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Everything posted by Ollie

  1. When you put it like that it doesn't seem so bad! That sounds like a challenge!! I bet I can
  2. What does 10,000 words translate to in pages? I have to do 30-50 pages, I'm on about page 13/14 I think. If I was going for the 30 page end of the scale I'm half way there!
  3. Awesome day here in Surrey...infact this is what I can see from my window: (I had the camera handy)
  4. £20 from Comet...Bosh.
  5. Haha, as true as that maybe and as well as I know it's true, it's not enough amagawd!
  6. Guys I really need your help, my dissertation is due in on Friday and I have got sooo much to do, but I just can't get motivated! Any tips on how you get motived to do coursework, I just find there are too many distractions :/
  7. At my local rock club they play redneck every week, I'm kinda bored of it when you think there are so many other great LOG songs they could play!
  8. Ollie

    Vista Thread

    I ve been using Vista Ultimate since RC2 and god do I wish I could go back to XP, but because going back would take so long with backing up data and getting my machine back to how I like it I cba, I just put up with the stuff I hate
  9. I have also noticed that people who liked 8 didn't like 7 and 9 and vice versa. My favourite so far has been 9, didn't get on with 8, loved 7 and 10, never played 10-2 and haven't got 12 yet. FF11 was total shit and a waste of the number 11 if you ask me, and I love MMO's! I used to have 7, 8 and 9 all mint not platinum but I sold my 9 whyyyyyyyyy its the best one and it was mint, I'll never replace it
  10. I think we should try it >.<
  11. Thanks for the bump WOOP, and thanks everyone for the information you have provided. I have kinda had to put the whole planning thing on hold for a couple of weeks whilst I get my dissertation finished, but I'll get stuck into reading all your posts soon! : peace:
  12. Fucking quality, nintendocore at its best, CUT CUT CUT! 8/10 All That Remains
  13. Caris - Check out 65 Days Of Static, I got into them cos I like Aphex Twin.
  14. In no particular order: wow-europe.com piratebay.org myspace.com A few others as well but they are the ones I think I go to everyday without fail.
  15. I once had a cheat printed in NGC magazine, issue 11 I think, but they printed it wrong so it didn't work Forgot about that actually, and have recently thrown out all my magazines, damn, oh well
  16. I work with dell computers, and when you change the memory the first boot always takes ages, like 5-7 mins, then it says, amount of memory has changed, press F1 to continue. Also, the bios upgrades you can download from dell come in two flavours, the one that you run off a floppy and the easier one, which is just an .exe that you run from the desktop and it does the rest. Hope this helps.
  17. Let me just summarise what I have found out so far...I know that spring (April timeish) and Autumn (October timeish) are supposed to be the best times to visit as it can snow in Winter and its typhoon season in summer (Aug-Sept). So I think going in October is a good time. I have read that the Shinjuku region is a good place to be in or staying near to as this is where a lot of the entertainment etc is based, also read about the different regions to go to and to aviod in terms of costs. I cant remember the names of the ares but some areas are very over-priced, usually the areas where the business men go with their expense accounts, but then there are areas where the younger people go to and these areas are cheaper. I also read that cash is the common used payment method and that cards from outside the country are ususally only used to get cash from cash points in post offices. We want to go visit the Nintendo building, even if its just to see it from the outside, also a certain developers house . Outside of Tokyo we want to visit some temples to get a feel for the landscape and culture, and we also want to see Mt Fuji, and possibly, go to Hiroshima (but thats bottom of the list as its totally the opposite direction!). I'm going to buy a phrase book and a couple of tour guides when I next get paid so hopefully that will give me some more information to go on.
  18. Lies, its about £80 Link Not that I have ever bought wow gold
  19. Hey guys and gals, myself and fellow forumite Lintendo and planning a holiday to Japan/Tokyo for October so I have come to ask some advice. I know some of you have been and some of you want to go, so here are some questions I would like your opinions on: If you have been, where did you stay, what parts of Japan, and where abouts in Tokyo? Where did you go when you were there, shopping, entertainment, etc, or if you havent been, where would you like to go? What was the weather like, we are planning to go in October, which according to my research is a good time to go. Anything else we should know? We are still in preliminary planning stages atm, so anything you can tell us will be great, thanks in advance!
  20. That is fair enough, if that is what you think, I was just giving my opinion same as everyone else, seems it isn't wanted around here then.
  21. I gave good advice, I justified why he should get this sorted now and not let it haunt him. Don't take a fraction of my post and turn it around on me, be constructive or dont bother.
  22. Hey, just been reading the thread, don't live your life in fear of this bloke, seriously. I, like someone else said on here, had a bit of a big mouth at school which was like 6 or 7 years ago now, and last week I went to a pub in another town about 15 miles away and ffs someone recognised me and started giving it mouth. Not like I care these days, I have grown up enough to handle myself if I need to, but these horrible chavs will hold a grudge, get it sorted out now, don't let him think he can bully you forever, just give him a black eye and be done with it.
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