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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Bargain. People should pick this one up if they don't have it already!
  2. Only £25 on Vita...wow. Definitely ordering.
  3. No one is saying toughening up mentally is not good to help you deal with the general cretins in life - it certainly is. What I'm saying is that it's just not the best advice you can give to someone being bullied physically/mentally at school on a constant basis. Toughening up is basically a coping / damage limitation measure to deal with an asshole. Most people here suggest socking them, but I suggest getting support. Either way, I think I prefer both them options to just toughening up and not trying to let it get to me.
  4. I'd say fashionable stubble would work well for you. You've got one of those faces that I reckon could pull it off.
  5. I don't think it's entirely your fault...they're too conservative with this series and I don't think they put much effort into the story/characters in this game.
  6. Yeah the PS3 version does. One thing I didn't like though was that you couldn't pop bubbles with your fingers. :p Would be cool if they added co op to Vita.
  7. I will need to get this on Vita. Loved Origins and got the platinum for it. In my opinion this game is perfect on the Vita.
  8. I don't think they'll remove it. They see it as their baby and one of their main selling points.
  9. Obviously by using your fists earlier in school, amirite? Seriously though, choosing to stand up to manipulation in later life requires a completely different method of approach than scrapping in school. That's why learning to fight earlier in life is hardly helpful 'when the teachers aren't there' later on in life like people were mentioning. You're still dealing with the situation of bullying by getting help from a teacher, albeit in a more intelligent way. In fact that sort of way of dealing with the situation is useful to develop for later life. E.g. if you're being discriminated against, you might again use the same approach (seeking support of higher ups).
  10. Attitude is good, having a fight with a colleague is not. :p But that's also a good point - having the right attitude can be enough to stop that. Some people will walk over others if given the chance at least by standing up to people in the workplace you can try dispel the problem. In school you might get beaten up.
  11. @nightwolf First of all, you just read one part. I said it was rare and elaborated that I meant in relation to school bullying. I don't have any evidence and wouldn't have the first clue how such evidence would come to exist, but I think just generally from life experience we can be pretty confident that it happens a lot more at school. It's just from my perspective, but I certainly never see anyone being bullied or tormented at my workplace, so it's either a lot more subtle or a lot less frequent. Plus at least you can quit your job quite easily if something is really making you really miserable. You're also much less likely to be beaten up, owing to accountability, and people are less childish so aren't as likely to go calling you names. I'm sure bad stuff does happen still, but I'm pretty confident it's more prevalent in schools. Of course, if you had statistics to suggest it was more common / as common in adulthood then I'd be forced to concede, but just generally it seems to be more prevalent in schools (just googling bullying, you will see a wealth of information to help school children).
  12. @kav82 are you Ross Kemp? :p
  13. So if the mugger stabs you anyway, then that renders the choices in your question pointless. If you're stabbed, you're obviously going to lose the lot. If you're really out of escape options then better to give and not aggravate someone who appears dangerous / unhinged and tries to mug you. Chances are if they're mugging you, they have something. Or they're stronger than you. Pretty silly choice of target otherwise. If you thought he might have a knife, which it would make sense to think since you're being mugged, or he's in a gang, and you're alone (probably the 2 most likely situations in which you would ever be mugged), would you try take him/them on? Just curious. lol I have to say this all sounds pretty horrendous. In that environment you probably were doing the right thing. RAW survival. Most schools I don't think are as violence prone / inactive at dealing with this sort of thing though. I'd also think in a lot of cases, the person being bullied might not be able to put much of a dent into a bully. I'm thinking chess club style kid being bullied here. I don't think being told to toughen up would help our much in that case. =/
  14. If the person seemed dangerous/unhinged, I'd absolutely hand it over. Chances are that if they're prepared to risk mugging you that they'd have some means of extracting your cash. I'd then go and cancel my card of course. After all, what's a small amount of money and an insured phone in relation to your life if they draw a knife?
