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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. But it's not like most games or software are designed for the the specific hardware macs have. So to say that the static nature of Mac components makes them more reliable to run things is untrue. More likely, it seems that if something doesn't run well with the particular component (e.g. graphics card) then you're screwed. After being forced to use OSX at uni for many months now, I can say that the interface just seems deliberately awkward and more difficult to use than Windows. Simple things like dragging open or maximising and the fact I can't get certain scientific software for the thing. I've basically decided to bring my own netbook in now.
  2. Yup, I did. You will pretty much need a good bow to be able to do this. Same with the blue dragon later on. You can probably kill it in less than a hundred arrows with a good bow and some heavy arrows. You can only kill the red dragon in 1-2 on the top of one of the little forts while in continuously swoops down, as far as I know (you'll see its HP bar show up if you land; you'll eventually get a good rhythm). Then when the red dragon is dead, feel free to go loot the stuff in 1-1, including the purple flame shield.
  3. Yup, I've changed my mind about which bow you should get. Because the other option is so much easier to get, and initially will do as good/better damage (providing you don't bother with dex much). Get the lava bow. Basically buy a shortbow, then go to the very beginning of 2-1 where the filthy man merchant is and buy 30 shards of hardstone and 11 large shards of hardstone. Then take the hard demon's soul (the spider demon boss) to the blacksmith in 2-1 (you have to take the Flamelurker's soul to him first and give it to him for him to make weapons using demon's souls - talk to him lots and offer it him when he asks) and make the lava bow. It does an additional 100 fire damage ever shot, and stuns. Bows become almost essential for some bosses, particularly in New Game +, and make hunting things so much quicker (grim reapers in 4-2). Totally worth it.
  4. See, I never get how Apple fans always have some sort of ridiculous brand loyalty and some extreme hate of Windows machines. Providing you have a good antivirus and don't surf silly you can have almost everything (game and program compatibility, a fast machine and one that looks aesthetically nice) for a fraction of the cost.
  5. That's pretty good. In New game + the Penetrator is pretty tough. It's good to have Biorr (the NPC) accompany you for that. Take some Ed's Grindstones with you...souls come easy in 4-2 (get the Viscous Compound Longbow; may as well since it earns you a trophy anyhow; it's an awesome bow). Bow the grim reaper-type thing at the start of the level for some easy souls earlier on (for 4-5 arrows you net something like 6-8k souls). You need to keep your pure spiderstone from the spider boss as well as farm some chunks and shards/splinters (forgot what they're called, it's one of those). Where it says duration (durability)...that's the life of the equipment piece. Yup, it rocks. But these days everyone just buys games that are hyped, that they're heard of, or played prequels to death already. :P The online side is awesome, and so much better than hearing young teenagers screaming down microphones about pointless crap...this way the atmosphere is retained while still having player interaction. It's great how it's difficult...too many games are a pushover and there's often little consequence to dying. This makes you actually care about what happens more. By the way, I'd check our world tendency events and the world/character tendency section here as that really is one of the few things you can miss, but is so useful to know as many of the best things are obtained that way (e.g. Talisman of Beasts; lets you cast both miracles and spells without switching talisman/wands, and the dragon bone smasher).
  6. I wouldn't say it's like that. In that instance, you use your own materials and rely on your own skill to produce the theme park rather than the skill of others to produce work that you took a copy of. The closest comparison would be an online journal paper; rather than printing several copies of a journal and sending it to subscribers (which many still do), you could opt to convert all articles into a single PDF and e-mail all subscribers. Obtaining a copy of this PDF by other means would basically mean the only thing different from stealing a paper copy is that you stole the paper copy minus the paper. Which would mean you stole £X (journal cost) minus however many pence the value of the paper. Clearly in these cases, the theft of information is disproportionately more important than the material it is printed on. In the theme park example, copy of a journal paper would involve looking at the layout and design of a current journal paper (which I am sure many do), funding research teams to conduct research and then publish their findings in your journal. Which, I think you can see, is not impacting the original journal in any way; their ideas are not really stolen, nor are materials or labour. Unlike many in this topic, I would classify piracy as theft purely because I believe theft should apply to more than physical property. Information is often more expensive than the material it is printed or burned onto, and although the information is technically never consumed by taking a copy, a copy is still essentially stolen and the persons involved in its manufacture are ultimately unpaid for their work.
