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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Loving this game so far. Done the first two mansions. Like some, I do find that the game could have done with a way to turn Luigi when either using the torch or vacuum. But it's OK. I'm getting used to it.
  2. ONM gave this a 90 in their latest issue. The only real negative comments where that when in cutscenes, the camera zooms in close to the characters and The other was no offline or online multiplayer. One of the things I did like was
  3. Very sad to hear the passing of Paul Bearer. Easily one of my favourite managers when I was growing up watching. You just don't seem to get managers that add to the character that they are managing anymore. Truly one of the greats.
  4. Seen videos of this game and thought it looked pretty good. Whilst browsing the eShop just now, I noticed that it was only £4.49, so I've just bought it. It looks a pretty cool game so I thought I can't lose much at that price.
  5. If I've been following a game that I really like the look of, I'll get it from a retail store on release day. I don't mind paying the extra to know I can get it there and then. (I had a bad experience with GamePlay when I ordered AC for Wii in that they didn't get stock or something and I never got it on release from them. I know that doesn't apply to all online shops) I will though look for the cheapest option if I haven't gone for the day 1 release. I picked up LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7 for <£20 and LEGO Lord of the Rings for £25 just by waiting a little and looking in the supermarkets.
  6. Bought F-Zero just this morning (you can't not get it at 30p) and had a go whilst I was doing my morning WiiFit. Love it. Playing on the gamepad whilst doing WiiFit, had a few niggles with the L and R drifting, I might have to change them to the LZ and RZ (I saw you can change them in the settings) as my fingers just naturally sit on those rather than the normal L and R. Other wise, a must buy if you are a fan of the series.
  7. Create a State of Chaos in your town Just type in your address and a surname (anything is acceptable) and watch the chaos.
  8. I'm not opposed to the new belt, I just don't like the massive WWE logo right in the middle of it. Why not just have a large globe like the old belts in the middle, and have a smaller WWE logo somewhere. I did see this image posted on another forum of the belt without the bulls on the side Presumably they are interchangeable. Have to say it looks better in that image.
  9. I really missed that there was no Mario golf on the Wii, a missed opportunity there, hopefully this will be good enough to satisfy my Mario Golf need. I remember playing Toadstool Tour (I'm sure that was the GC one) loads. It was a great game to just put on, sit back and play a few rounds of golf.
  10. Glad to finally see a release date. I think the handhelds are where this game belongs due to it's dip in nature. I loved WW and remember playing that loads, especially with friends over WiFi. LGttC was OK, it just didn't hold me for as long. I'll be getting the retail version, just because I want the physical copy. Can't wait for this. Oh and I'm a 33 year old male that's been playing AC games for a little under 10 years, and do still find them some of the most relaxing and fun games I have played.
  11. I decided to order the ? block. Had some stars expiring and thought it would be a nice thing to have. So I ordered it at 12:45(ish) on Thursday 7th and it arrived this morning (11th). Super quick delivery.
  12. I think if Taker was to have one last WrestleMania match it would have to be against John Cena. He is the only real person left that anyone would think could end the streak. I wonder if this set up would work for WM 30. With Cena looking to win the title at this years WM, hold it all year, then we could have a Title vs Streak match at WM 30?
  13. I've read a few reports that he may miss WrestleMania. From PWTorch's App, there is a quite from Paul Bearer that says he is happy where he is in his life, with a new daughter, just built a new home, and is enjoying life with his family. He may wrestle again, he may not. Loving the Rock at the moment too, I'm still hoping that Punk is thrown into the WrestleMania mix with Cena and Rock just to give us something different this year. it would tie up the whole stories of them three nicely.
  14. When you press the home button, it 'saves' two pictures that you can use. One being the image on screen, the other the image on the gamepad (I believe that is how it is). So, press the home button when you want to post an image to Miiverse, go to where you can post and you should see a photo icon just to the right of the post screen. Select the image and post from there.
  15. Nope for the first part. No backup power item. As for the second. After clearing levels, failing a level multiple times, and some other instances, the game asks if you want to post to Miiverse. This way, your post has the level from which you posted it. You can also just press the home button, go to Miiverse and post from there. I just beat Bowser earlier on. Fantastic game, I love it. Though I did find the final battle to be quite easy. Did it in one go. Still bloody brilliant though. Now I have all the star coins and other special bits to get.
  16. I think it was WWE No Mercy for the N64. The first run of copies had a major glitch that erased your save whenever you turned the game off. You could get the game replaced, but the new ones had blood taken out.
  17. I just completed the demo. It may have taken me 5 attempts, but it took me a while to get to grips with the controls. I have to say I'm still not 100% sure if I'd buy it. From the demo, I think I'd get a bit frustrated (that invisible zombie in the basement). I managed in the end using the shove-with-bat-then-hit method, but for a while it just kept getting the better of me. But overall I did like it. Had one moment where it gave me a jolt. Not a full on scare/jump, but made me jolt back. I think I'd definitely pick it up cheap. For now, I have 28 more uses out of the demo.
  18. Correct. I was on their 10MB service for ages with just a normal modem, then when upgrading to the 50MB service, I had to get a Superhub.
  19. Has anyone else 'won' the purple button prize from the Pachinko tower game? When I say purple button prize, I mean it's one of the buttons that is around the base of the tower that does something to the NintendoLand plaza. I think it is my favourite. Also just beat all the advanced stages in Metroid today. I may be able to Master them, but it will take some doing on some of them.
  20. You don't have to do rhythmic taps, you can easily just take on step at a time. I'm not sure, but I don't even think you need to be tilting that much at all. The slope pretty much will get you moving when you tap R. I'm actually finding course two easier, but that maybe because I'm just trying to rush through the first so much that I crash more. The second 'be brave' jump/fall is a little more tricky, I do just let it get right to the edge and let it fall off, then a little flick to straighten up before landing. I got all the way to the final lift on course 4 the other day, but just could land right without either falling off the end or back through the gap trying to correct myself.
  21. It seems to be from the Wii U game to me. It takes place on Acorn Plains 3 like the rest of the videos.
  22. I just watched the advanced 1up video. Insane how the use Yoshi to 'eat' Luigi all through the level and spitting him out just to jump on the enemies. Thus gaining 23 1ups in the level.
  23. Went to see this and was absolutely amazed with it. I saw the 3D 48fps version and loved it. Everything is so clear, crisp and smooth. Yes, there are a few moments where you can clearly see that there are visual effects shots but other than that it just looks beautiful. Gollum looked amazing, I know he looked great by the Return of the King, but I'm sure they have outdone themselves. The Goblin King, same, the trolls, all looked amazing. I had gone with a friend that I know, didn't know about the whole 48fps thing. I just asked them if they were OK with 3D and booked the 48fps time. Not once did they say that anything looked bad or out of place because of the 48fps. I wonder if it just boils down to the fact that we know about it and are looking for it. Though saying that, as I said, there are some parts that are clearly visual effects and seem to stick out. I can't wait now for the next part. Just seeing the last scene
  24. Whoa, some of those jumps look like they shouldn't be able to be done. I don't even think I've gotten half way though the second stage yet. I have been using that 'press Y' trick (though not so much a trick) that if you are about to crash, press it and you just go back to the last check point without loosing a life.
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