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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Finished the main game a couple of days ago and loved it. I've never been a huge Kirby fan for some reason, I played though Planet Robobot and that was my first real venture into Kirby. This was a great game to really get into the games though. Not too hard but a few moments have had me taking a few minutes to find the solution (the hidden Waddle Dees and missions, not the main part of the level). I think the mini portal levels are fun and I think I only had to change the difficulty down to Breeze once for the ice hat one. otherwise they have all been done within a few attempts, some have been annoying in that I missed the target time by a few seconds, one was .08 off the time. But it seems the only reward is an extra 50 coins so I don't have much incentive to go back to them at the moment. As everyone has said, the soundtrack is simply amazing and one of the best game soundtracks in a long time. So may great tunes. I've been going back to get all the Waddle Dees and missions and so far most are not too hard. I've run not a block on one level where I'm stuck on a few but I'll keep at it. I have done all of the first two worlds though. I think I need maybe two blueprints or at least that's what I have seen as locked portals. Think they are in the later areas though, as I didn't do a. lot of exploring there. I had a go at the post game stuff and didn't do too well, but I think I may do better now I have my abilities upgraded. And as mentioned. few are very powerful. that sword just takes everyone out. I think I'm up to around 75% total completed and will go for as much as I can.
  2. Luigi number one! That was a funny match. Great games as always fun times.
  3. Hope everyone had a great night of races. I'll be back next week after my week away this week with my other half.
  4. A little fun from two weeks ago. And here is a match from last night between me and @Ike which may have been my favourite close one of the night.
  5. Early notice. I will most probably not be around for Thursdays games. I'm away for the week with my other half and will most likely be without WiFi
  6. The first one got me good, that last one I had to try it, I knew what was going to happen but I just had to. It's like Kamikaze, you just have to do it. Great games tonight though, some very funny stuff.
  7. OK, well I'll host some stamina matches this week for those still interested. @Ike @Dcubed
  8. My copy just arrived from Nintendo. love the massively thick notebook that came with it.
  9. Dang I should have waited. Good for your letting people in too. It can be very time consuming to do that.
  10. Was on voice chat with @Dcubed when this happened as I just couldn't be be mad. I made use of my Mushrooms to take the lead and celebrated too early. You deserved that win.
  11. Yup, this. I saw the Switch tell me you were in the game, and then saw someone join and thought it was you so started the game. Anyway, best throw of the night for me.
  12. Room opening in the next 5 minutes or so. Anyone voice chatting the Discord general voice chat will be used,
  13. I had a 182 small spike last night so made a nice little sum back.
  14. As with the base GP's I found that 150cc is actually the hardest in terms of the CPU actually keeping up with you. 200cc they just can't seem to handle the speed like they should be able to. Also as with the base tracks, you can easily take surtouts that require mushrooms and hop over corners with ease in 200cc. I think the Tour tracks seem wider and do help in 200cc but I still had to take some breaking actions. I\m sure the tracks will get harder as we get more and I can't wait.
  15. Yep. Well I did turn it off first time, but after all that weirdness in the middle when it started picking the flat versions of the stage, I had gone back into the rule settings to se if I did something. Guess I left all stages on. However I do wonder if RedShell had something on for levels as as soon as he had finished we were back to the normal levels and random was back to normal. I can see the view of it being a bad large stage, but I think we did a good job of not running away from each other and keeping it close.
  16. I know it was only the first race, but that was such an amazing finish. You really cant't write anything off till they all cross the line. Ferrari look great, Marc seems to be getting there, RedBull weren't as dominant as most thought (and that was just too funny what happened) but still right up there. Hope this is another good season.
  17. @Glen-i did say take that out of the random list, but to be honest I kinda liked that fight.
  18. Thanks for the games @Ike and @RedShell. Not sure what happened in the middle there when all the stages started being the plain ones. It seemed to reset after RedShell went though. Some great close games there too, and a few one siders. We had our random same character match and it was fitting for ZSS to beat Ridley in that last match,
  19. Cool, we'll go for 8 as normal and will go with Stock if that's OK
  20. But where's the fun in that? Yeah I'm sure I read that somewhere before, I think I've just always preferred to actually be able to say I actually completed them the real way.
  21. Right, with the easy two out the way time for some initial views from me. I'm loving the new tracks. There seems to be something for everyone in them. from a mild drive to a bonkers multi route track. If this is the way the rest of the tracks come at us going forward this is going to be one of the best DLC's from Nintendo. Favourite Track I know everyone is saying Ninja Hideaway, but I'm going to give it to Paris Promenade. I love NH and the multiple route, but the topper that gave it to PP was the fact that if you are leading when you enter lap three, you are most certainly going to be coming head on to other racers still on the end of lap 2, and this just leads to some bonkers mayhem to come. Least Favourite As with the others in here it does go to Toad Circuit. It's not a bad track, it's just I guess they couldn't improve on it or add any new elements to the track to bring it up to date. A fine addition and easy first track of the new DLC, just not on the level of some of these others. Special Mentions OK, Choco Mountain. Nintendo, this is how you add to an already existing track and make it new again. A fine underground section, a jump that doesn't seem out of place, and still a great hilly track. Only think I wish it did was when the rocks fall on lap three the floor finally gives way and you have to navigate holes where they kept hitting, or they leave giant holes that will let you trick jump. Music also deserve a mention here. Some great sounds and music to an already great soundtrack. I'm sure 200cc will be giving us some unexpected shortcuts on some tracks that probably were not intended. Will be interesting to see what people find.
  22. This is what I like though there seems to be a mix for everyone. I do like the mixture of both, and with you on the MC GBA. There wasn't much they could do but just that little section as a sloped anti-gravity worked.
  23. @RedShell You have the trial again, fancy a return to Smash?
  24. NOOOOOOO. @Ike, @Dcubed you guys in? I know Ike and me had some great 1v1 matches so I'm up for those again. I know DCubed sometimes makes it too.
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