  7. lol, it's a legalised autism fix.
  8. I can honestly say that playing Leaf Green, Diamond and bits of Heart Gold never made me want to take a knife to my gameboy. Nothing will ever best the first Pokemon games; the gameplay was fresh, we were children (which contrary to what otakus will tell you, is the intended audience) and it was a craze. It's just meh now. I'm sorry to say that, since I know you obviously really enjoy it and have your own website.
  9. On that level you can get a key and go back to just after/before (I forget) where you fought the tower knight. There's a door you can unlock and reach a prison cell. Here you can defeat another of those Magistrate enemies to get another key, as well as rescue Biorr who makes boss 3 on that world a breeze. That other key opens the gate near where the dogs and locked caravans are at the beginning of 3-3, and if you go down there after getting the official's cap (from a magistrate somewhere in the level) one of the magistrates there lets you in and you can kill him. You can get some rings there as well as rescue Yuria the Witch who teaches some great spells.
  10. I would avoid doing that. Quite often you will want to reach pure white world tendency in a world in order to get certain rare pieces of equipment; something you do by killing bosses in a world, or black phantoms (basically only there in pure black world tendency). When you die in body form you get closer to black tendency, making getting pure white world tendency harder. It can actually become extremely difficult to get pure white world tendency if you go too black, whereas getting black for some events/items is as simple as use stones of ephemeral eyes and then killing yourself. You have full HP in body form. When you die, you go to soul form. In soul form your HP is halved (unless you equip the cling ring to have roughly 75% HP). You ONLY have full HP when you are in body form, which you ONLY get by defeating a boss OR using a stone of ephemeral eyes, OR by killing someone as a black phantom (or getting revived by someone as a blue phantom, but that's really rare). There's a few types of phantom: NPC black phantom - basically quite a few in-world NPCs, such as Sasuki at the very beginning of world 4-1, become evil black phantoms when your world tendency is pure black. They run at you and attack you, and are pretty hard to kill. But they always drop something that's very good. When you kill them, your world tendency returns to neutral. You as a black phantom - when you get to a part in the game you get given a blue eye stone and a black eye stone (they never get used up). When in soul form (halved HP) you can use a black eyed stone to invade someone elses world. Then you can try kill them...in doing so, your character tendency (not world tendency; they're different things) becomes more black. And if you kill them, you get your body back. You as a blue phantom - if you're a soul you can use your blue eye stone at certain points within a level (usually at the beginning or just before the boss) to create a blue blood stain on the floor. Anyone in body form can click this and summon you so you fight alongside them. You get sent back to your world the instant you die or defeat the boss, and get a share of the souls (more if a person rates you well). It's good to hear that it's coming to Europe. Although FFXIII is a very good game, and worth it once you get past the earlier bits.