  15. Well I was thinking more 'bullying' cases rather than 1 vs 1 fights. A kid being beaten up by a bully is pretty clear cut assault whichever way you look at it. The way smartphone video recording is so prevalent, it wouldn't at all surprise me if it got recorded and it could lead to a perma expulsion. Beating people up is pretty disgusting and I have no problems believing other schools would expel for it. Our school had a zero tolerance policy. They were made strict about it. Obviously in a case where you haven't got a choice but to defend yourself, you would. But earlier up it was specifically being suggested that a response to bullying (ie. bullying/assault not occurring right this second) was to fight back. If you're aware that the bullying has happened, and probably will again, go tell the teacher. They can employ surprisingly effective tactics to stop it. If my parents found out I did something like that they would go ballistic. I'd certainly never do it again. I'm sure a lot of kids wouldn't either. I don't see this as something 'soft' that doesn't set you up for real life. You're probably not going to get bullied in this way again (at least not in the way that fighting is the answer). Oh regarding the leaping - that was because Blade questioned what you would do after school. And I was presenting a possibility as to why it might not be best to fight back with people that try attack you if you can otherwise avoid it.
  16. He said, right before the fatal knife attack. Seriously, you would stick around and have a fight with someone in public who is demented enough to start a fight with you? Why the heck would you not just run away or find some place crowded/safer? I am slightly fascinated by this. Obviously unavoidable self defence is one thing and you would have no choice. But I have clearly been presenting an alternative situation where not fighting/removing yourself from the hostile situation is an option - yet you guys still propose to engage in fight. Weird. :p
  17. It doesn't matter if they were arrested for assault or not (I don't know the full details) but I know that you can be arrested. Expulsion is still expulsion and could ruin your prospects (yes, he was expelled permanently for beating someone up. Never saw him at school again). I respect that you fought your corner, really. But I don't think 'toughen up' is necessarily the best/first port of call advice to beat bullies. For one, the bullies are often stronger than the person being bullied. That's part of how the person can come to be bullied. Second, with girls this advice isn't so applicable. Third, there may be more than one. There's no guarantee that fighting them would cause them to back off, and people could get hurt. Any good teacher would be a better help to defuse the situation - good threats to pupils from teachers and bringing in their parents would surely be less hazardous, more effective and worth pursuing first. Last, it doesn't really prepare you for life after school because that's when you really do get into 'arrested for assault' territory. Is it worth it? That's what I'd ask myself, in any hostile situation that could be otherwise avoided.
  18. It's not naïve - I said it is rare, not that it never happens. And I was saying it was rare in relation to school life, which it is. I know someone was expelled from my school for having a major fight. I never heard what happened after that, but I think that's a good enough reason not to resort to assaulting people. You have to remember, we now live in an age where social media and cameraphone recording is rife. Are you saying that if somebody was attacked at school and this was uploaded online that the school would not respond by expelling the student? They'd pretty much have to with such damning evidence and parent pressure. That alone would be enough to fuck up the expelled guy's prospects. No, it's a really bad idea. Not only that, but look at Kav's story. Being sent for questioning and all the other shit that went down. That sounds horrendous to be honest - surely in most cases you'd first want to attempt every other angle (teacher support first and foremost) in response to bullying before beating them up? OK, sounds like he did with regards to approaching the teacher, but if I was giving advice it would be to approach your teachers first.
  19. Don't poke people? If you cave someone's face in and they report you to the police, there is a pretty good chance you will be done for assault. Criminal record, goodbye prospects.
  20. Quite rare that you will be 'bullied' after you leave school though as people tend to grow up and the social hierarchy structure of school life is gone. People trying to beat you up in the real world is a different matter to what we've been discussing above. Also, for the record. I would never attempt to fight anyone unless as a last resort. Getting the hell out of a situation or not putting myself in situations that are more likely to lead to fighting is far preferable. You've no idea if a person willing to assault you has a weapon or friends nearby. I'm guessing if somebody was unhinged enough to start a fight with you, it's good to assume that.
  21. It's something that worked for you. But that is not good advice. Telling people to go assaulting others is not good advice, even if the people deserve it. Too easy to be landed with an assault charge and can end very badly for you.
  22. All that will do these days is probaby get you and them expelled and/or potential assault charge. Most of the time it isn't just one bully anyway, it's a group. Bad advice...
  23. Probably hype of the time (best games ever lists always seem to feature a lot of modern games). Not that I bear it much mind, but gauging critic opinion Symphonia has 86%, Vesperia 79%. To be honest I don't think that many people got Vesperia relative to Symphonia outside of Japan because it was on the wrong console for the audience. Might get it one day. By the way did you ever get Lost Odyssey on 360? Loved that game.
  24. I wouldn't agree that it can be accidental like that says. I've always considered trolling to be people who do it on purpose to annoy.
  25. Trolling is for the lulz. The general intent is to annoy through disruption/hacking/preventing something from working properly rather than insulting any individuals on a personal level.
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