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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Great, and I should be able to play this time.
  2. I just found out something new I didn't know about. When you're on the results screens, try spinning the cup on the gamepad!
  3. For anyone that uses it, the WWE Network app is now available on Apple TV devices.
  4. Nice, funny how that final GP seemed to be the opposite for both of us.
  5. GP 2 results are from the end of race 3 as it seems we all got disconnected in the last race. I had a bad first two GP's tonight, just couldn't get out of the pack and was hit with everything going. GP3 I finally managed to get somewhere and get a second place.
  6. Having issues with connection in group 2. Will start GP3 when we are all OK.
  7. Got the Friend requests, @D_prOdigy and @MadDog. Group 2 room is open
  8. I've been a fan for more years than I can remember, probably when it first started airing here. I do agree that the latest ones are not as great as the older ones but they still give me a laugh. I don't see how it can really go on without Harry Shearer as he did so many voices which you can't replace. Maybe they should wrap it all up with one last film.
  9. I believe I have everyone except @D_pr0digy. I'll check and send FC if needed. Oh and the second Rainbow Road can be the N64 one if people don't want to play the SNES one twice. I thought that is what I had intended.
  10. Oooh, this looks like my theme which I call Super Koopaling Kart. @The Mole, I have noticed that I must have put two Mario Circuits (GBA) in there (which you changed one to the new track). Is it possible to change the New Mario Circuit track in GP 1 to Cheese Land (GBA)? I tried to have only retro tracks in there.
  11. My worst case of item rape (possibly) during this evening.
  12. I think I got raped in every single race. Went from top 3 to last in a matter of seconds nearly every race. Bad night for me. But great theme, loved it.
  13. I officially hate Cheese Land! I've been trying for the last few hours to get *** on 200cc mode and I have only once come first on Cheese Land. Every other time I just get screwed by the bumps and items. I done the Bell Cup on my second attempt but this is driving me insane. I've lost count of how many laps I've now done on Baby Park. Love this game. You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse Finally!
  14. Here are the scores after race three. At the end of race two you had 4 points.
  15. Good night for me. First race of the third GP ruined a great night though. Some great fights throughout.
  16. Just done it. Was just checking to make sure I had everyone. Room will be open in a few minutes.
  17. As a host, I want to get this right. It is definitely 200cc again and we have it set to all courses? I believe I have everyone's FC except @HollolW.
  18. Since we're doing Mario Kart, here are some of my favourites I've taken. And here is a link to the rest of the album.
  19. Down 7 places! Gah. Anyway, this is what I said about 200cc on my last post. I think we should do it again. I'm thinking we make it a special for theme nights, and then from next year, it's 200cc or nothing. I think by then we will all have gotten to grips with the speed, and playing on 150cc will seem slow in comparison.
  20. Some moments from 200cc races. Had this strange drifting moment where it just seems like the bike wants to go one way but corners the other. You get a lot of air on the final shortcut on Yoshi Valley. No Mushroom needed for this shortcut on Hyrule Circuit now.
  21. I'm beginning to get the hang of 200cc now. Found a good kart combination that I like. Whilst a lot of the time you can get by without breaking, I do find that simple quick touches of the brake as you enter sharp corners really do help out. Just need to line up the corner for the exit. Got gold on all 200cc and 3 starred a number of them too. There are so many great touches on the new courses that I keep noticing. And many of the old courses are opening up shortcuts that you couldn't take before. Cutting corners is easier too, with a jump you can cut a few corners that couldn't be done at lower speeds. I do hope we get to see more DLC for this game as these two have been top notch.
  22. First time I've obtained a full release wave on release day. Now to find time to open them and get them trained up.
  23. This was me. Was this on F-Zero track? I need to go back over the footage to see what actually happened. OK, it doesn't seem as bad watching it back. I hit a boost, the tried to jump into a drift but it was in the middle of the track which seems to be slightly higher then the edges, as such, it looks like I fly off the side.
  24. Have to say, I know next to nothing about this game, not a great fan of these types of FPS shooters, yet I've already pre-ordered this game. From the few videos I have seen, it just looks like it will be a lot of fun.
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