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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Nope, it never gets better. So boring!
  2. Oh for future reference, N1 I targeted Raining.
  3. Yeah, so let's kill Jonnas. Everyone, voting time. And watch out for Rummy. I actually expect to be roleblocked or some such tonight.
  4. People who can find out roles know who to target tonight. If he can't be reached then that's lynch worthy.
  5. That's not true, there's plenty of roles that can benefit from self target. He could even be a "make person appear the opposite alignment" role.
  6. A cogent story, perhaps? :p @Mr\-Paul, can you elaborate why you think Rummy is telling the truth?
  7. How does being greater than make you able to read alignments?
  8. OK then, couple of questions - For absolute confirmation, you are the greater than symbol ( > ) ? - What is the flavour as to how this key investigates?
  9. There's so much punctuation in your posts, you could easily say you were any one of such symbols at the end of the game and propose that it should have been obvious. Are you > ?
  10. It matters because I think you're lying (the then way you revealed your result was to me unconvincing), and as long as you continue to have something to hide then no one will go with your lynch. And like I said, the biggest factor resulting in you being killed is that you have been revealed a cop. The only reason you're not full revealing now is either sheer awkwardness or because you have something to hide.
  11. No -what is your KEY. And HOW do you carry out your role? Everyone has a story as to how they carry it out. If you're outing yourself as cop then what point is there withholding this info? You are Mafia enemy #1 already. Unless there is more to this.
  12. Note that what happened to you can't be the same thing that happened to Jonnas as he claims to have been successful.
  13. Well I would appreciate if you would answer my question from earlier instead of ignoring it which is making you suspicious as hell. What is your key and what is the flavour pertaining to how you carry out your action?
  14. ^ @Mr\-Paul, that can't be right - it can't be a jailkeep effect as Jonnas claims to be successful. I don't think the same thing happening to Rummy necessarily means it must be town related. @DuD, careful who you switch yourself with tonight as Rummy may need to access certain people. SECOND - if the same thing happened to Rummy but he says he wasn't successful, then it can't be protection either! Plus Jonnas said he had no knowledge of it happening to him. Need to read back to see whether the same thing did happen to him as it seems pretty different.
  15. Oh fuck. My body is ready... But is my soul?
  16. What does your writeup say Peeps Ok Yvonne said in a PM that jailkeep protects against kills only. So I must have walked into your cell and 'persuaded' you to remain unconscious. :p
  17. Yeah, seems that way. Heroic, did you get a message saying it failed? Not sure why you would if I reached him fine. The net result of someone jailkeeping and roleblocking should be the same. But you'd still except someone who was being kept in a jail to be immune to someone visiting to roleblock them.
  18. I was referring to Zechs there, Blade, not you. :p
  19. @Blade - What's the point in saying it? Animal has gone through childhood, why tell him you blame his parents? That's not advice, it's saying things you are thinking that are best left unsaid. This is getting made into something bigger than it should be. Let's drop it now, aye?
  20. No one contests the general gist of your message. What people don't like is the manner with which you talk to people on here. What you say can be said in exactly the same way without being rude. Rudeness =/= honesty.
  21. Wow, that doesn't look like cel shading in that triforce chart image. More like blocky 90s CG. :p
  22. It's not that I don't agree with some of his advice; rather some of the comments he made weren't helpful (actually, insulting). It just seemed really socially unintelligent to say some of those things, but I guess some people are like that.
  23. Probably not. I have a feeling that it's probably not really that much 'better' on the Wii U (if at all). I think that's been put out there to cheer up disgruntled Wii U owners. :p Legends was perfect for Vita, I'm guessing this will be too.
  24. Ah. I've played maybe 3-4 and I think I completed 2 or 3 of them. I think if you played more of them you'd probably lose interest too since you sound like how I felt.
  25. Absolutely. Fancy quoting someone who was saying they weren't happy with their body, then remarking that they must have got in a right state and that he should blame his parents!
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