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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Oh that’s nothing. I’ve seen eBay listings for him. People actually pay real money.
  2. Ok. Opening my gate within the next 5 minutes or so. Redd and shop plundering open to all. And kind flower waterers are welcome.
  3. Does swimming in Animal Crossing count, cause that can be relaxing if you’re just swimming and not on the hunt for stuff. if not I’m going with Pilotwings and any free hand gliding. I remember the N64 version having a fun relaxing part with a small copter too.
  4. Redd is here today. I’ve nabbed the only real thing but there is a fake Mona Lisa, girl with the earring and that Egyptian looking head. Also have the train set in nooks (cherry blossom trees) that’s up for grabs. will open this evening for looters. Lol
  5. Many great Mario 3D platforms to pick from but my pick goes to Odyssey. From start to finish this has everything. And in the middle of it all they place Mario in a realistic environment and it just works.
  6. This might come as a shock but my favourite has always been Mario’s number one enemy. Especially his appearance in Super Mario World, I think I beat him up so many times as I loved that fight.
  7. Thanks @Sméagol it appears Nintendo patched that little trick with the camera. If you pressed + as soon as you opened it, you’d get no HUD on screener could run around and use the camera as normal. Worked great for clear videos. Just tried for 5 minutes as Ozzie is running around on the beach in the rain and I couldn’t get it to work.
  8. Is it worth holding onto Scallops and Pearl Oysters? Will they be handy or just sell them. I know oysters are used in DIYs I’m guessing they are not the same as pearl oysters.
  9. I actually enjoyed playing as her, probably the most out of all the DLC released. She does take some getting used to but when you can land the smash attack with the big ball like arm, it sure does send people flying.
  10. I have loads as I’ve not made a lot of star stuff yet. I’ll get you some ready and I’ll be open later today.
  11. Saharah is giving away Sumo Ring and Kisses wall.
  12. My only guess is he doesn’t appear on when your gates open. And so far my scallops have been found when that is the case. anyway gates opening now.
  13. I have found three. Guess I need to go swimming again. anyway my gates will be open from around 7:30. Saharah is on my island too. Don’t forget your bathers, cannonballs are a must.
  14. I have Saharah and haven’t seen Pascal yet. Is he in the ocean? also Cannonball!! Best thing in the game now.
  15. Between Goldeneye and Mario Kart 64. mK takes it as I just loved it more.
  16. Thanks @RedShell @Glen-i and @S.C.G Some fun games Min Min is certainly a different character.
  17. Certainly back to Mario Kart form there. Some screwy finishes throughout the night.
  18. Either some one did plant or maybe you had a 5 star rating for a moment when you didn’t have all those clothes and diys scatters around. Maybe that still triggers a Lily of the Valley
  19. Looks like we got three in a row here. opening section to a game Link to the past was my first foray into Zelda games on the home console. And that opening really sealed it for me as a game I loved. I was never a fan of these types of games. The seemed to o-en and vast for me. But that all changed when I played this.
  20. Day 1. Granny’s Garden This was one of I think two educational games that were on school computers, or in this case the BBC micro back when I was like 5 or 6. Only really remember a few bits but looking it up I’m remembering more of it now. And just found out there are updating versions around now.
  21. I like the markets. I know we can’t always tell what variation the item is but I still prefer that.
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