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Everything posted by Nintendohnut

  1. Unless it is stated as a formal interview (mine was basically a friendly chat with the head of department) then just wear whatever you like. If it is formal, as in people asking you alone questions then probably best to wear a suit/something smart. Also in reply to the Bard - yeah if you go for uni accommodation the you get put with people randomly. Of course you will also meet people on your course, but in freshers week (and therefore usually for the first year) people who live with you will be good friends. And yes, you may get some freaks, but you don't have to talk to them :P We have two Chinese people in our flat of 8 who we basically never talk to, but who constantly mess up the kitchen. Just have to live with it
  2. I think the name is the name of a short story that was actually written by the man himelf, Ian Fleming. The title was his own, not one made to fit with the letters! Also, it is said to be darker than other bonds which fits in with the new style well. Oh, and it fits in the story line after tomorrow never dies too. Been doin' ma research
  3. I had lectures and a seminar. Neither were that exciting, and meant I had to read Silas Marner, which although not deadly boring, is somewhat uneventful. Sorry, I start talking with long words when I'm getting tired. I now have a throbbing pain in my foot where I have a massive hole in my skin. Goddam carpet burn means that I have a disgusting open wound which is just really painful and uncomfortable and won't goddam heal However, bar crawl tonight, so it's all looking up!
  4. I ask the same question. Hope you two are dedicated to this game, we suffer rather a lot from people forgetting they're involved and never posting. This is not good, but hopefully you two are!
  5. I'm so in....I'm always so in
  6. I have been away all weekend so I didn't even know this game had started. But I am back now! So although I have no info, I will be taking part properly now! Anyone have anything?
  7. I can't believe nobody believed me. I was so sure I was right, and you all proved me to be correct! I can take some solace in that I guess. And yes, thanks Cube, it was a great game and really well made. Do another one! It was seriously awesome!
  8. Oh and Dark I was holding off in the hope they would kill you before I voted. There was always a hope. I would have voted eventually. And you have to admit Dark, I was fucking right about everyone - LazyBoy you and Jonnas. Jesus, I'm so annoyed, I was literally about to save the town, spent half an hour writing a message and then the game ended.
  9. I FUCKING TOLD YOU I was about to tell you all that darksnowman and LazyBoy were fucking evil! And I suspected Jonnas as well, but I kept getting fucking mind controlled and couldn't tell you. I had a massive message written out explaining all of it, then I never got to post it. I was mind controlled tonight and was about to sacrifice myself to tell you all who was evil. How fucking annoying.
  10. Lol, that is so true...my gmail gets more than my hotmail though. Yeah the sooner you get off AOL the better. We've had BT at home for a while now and its not problem at all. So yeah, get the hell out outta there.
  11. I'm in! Will PM you later. *excited*
  12. LIKE JONNAS I am convinced the Dyson is rotten to the core. He is most certainly evil, possibly the most evil person ever. Very very evil.
  13. CSI information: MBAM!s killer has previously voted for himself. I have also just realised that Dyson is rotten to the core. Very very evil indeed. Definitely. Evil. Yes. Vote: Dyson Also, I will not change my vote even if you ask me to.
  14. Oh well done guys, sorry I was away for the day. And just to explain, I guess I was the investigator who someone slept with last night. That is probably why there are no CSIs. (even though Captain Jack is GAY, Cube. Come on... ) By the way,I see nobody thinks I'm right about Dark and Lazy so I'll give it up....for now! Sorry guys, I'm just so goddam suspicious now that I think everyone is evil. If we get info saying you're evil though...lol. If not I'll make the biggest apology ever. Love you both, hope you dont both hate me for being suspicious of everyone, its this game... *puts on serious actor voice* ....it does....things....to people's minds...
