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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Yes please. Need to make sure to sell as not looking good on my island.
  2. I’ll take the statue. Will you be around later this evening. I’m not able to get on now till then
  3. Ok. One painting left at Redd’s. It’s the fruit face one. Fake but gates are open if someone wants it.
  4. The games have always lasted me a year at least. Just to complete my museum with fish an bugs. But even then I’ll still play them daily. Since online was added they have lasted longer as much of the time would’ve playing with friends, so this should be the same. Hopefully with this there will be added content that will make this game last a lot longer. At least the life of the Switch.
  5. I believe I’m on a roller coaster week as first price was 117 from a 104 buy. All indications show random week.
  6. Me too. I had so much trouble locating the ones in the fossil exhibit I’ve had to take a break before I find the rest.
  7. Redd is on my island. Only one real piece today but three others up for grabs. Gates open now but I’m not around for the moment.
  8. @Eddage made the trip. First awesome island. Took a couple DIY’s but didn’t want to be too greedy. Also nabbed the instrument in Nooks. Watered all those flowers too.
  9. Not mine but found this and had to share. I Need a Hero scene recreated in AC ive linked to a synced version so you can see how awesome it is. But here is the creators original twitter post.
  10. @Tales is right. Some bushes are in season and will flower right away. I think these are Azelea ones.
  11. Flick seriously loves making the bug models as opposed to the fish ones.
  12. And now for everyone’s favourite time of the week, it’s the funnies...
  13. Right. Gate will be opening up in a couple minutes. I’ll be away for about 15 though. So feel free to take funny pics without me knowing. Lol. @Shorty @Katie
  14. Of course. As soon as Mario Kart is done I’ll be opening my gates. @Katie I believe I have you as a friend. So that should be ok. You too @Shorty as soon as gates are open I’ll post here. I may be away for a little bit when they are open though. But feel free to water flowers and take a stroll.
  15. Ok. Gates will be open within the next 10 minutes for a couple hours. will be shut before 8 for Mario kart, if anyone needs them after I can open for the last hour of nooks.
  16. I don’t mind battle mode (I don’t do as well but that’s the fun). I think tonight should be regular, might make it frantic items though, but I’ve no problem have a battle mode week one week.
  17. @darksnowman and anyone else. It only peaked at 460. Bit lower than I’d hope but I’ll be open this evening if people want to sell.
  18. Anyone with turnips left I’m predicted a large spike up to high 500 this afternoon. Will update later.
  19. Celeste is on my island. Gate is open.
  20. Don’t know who threw this out but yay And I’ve just won cutest photo ever.
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