will Smith's worst.
  22. My double arrow dodge was completely amazing... and completely accidental 😂
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