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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. I don't see how you can say that at all. Combat was more refined and fast-paced; definitely more fun than BS2. The vigors were also awesome (like launching yourself at enemies). And yeah, skyrails. Either way the combat is much more fun than most traditional FPS games, which is why it makes little sense to slate BS for gameplay.
  2. It is being hailed as one of the best games of all time for combining both great story and polished gameplay. The gameplay was really good, BioShock has always been great for that. No idea how you can call it a corridor shooter when a lot of the action takes place outdoors and feels pretty free, especially when you factor in the sky lines. Having a great story and non-interruptive, well planned out cut scenes does NOT make it a movie. More games should focus on making cut scenes feel more like a part of the action rather than something that you have to stop and watch.
  3. Well this was inevitable. Not only in that Nintendo are incompetents who haven't worked to encourage 3rd party support, but also because the Wii U probably won't be capable of running the next generation of titles that will appear on Xbox/PS4 without time and effort making separate versions. One poor move after another.
  4. It's very good. Demon's Souls is perhaps a bit less fleshed out than Dark Souls but no less awesome. People should definitely pick up Ni No Kuni for £20.
  5. BioShock Infinite has pretty much showed me that a big developer can make an absolutely amazing game. May others take example.
  6. It's still cheaper and the unit is much higher spec. The price of the unit is fab, that isn't what's wrong with it. I would rather say the price of the 3DS XL is expensive at £140 on Amazon. I've been put off upgrading my regular 3DS for that reason.
  7. Nada, Vita is only £130 from Amazon IT (they ship to UK). This is cheaper than the base cost of a new 3DS XL. Even if you factor in Sony's expensive price for memory cards this is still amazing considering the spec of the machine relative to the 3DS.
  8. The Vita already costs less than the 3DS XL, which is amazing considering the spec of the device. The problem isn't the price of the console, it's that not enough games have come yet. The memory card cost is also pretty steep.
  9. Tapatalk is charge once and works well on both phone and tablet. Tapatalk HD is a new app they geared towards larger tablets and is a separate app with some different functions and a new appearance. In this case I think it's justified as it's a new app - not just the same thing but on a different platform.
  10. I don't think the normal forums are really optimised for phones and tablets. Having to constantly zoom to a readable level as well as the buttons being a bit small to click (e.g. those to navigate to the last page of a topic or to switch pages) make Tapatalk much more user friendly in my experience. With Tapatalk all text is the right size, and clicking is easy. There's also some neat features available like Timeline (view/respond to all posts as they happen) as well as various other cool viewing options. Made my life easier anyhow. Ugly is obviously a subjective thing, but Tapatalk colours can be customised and I think it looks pretty damn nice. Has a dark mode too which is good when you're in bed when it's dark (and not wanting to disturb people). Oh, and the app is cheap. Couple of pounds if I remember. [/sales pitch]
  11. Tapatalk ftw. Can't think of going back to regular forums now.
  12. Same......
  13. IMO Persona 4 is the kind of game worth shelling out full price for. It's top tier gaming.
  14. CONGRATS! Make sure you get Persona 4 or I won't forgive you. Also play Virtue's Last Reward (free on Plus).
  15. That's more along the line of what I was thinking. We should definitely lynch him tomorrow to stop him using it to help the Mafia.
  16. Well, while his power has something to do with a vote (Peeps' info) there's no guarantee it's a double or even that he lost his vote (he could be making it up to avoid voting scum). I don't necessarily believe he is lying or that he is telling the truth. I just saw an opportunity where he might be able to confirm it.
  17. Fair point. My god, if Rummy is town his comments about me losing the game for town a few games back are not going unremembered. :p
  18. Why would it be a breach of the rules @Jonnas? If Yvonne's power is only a double vote then that is what should have been stripped from him, just as I lost my roleblock. Yvonne attempting to vote would confirm this - his vote will be zero. If his power is stripped then there is no way to cheat around this. He has no vote, the GM has ruled so. To vote will have no consequence on a lynch, but can confirm whether he has a double. Anyway I feel we've gone off topic here. @Nintendohnut would you end this?
  19. @Yvonne drop ya vote. Do eet. @Cube would it be a breach of the rules for Yvonne to say Vote: Rummy?
  20. He has definitely had enough time and has got very little involved in this game. Voting time.
  21. Yeah I know about the 3rd person mode but it was done terribly in TES and Fallout. It didn't feel right at all to control, and the character didn't move naturally.
  22. Fallout 3 isn't third person? Great game too, but I wouldn't call it a FPS.
  23. You make good points. Yvonne has openly confessed to being able to win with either side. He's therefore likely to throw his vote with the Mafia if it results in a win with them - and 2 votes is extremely dangerous. Yvonne also has denied to confirm his vote status by refusing to cast a vote on Rummy which leaves me to believe he is lying. He put this down to thinking he could be banned, which is extremely unlikely in my eyes. At least if we lynch Yvonne today, that's a threat gone for definite, rather than a possibility. Thoughts guys?
  24. So, finished this today. This is without doubt one of the finest games ever made. Absolutely. It's wonderful to see what the combination of great ideas and a massive budget can do. Amazing how they created something different again like they did with the first BioShock while also including so much of what made the first a gem. They need to make more games like this. After you play something like this, you realise all post-apocalyptic, modern or world war set FPS games are just droll. Fabulous!
  25. Yeah. Not verifying the double to zero vote is incredibly scummy. Ca'maaan guys
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