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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Right. Some fun photos from me. and two videos. Really starting to love the camera app
  2. I’m looking at a possible high spike from tomorrow onwards. Either that or it’s gonna tank.
  3. Right we got 98 - 95 today. Going by the sheet I found and posted last week I should be on for a small or large spike With a small chance of it being a decreasing week. We’ll see tomorrow.
  4. I’ve only ever had normal islands too. Not even had a hybrid flower island.
  5. The only dragonfly out at the moment is the Darner Dragonfly.
  6. Yeah that’s probably it. In previous game they wouldn’t grow if they were too close to edges or next to another tree/building. So far all of mine have grown. What you could do is grow them elsewhere, then eat fruit and you can then dig the whole tree up and relocate it there. That should work.
  7. Not sure. Having issues when @Eddage is trying to come over. ‘not sure about the meet-up tonight.
  8. Cool. I’ll open my gate around 3. Bugs can’t be traded so can’t take any. If you have any spare Dino bones you don’t need I’ll take a few. But otherwise nothing desperately wanted in return. Even if you just bring random things. I can catalog and then sell them.
  9. I have all the fruit now so can hook you up with them. When are you free for a visit.?
  10. Finally got Mabel to ask to set up shop on the island so got that set up. Finished two more fossils today so yay there. Island is 2 stars but Isabelle did day we need more shops.
  11. Cool. I’ll get them to you over the weekend @Glen-i
  12. Have had a good day. Sold my 1,000 turnips for 607,000 bells. Got the final plot for a new villager. Then decided to take another trip to an island. Looked like another dull one, I haven’t gotten any special flower islands or tarantula island. But this was a nice flat island so I decided to stay and wreck the place. So chopped all the trees and ran over the flowers, smashed the rocks. Read this was a good way to attract tarantulas as it removes all other bug spanning opportunity. It certainly started to work to I carried on for as long as I could this evening and came away with this. Gave the giant water bug and giant moth to Blathers and stashed all the tarantula is my house.
  13. Good games guys. Now @Glen-i or anyone that can contact him if he’s not online. Do you need each race as we had CPUs on? There were no disconnects. I think I got them all.
  14. Found someone with 607 that I sold for. So a good little 607,000 bells made. That should let me buy a lot more this Sunday. I love this Dodo code feature if people are going to be generous like this. Yeah it can be a pain when loads try to get in but it’s a good idea from Nintendo as a way to visit towns and not have to be friends.
  15. Is there going to be any smash tonight after MK?
  16. Hope every one is turning up tonight. @RedShell could you or anyone else really be taking result pics too. Or record the session. I try my best but I do forget sometimes.
  17. Ok check this out. Some guys on reddit have been data mining the turnip trends or something and have found out the patterns. They have made this interactive spreadsheet that you can use to determine your estimated prices. Ive been watching it and it seems to be very accurate for everyone using it. I just checked mine and it seems that either my prices now or tomorrow am will be my best.
  18. 155 this morning up to 195. I’ll check if people wanna fish selling now and open up later if anyone says so. Might get a good price tomorrow.
  19. My game is downloading an update. Not sure what’s in it but we’ll see. Might be a bug fix for that 300 balloon thing. It’s 1.1.2.
  20. Starting to have some fun with the photo app to try to get better pics or more artsy looking ones. also these.
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