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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Does any one have the Teal Blue Cute DIY Table? I have a friend looking for one. I have the normal one but they want it in Teal Blue.
  2. Thanks @Mr-Paul two trips and two full pockets. 700,000+ bells we’ll spent. Really need a way to access our bells in our savings though. I used all my bells on turnips and wanted to buy that cardboard box and some lilies from Nooks. But had no bells and nothing to sell.
  3. I don’t think we have added each other. I haven’t gone on my game yet but may come over.
  4. I have Hyacinths in my shop. Might not be on again till much later so I’ll grab a few bags now and hold onto them for you.
  5. I’ve been using the closed eyes techniques for the past number of games. Works a treat. I did have to alter having thumb on the button though to having it hover a fair bit away as my trigger fingers would lose me the streak. Got mine a few days ago.
  6. Easiest way is to go slow. When you see one get your net out and approach slowly. When it rears up STOP MOVING. Hold A to get your net ready and wait till it puts its front legs back down. Move towards it, when it rears up, stop again. Rinse and repeat until you’re close enough to swing and catch. ‘Also not that if you’re running around your town with your net out it will chase you as soon as it sees you. If you don’t have your net out you can walk right up to it and it won’t bother you. Use this to your advantage. 6pm for requests. He is there all day doin his one thing.
  7. Real life logic to a game where you can technically hold 39 oarfish in your pocket. 😂 I don’t think this game follows real life logic.
  8. My gate is open for the meteor show. It’s slow at the moment only seen a couple. So probably best to wait a bit if you just wanna make loads of wishes.
  9. I am still looking. Thanks. I don’t have spare of those flowers but you maybe able to take one from the ground if you’d like.
  10. Nope. I don’t recall any previous game expanding the additional rooms. The good thing is your upstairs is lager than the previous games.
  11. Had. Blast with @Ugh first aid last night. finally got some rain too
  12. Meteor shower in Kyoshi tonight. Will be opening my gates for visitors during the thing.
  13. Can some one do GP2 scores? I seem to have missed race three out. If not I’m sure Glen can sort it from it.
  14. I sold off a lot of my spares but am building up a lot again so will try to add mine in.
  15. Awesome. When you wanna come over. I’m on now so can open my gate now if you want.
  16. If anyone wants one Ables has the Royal Crown in stock on my island. I can open for any rich people.
  17. Try this one it’s never been bad for me. https://github.com/drfuzzyness/google-sheets-stalk-market-calculator It shows clearer estimates each week and is much easier to read.
  18. Yup. Going with “it was only Tuesday, I’m sure there will be better”. Plus I was on a potential 600+ spike.
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