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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. No you haven't, the Rumble is tonight!
  2. Heard nothing either. No money taken from account yet either and the tracking shows nothing.
  3. Just grabbed an order of Rosalina through the Argos site mentioned ealier. Thanks. Bowser should arrive today. I'll use Bowser but I think Rosalina will be staying packaged for now along with Villager.
  4. WooHoo. I had so much fun last year and had some great races. In and ALWAYS IN!
  5. Also on any tablet and smartphone via the WWE app. Apple TV should be available from Monday too.
  6. Guys, the network is live for us in the UK. Got to http://www.wwe.com/wwenetwork and you should see a UK sign up page. I've just signed up with no problem and am able to watch the network. Happy times, Royal Rumble for only 9.99
  7. So after mulling over it for a bit, I decided to take the plunge and buy one (even if it's just for collectors sake). I put my order in at 13:04 yesterday (7th Jan) with free shipping (3-5 days), got an email to say it had been shipped at 14:59 yesterday (7th Jan) and received my New 3DS this morning a little over an hour ago (8th Jan). I've had a look at the machine at it does look very nice, the face plates are nice and will add much customisation. I'll probably use it one day, when the need arises, but for now I'm happy with my limited Toad edition.
  8. I got one of the emails and don't consider myself having spent a fortune on there. I've been a registering items since forever, (did GC games have them?) Bought just a launch day 3DS and no others. Won one of the limited Toad 3DS's and have gotten codes for Tomodachi Life and SSB demos. I wasn't really interested, but now I'm thinking of getting it. I don't know if I'd open it yet, but I'd have it if I ever wanted it. Plus it's probably going to be a limited number of consoles.
  9. Bought my first Amiibo's. Ordered a Villager and Peach. Will be getting Bowser and Rosalina as I use them a lot. Not sure how many I'll get after that, but I'm sure I'll get a few.
  10. Having the same issues running FF 34.0.5 on my iMac. Safari displays the page fine.
  11. Just played through the new tracks. Good job Nintendo. Love some of the little touches on the new tracks too. Of course the main one is Hyrule Circuit and all the Zelda sound effects, rupees and such. I even noticed that the item roulette sound is changed. F-Zero track is brilliant too, for anyone that hasn't noticed, ride over the strips that usually refill your shield (in F-Zero) if you don't have 10 coins. And SNES Rainbow Road...still the best RR in the entire series. Fell off twice on my first run. Love it.
  12. I no longer am believing anything until I hear some word from either WWE or Sky (or whoever runs the channel). We've been messed about way too much and no one seems to know what is actually happening.
  13. News being released that we are getting the full version of the network from November 3rd. Best of all we get the free month too that is happening for new subscribers. And on top of all of that we get it for $9.99. That's dollars not pounds. So will be getting it for around £6.
  14. The latest financial report has stated that we will be getting the US version and not tied to Sky in November. I guess we only have a few days to wait.
  15. Played the demo and quite enjoyed it. If I were to buy this, would it be a good idea to get the first one and play that first? Would playing the second game ruin anything or not give me the full story?
  16. Yep. I always have the Thursday showing on record. Which I assume is then repeated before Raw the next Monday. Easily the best WWE show each week.
  17. I'm a sky customer, but if I have to pay for the reduced network/service on sky and then PPV's on top of that, I will seriously consider getting the US version, or just obtaining the PPV's another way.
  18. Just found out that on the iTunes store, the WWE app shows an in app purchase of "6 month auto renew subscription to WWE" for £39.99, which equals around £6.60 a month. Also people have reported that there is an option to change the adress from a U.S. one to a UK one. Things are looking up for us.
  19. I keep checking everywhere too and no luck in any word. I've read many people say that we are getting the version the US gets, so online and all content, including PPV's, then others saying we'll get a cut down version cause Sky have the rights to the PPV's. I guess we can only wait till WWE release something. I would assume there will be some sort of announcement regarding what we will get in the coming RAW and Smackdown shows.
  20. So I actually found a way to make it not so one sided on my part when playing. I set up the vs race so that it is Frantic mode but I do not use any item I pick up, only coins. You can mix it up by selecting a completely random kart setup too. I have found that I can still win, but the races are a lot more tight. The great Blue shell dodge with a mushroom trick.
  21. I got some codes too, been playing the demo a bit and quite enjoy it. Really will be changing the control scheme though. Can't get to grips with it. Anyway, I have thought of what to do with my spare 3 codes and considered selling them but then I want people who love the game to enjoy it too. it's a demo after all and you shouldn't have to pay for those. So anyone still looking for a code, PM me and I'll give you one. I have 3 going. I may do first come first served, or pick three random PM's after a few hours depending on the response. EDIT: One code remaining.
  22. Pulled off my first blue shell avoidance with a mushroom today, ever. Such a great feeling. I've saved the replay and when I have some way to record it, I will, save that achievement for ever. Anyone know how to make this game harder? I play GP's on frantic item mode, hard CPU 150cc, yet still manage to walk it. Even playing a 16 track GP I manage to win fairly easily.
  23. OK, to anyone else that uploads a lot of highlight videos to Youtube directly from the game. Do you find it annoying that you get copyright notices if you have the music on in the replay? I mean, Nintendo are allowing us to upload the video directly from the game to youtube so I don't see why we should have those videos should get labelled with the notice. I know it is not affecting them being viewed but it is annoying, and I get this is probably just an automated thing by youtube. Most the time I try to just have sound effects only anyway.
  24. Being a huge Animal Crossing fan, I love the inclusion of the Villager and Isabelle. Anyone else think that the Villager just fits the style of the game in this image. I have ordered the 2 packs and am enjoying the free Mercs and coloured Yoshis and Shy Guys.
  25. Thanks. And it was quicker, after figuring it out, I just needed Iggy.
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