  11. Don't think you can. Although you can technically get an insanity catalyst later with the old monk's demon soul and a regular catalyst (cuts your max MP though). To be honest, magic spells seem great at first but get less useful unless you properly invest stat points in mostly magic stats. You learn new spells from Freke's apprentice (should already be there) and better spells from Sage Freke himself after you save him (google). And for miracles, first you need the talisman of god (on the floor in world 4) to use them, then you can learn miracles from urbain's apprentice (or whatever he's called) and even better Miracles from saving Saint Urbain in 4-1. They go back to the Nexus after you open/find the way out of wherever they're trapped. Also don't kill/attack a guy called Patches who asks you to go near a hole in 4-1. I did on my first playthrough and then you can't use him as a merchant in the Nexus. One good miracle you can get in exchange for a demon's soul is second chance. Basically whenever you take a hit that would kill you, you are instantly revived with half your full HP. VERY useful. Also save the adjucator's soul to make a meat cleaver at blacksmith boldwin (world 2-1, google how to find him). The meat cleaver is a great sword...looks like Cloud's buster sword too. Always dump ore at the stockpile. You never need it on you. When you go to upgrade, it counts as you having it even if it's miles away in your stockpile. I would actually, for now, concentrate on VIT, STR and END. Strength for being to equip better shields and weapons, vit for more HP and End so you can equip stuff without being overweight AND for better fatigue (very useful). They're the same thing...finish all levels (bosses) and beat the final boss).
  12. soul, soul points, basically the same. You get them for killing enemies. By using souls to get soul points I basically meant use the 'unknown soldier soul' items to get soul points. It's pretty simple and easy to understand once you play for a little while. Also, start upgrading a long bow/composite longbow. Look up how to get a viscous compound longbow; it's a great bow and makes things much, much easier.
  13. Talk to the Maiden in Black...she levels up your stats for soul points. Check a guide to see what you can trade the lead demon's souls for...can't remember now. Getting weapons with demon's souls first requires you to give the Flamelurker's Soul (from 2-1 boss) to a blacksmith deep in 2-1. Store it for the time being...they can buy miracles and spells too.
  14. It's not at the very top (pantheon) but you have to go up some stairs. There's loads of children on the floor, but only one of them can be talked to (has a lit candle by him) You get it back for defeating a boss, or using a stone of ephemeral eyes. Make sure when you talk to the monumental you answer 'yes' to his question (needed to get a ring later). You have your body back. When you defeat the boss you touch the archtone to get a demon's soul. NEVER USE THESE! They can be traded for stuff; much better than getting soul points from them. Check in your inventory you have the lead demon's soul, then give it to Stockpile Thomas for now. By the way, the cling ring does nothing when you're in body form so you've basically got 1 of your slots back to equip another ring... for now. :p
  15. It's usually STR. But yeah, it if you go into your status page it explains what the symbols mean, I think.
  16. Posting twice...what? I was just saying that you seemed a bit 'over-keen' to control the population of something which, frankly, is the last of the planet's worries! Using a condom is not sterility, lol.
  17. Well if you go and buy equipment, you'll always keep that. But really only the Heater Shield is important at the moment. Buying herbs early on is usually a massive rip off. Also your soul items (e.g. unknown soldier's soul) - you never lose these. Think of these as backup souls. You use them to get given souls. But after you use them and attain the soul points, these can be lost. So it's usually best to use them either in the Nexus or right before you intend to use them in a level (e.g. a level's merchant). Later on you can get a spell that instantly teleports you out of the Nexus, so you don't have to walk all the way back to archstones. There's an item that does it too.
  18. Lol, 99% are helpful since well-rated ones stick around. But some funnies are on the bridge 'safe place' messages. I like to put 'best of luck to you' next to random corpses, or 'I wish I was resurrected', as well as the odd sensible one. :p Not yet really. There's not much you can do with your souls until you clear the first boss (you then use them to level up). So just carry on and try not to die, lol. And try buy the shield the Ed blacksmith guy is selling for (if I remember) 2,000 souls. It has 100% damage reduction. You can leave the level at the beginning where the archstone is, but all enemies respawn again.
  19. Basically the colour of each archstone will either be dull black or bright, shining white, or somewhere inebwteen (usually this). It's only guarded by the red dragon, and yes. The blue dragon stays asleep. Yeah, it's never called 1-1 in game. Basically if you'd completed the first stage you'd know about it, since the Maiden tells you to find an NPC in the Nexus etc. 1-2 is after you beat the boss and warp into the stage again at that point (ie. the archstone created after you defeat the boss). Whereas 2-1 would be an entirely different world. If you want the souls, yes. Although later on you get tons of souls per enemy, so I wouldn't worry too much about losing them right now.
