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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Physical copy of the game arrived today from Nintendo, very early received and very much liked.
  2. So I ended up getting the Mighty Bowser set over the last week when there was a double points event on, haven't built that yet, but I got this out and built it as it's been a while it's just been sitting around not built. Really is one of the few of the Lego Mario sets that look good as a display set.
  3. totally agree! No stars throughout the game and gets all the pity stars at the end there. Can you tell I'm still annoyed lol
  4. I'll also like to mention that I think the Koopa that runs the bank was a winner in that game too. He made off with like 50+ coins of ours in the end didn't he?
  5. Well that may have been the best game to date. Very close all throughout and I was actually leading through probably the majority of the game. But bloody hell, how the hell did @Dcubed pull that off! I feel a little robbed as I was finally doing so well.
  6. Just posting the image larger as I think it's funny that Toad seems to have smart steering on. He has the antenna that you have on the back of your kart the you do.
  7. This is looking better every time we see something new. I can't wait to go watch this.
  8. Yes three of those were me, but I was determined to get that bat off you, albeit being silly and getting hit three times. But it did make for hilarity. Great games again. Some close ones last night and a few not very close ones. As always Samus always wins and I really do like Pyra.
  9. Yup, they are. Double packs can be about £30. Jumbo Pikachu was more than a single and I think the Loftwing Zelda was slightly more but I'm sure that was under £20.
  10. Unless it's a jumbo one like the Detective Pikachu one that's just amazon cashing in, it's got to be. I expect it to be regular single Amiibo price.
  11. This was an awesome moment against @Dcubed If the timings in that game are accurate and not rounded off then this was amazing. But very unsatisfying only getting my few coins back.
  12. When I first saw this I thought it was a joke/parody trailer what with all the Nintendo and Mario trailers. But it's real, which I now am sure I remember hearing about it. Anyway it seems like it could be decent. Interesting to know how much is based on real events and how much will be glorified.
  13. Great racing some very fun times. I thought I had got @lostmario with a well timed rebounded banana off the finish line banner but on looking at the replay, it seemed the Thwamp got him and not me.
  14. I picked up the Mighty Bowser set this past week (need someplace to put him before I start building). It's a double points week and I thought it was the best time to spend that amount of money. I'm also now sitting at 32,000 VIP points so have enough to get myself £200 worth of vouchers, but I'm saving as much of those towards the Titanic set (or maybe now the new Rivendell Lord of the Rings set that was announced.
  15. I did it, and I'll do it again @Dcubed. Two second places in two weeks, my best performance so far in these MP nights. soon I'll win.
  16. Wow, didn't expect this, but then with no MP4 I guess they wanted to give us something. I'll be picking up the physical copy when it comes out as this was the only MP game I really got into and enjoyed. Looks great too, can't wait for this.
  17. That trailer has actually got me wanting the game now. I loved the first one but never really got into any of the sequels. However this looks gorgeous and seems like it will be fun to play.
  18. I'm just happy get to play Minish Cap. I never did get to play that. Plus Seasons and Ages is coming too.
  19. Love that we are getting a new character, hope this means a few more may come too. Loving the new track too and this just may mean we get another new track later on too.
  20. I was so mad at that too, but it was so well done that it only lasted moment then I just had to laugh.
  21. Great games, I actually won a good more this week that I did last week. Some very close matches and a few good sudden death rounds too.
  22. What's tonight @Glen-i. Feel like beating some people up after last nights MP shenanigans
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