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Everything posted by Nintendohnut

  1. Here's mine, it's not great and I'm not entirely sure how to post pictures here without them being resized so this may not work: If it didn't take me so long to do them I would do more, this game is absolutely awesome! I just got: Band name: Tunisian national basketball team Album: To Pass your Life Thought that was an awesome combination
  2. This is a loooooong night!
  3. I think he was being ironic - that was what IGN have basically been saying about the game, now what Serebii thinks of it
  4. Lol awesome, but I bet that took you ages to make that :P Although, thinking about it and listening to that music, it was goddam worth it!
  5. I can't believe it has only been mentioned once, but here is my heavily heavily recommended game of Cube's era: Second Sight: A brilliant game from Free Radical - third person adventure with guns, telekenisis, mind control...Seriously this is a fantastic game. Got around 90% in most reviews I read. Oh and just to say - it's sort of a cross between Metal Gear (There are plenty of stealth levels) and....some sort of 3rd person shooter...Everything or Nothing, but good? It's only £8.99 on play.com too.
  6. Yeah it's the damage bar that Fire Emblem has. Will try to find a screenshot to show it. It's a really nice touch. Here's a (not great but does the job) picture:
  7. What's ZS Samus' like? And will Sheik's be different from Zelda's? I would have thought it would look a bit odd with Shiek firing light arrows from Zelda's bow, but having two choices of final smash may be unfair.
  8. Do you mean me DomJcg? You think I'm the scouts? Just a little confused about if you're referring to me, or whoever lives in the camouflaged house.
  9. There really isn't any information at this point that we can conclusively call proof. And all I can say to Zell is that you are wrong man, I'm not an army person. Not much point voting no lynch if the day is soon to be over.
  10. I shall let people get the others before I throw one in (also i need to think of one first ) But: WIN!
  11. I got it! ITS LETTY! Allow = let + ty Letty. Right?
  12. Woah, what?! I'm not that guy, I do wear a badge and a uniform, but since when does that mean a) I'm in the army and b) I live in a camouflaged house? I am neither of these things, and I am certainly not in the mafia. Could you at least back it up with some proof before you randomly start accusing people? I'm trying to help the town, asking Dark for information and not accusing anyone blindly or randomly voting. C'mon, back it up or don't vote purely on a hunch, please!
  13. Yeah I wasn't sure whether to count the driver or not either, but I got it right (pretty much) yay! Go me and Nightwolf!
  14. ARGH I promise I wrote that last message before you gave the answer! Damn now it looks like I cheated. I swear I didn't
  15. I got 10,990 Is that right? Also ReZ did you actually post the answer? You said "answer is" and then nothing lol
  16. My friend at uni has the leopard disk but left it at home, so I'll be waiting until next term/his next weekend home before I can install it. Can't wait.
  17. I wouldn't say anything apart from thankyou for answering the question. That is very useful.
  18. First thing - I haven't asked you to reveal who you are. I would never expect you to this early in the game. All I asked was that you told me/us who you have targetted so far in the game. This would not incriminate you in any way, especially if you are good. Second thing - I am interested in gathering info on bad guys, but at the moment I have no solid information on anyone. I am just trying to work with the information I have. If you could just answer one question it would help a lot and basically would stop me suspecting you. Oh and one final thing - I know it seems like a direct continuation of Space Mafia, but I was completely right in that about the remaining mafia players Still, I'm not accusing you of anything, all I'm doing is asking you a question, and voicing my suspicions about how you are aligned. I have no proof, and I am not accusing you, I was just suspicious because you have repeatedly avoided the question I asked. If you are good, it will not matter if you tell me: Who have you targetted so far? Seriously, please just answer and it we can leave this all behind us. Please?
  19. haha I guess you're looking at the beanie baby one? I remembered it was TY but none of the members starting in ty seemed to fit...maybe you're right though and I was thinking way too hard about it
  20. I agree completely Haggis: Are you sure that Dark is definitely good and not neutral?
  22. *sigh* you're definitely avoiding it snowman, I saw you reading this thread long after you said you were logging off. I'd still like an answer, even if it incriminates me. Although I don't think you have anything else that does incriminate me, I think you just didn't want to tell me. Either way, I'd like to know.
  23. That is way to suspicious Dark. Refusing to answer one simple question. It wouldn't have incrimnated you or anyone else if you were innocent, but you refuse to answer and then go offline? Answer my question please, if you are indeed innocent then it won't matter to reveal who you have targetted. And if you continue to evade the question I will assume you have something to hide/are lying.
  24. Just to make sure you saw my question Darksnowman, I saw you reading the thread earlier but you may have missed it. That's my last one I would have thought, I'll leave you alone after this!
  25. I'm so confused about who that is a reply to But as a quote, it is awesome.
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