  15. All I was saying that if you were going to vote for someone who was quiet, discuss it with everyone, instead of forcing a trustworthy person to vote for them so that everyone just votes thinking they are evil, when in reality you have no idea whether they are or not. And I am making perfect sense, thankyou for the advice
  16. *sigh* so even though I have given everyone all the information on myself you are still voting for me? What is the point? Seriously, you know I'm good, there is so little point voting for me. Now let me spell it out. I'll start with Darksnowman - You have only given us one piece of solid information about what you do. You can change people's votes. - This is, in my experience, something that mafia players usually have the power to do, and not something a good player would normally do. - You have been randomly targetin people with no evidence - if you wanted to lynch a quiet person, DISCUSS it with people instead of controlling someone trustworthy and making people believe they are evil. If you are telling the truth you were completely lucky with Haggis - you targeted him purely because he was quiet...if he had been good, you would have looked evil. To me that just seems quite stupid. - Finally - yesterday you stopped me posting information and discussion. You know I had useful information every night and yet you decided to stop me sharing it with everyone. As well as that, it seems that you can kill. You admitted that you targetted Oxi, and then because he disobeyed you he died. This doesn't seem like a great power for a good guy. Now LazyBoy: - The other night, you forced me, Vicar and Oxi all to reveal our characters purely because (like you are accusing me now) you were suspicious of people who's stories didn't add up. When I asked for something in return you completely ignored me... I assume if you're good you have nothing to hide? - You told us that you are unable to target people and that information comes through in dribs and drabs... And yet the information we were given the other night said quite plainly that you had targetted me. I was asking what this information meant, and if you did indeed target me I wanted you to tell us what you found (you said you got information) All I asked for was some more information from both of you. We have absolutely no leads at this point in regards to who the alien is. Fine, let's vote for some random player who may or may not be on our team, but I would still like to hear more about Darksnowman's and LazyBoy's powers, and I don't understand how someone who kills someone that doesn't follow orders (Dark) can be good. Oh and one final thing... "Bleat like a freaking innocent lamb"..... it has been proved over and over and over and OVER that I am good, of course I am going to speak innocently, because I am innocent. You, however, are yet to prove whether you are or not. Please, a little more information is all I ask for. (That was one mammoth post)
  17. So confused right now, but at least we got rid of another player. Seriously Oxi if you hadnt taken him out then we would all have trusted him. Just as well you did that, even if it was an accident. And Haggis? It is better for townies that we took out a baddie - there are very few mafia players usually - maximum around 8 at the start I would think, so this is good for us - we got 2 in a day and a night. Now we need to pressure Darksnowman, who I personally think is part of the mafia but we shall see. I have a feeling Darksnowman was the one who targeted Oxi and, if I am right, made him target a fellow mafia player. This way, if Haggis was lynched, Dark could say "see, I killed a mafia player!" and if we discovered Oxi was being mind controlled we would all assume that Haggis was good. It was a win-win situation (apart from the fact Haggis died :-S) This may all be complete bollocks. It is just a hypothesis. Again, I want to hear from Darksnowman himself.
  18. It doesn't, it says that two people targetted his killer last night.
  19. Wait, Oxi_Waste, we know you've been taken over now, you don't need to change your vote :-) Calm down dude we know you're being forced. However, Dyson? What are you doing?
  20. Right everyone, he's being forced to vote, do not vote for haggis! I suggest we put some pressure on Darksnowman to finally give us some info (or if you look at my other post on LazyBoy who has also been lying) Vote: Darksnowman
  21. Oxi_Waste - knowing what happened to me yesterday, and also knowing that you wont be able to change your vote if you are being forced to vote, please can you change it to me and then straight back to Haggis, purely so we know you are not being forced to lie? Thanks! (Sorry, I'm now waaaaaaaay to suspicious of things )
  22. I've been suspicious of him for a while, but obviously that is just my own personal thoughts and I have no real proof. I'd like to hear from him a little more explaining his role, but as far as I know people who can blackmail to change votes are generally bad. Like I say, though, I'd like to hear from him before we do anything, although some pressure on him may help. What do people think?
  23. Well Shino unless this was some twisted trick from the mafia, we know you're not one of them! They wouldn't have tried to kill their own.
  24. Sorry would have posted this yesterday but I obviously couldn't talk apart from to vote for Gizmo. So LazyBoy - thought you couldn't pick targets? Care to explain what happened? And what information did you get, seeing as you said you get info and I have nothing to hide, tell us what you found out about me.
  25. Three CSIs I got tonight, 1 from each of course: Tellyns killer couldn't post on day 1 Gizmo's killer was only targetted twice in the game, both were last night mr_paul only used his power once (we knew that one) Gizmo's is the big one really - we need to know who people targetted last night and if there are two of the same... Oh and yesterday I was told what I had to post. I was forced to make it sound convincing that I thought Gizmo was evil, which thankfully you didn't believe even though now he is sadly dead
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