  20. We can be inhumane, and many are. Hence why there are some people who want foxhunting, and some people who don't. Thankfully, most people probably fall under the latter category. Well I guess what I was trying to imply was that I was too lazy to go back to the start of the quote chain, which was Fish saying this: "Part of what defines civilization is that punishment isn't the same as the crime." Fair enough. Gives me something to do anyway, lol.
  21. You have to complete the first level before you can do anything else. If you haven't beaten the first boss yet, Phalanx (you'd know as there's a big HP bar at the bottom of the screen) then you have to get past it. As far as I can remember...that's still level 1-1. The area where the 2 dragons (red and blue) sit isn't the way to go. It's across the bridge. Come back to where they sit in pure white world tendency and you can loot some good stuff there (including the awesome purple flame shield, only 1 per game). When you go across the bridge the red one flies towards you. You have to wait until it flies back (back off) to the blue dragon then dart across the bridge. Unequip all your armour if you like so you run faster. Wearing too heavy stuff stops you from running or rolling properly. Increasing END lets you get away with more. Nothing really. Apart from the fog before the boss...when you go in you can't leave until you beat it. Yes. But anything you interacted with (switches, levers, etc) will still have been interacted with when you respawn. So if you pull certain levers you can access further areas from the word go if you do. In a way, it always takes you less time when you replay the level. And oh yeah, get some firebombs for the boss. They do good damage. Is it the red eyed knight? Yeah, that guy is hard. Avoid until you're quite a bit stronger. Yep No You have MP...so yeah, it runs out. But the Royal also starts with a Fragrant Ring that regenerates MP slowly. Hence why you pick the Royal to start. :p
  22. Firstly, I wasn't aware there was a huge problem with chicken populations (presumably the problem with a high fox population). Have you seen how cheap chickens are? Have you seen the numbers of chickens pumped into supermarkets? To complain about foxes...well, as someone previously said, build better chicken coops. What are you going to do about human overpopulation Ell? Sterilise yourself? Just wondering, since you seem very keen to protect overpopulation of species. Be the man, do the right thing.
  23. Except I was talking about upper class people who did/want to foxhunt. Performing an activity of bigots makes one a bigot. One size doesn't fit all. If someone goes and murders a baby, is that just the circle of life? Can you imagine a newspaper article titled 'Baby Murdered - The Circle of Life!' Clearly you can see that not everything is equal. Just as a fox that acts primitively mostly to fulfill its desire to continue living is in no way the same as pompous oafs, with supposedly far developed intelligence and understanding, cruelly taking down animals for sport. Trace the quote back; it's perfectly valid. It's a point that Fish called you out on.
  24. But this is irrelevant; they are trained to kill in a certain way, and are placed in artificial situations. Most of all, dogs themselves are pretty much the product of unnatural human directed breeding. Therefore to say that their instinct is natural is, well, pretty much nonsense. It's about as natural as dairylea cheese. :p
  25. Ok, my point regarding nature was merely to state that (as Ell before said) that dogs are not acting on nature; they've been trained by man (thus it's an artificial response). Controlling other species to do your bidding is hardly natural. But I think you're getting a little too hung up on the natural aspect. I'm not against things that aren't natural. I'm a scientist. But living in the belief that this is all especially hunky dorey because it is natural is just escapism. Personally, I dislike upper class bigots. But that's just me. Definition of humane: "showing evidence of moral and intellectual advancement ". I'd be suprised if foxes were humane, given they aren't human. So if a human being swats a fly, it's morally sound for someone to kill the person? Your one size fits all argument is pretty weak. Just as here; foxes may kill chickens (and in most cases to eat), but it's not right to kill them purely for entertainment purposes in a barbaric fashion.
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