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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. I've had Gannondorf, Palutena and ZSS processed (money taken) and waiting for dispatch now from ShopTo. Still waiting on Dark Pit.
  2. Great. Two more amiibo I now need to get.
  3. Excellent for me too. Up 6 places. My yo-yo weeks continue. And who's idea was that theme? This is going to hilarious or downright annoying.
  4. Meta Knight seems to have just had a restock of sorts but they won't be around for long. Snap him up if he is still thee. I think Jiggs and Greninja are fairly rare right now. So definitely grab one or both. I think Greninja should will be the rarer.
  5. Had my first go at Ranked Battles earlier and actually enjoyed it. Would rather it be available in non ranked too, as I'd rather just play for fun, never been one to care for ranks. Hopefully these will be available later when friend matches are made available.
  6. Me too. My AC addiction kicked in again. Need those
  7. Exactly. I'm not too fussed about him, may by all this DLC one day, but they really have taken a lot of effort in making him unique.
  8. My poor wallet. Love Mr Game and Watch though. Great idea.
  9. I got a "battle worn" MK. I really don't care which way he is supposed to be. He looks cool either way. I say buy him.
  10. A few moments from Thursday. Messing up on the last corner and being punished And now for the greatest green shell hit in history
  11. I've come to this thought on how Nintendo delivering the updates for this game work in how the game is promoted too. Think of the directs we had and how they were marketed as a Squid Research Lab. So, since there are researching the squids and stuff, it is perfectly normal that they would be researching and finding (releasing) new weapons every so often. Even the releases come with some text that sort of relates to this. Or I'm just giving Nintendo too much credit for a great idea.
  12. Where's Dedede and Shulk in that restock? I need those two for my complete collection.
  13. Yep, I was there last night for a bit after Mario Kart night. Had fun seeing more recognisable names splatting me and getting splatted.
  14. Great racing as always. Some very close finishes and some crazy stuff happening. I'll get the results up in a few. Group 2 results.
  15. We were, thanks, I forget who I have sometimes.
  16. I need @Nando NNID? I'll try to leave opening the room for a few minutes so I can get it.
  17. I really should be recording my online matches. I got my best splat, or rather splats today. Was on Kelp Dome, and three off the opposing team where on the center platform. I swam up the side in squid form and just let fire, Splatted all three of them. So satisfying.
  18. OK, I'll be up for some Skype, name is bowserbasher, let me know if you add me. Oh and if I can't get on it's cause I'm skyping with my fiancee, she always get priority.
  19. Loving it even more with every play. Love how some games really do turn in the last minute. Also find it so satisfying when I see an Inkling setting off a Ink Strike and are open for a free splattering. Really like the Seeker too. Seeing someone coming towards you and you just set it off towards them.
  20. Anything over than Nintendo main characters are rare at the moment. Mario, Peach, Pikachu and Peach are the most common, so I'd say if you do want it, grab it now.
  21. Just completed the single player mode:
  22. I think it would have benefited if it were 200cc mode to add more speed and the chance of falling off more. As it was, it was OK, but you really did need a good start and get a gap between you and someone to not then get knocked around. I lost too many places at the end of the races through someone slipstreaming me. I guess my Mii just needed to put on some more pounds.
  23. I'm loving the single player game in this. I've just beat the 4th boss and am heading to the next area. Whilst the levels are short they are fun to play. I really do hope we get more levels or a fleshed out single player game. Still loving online too, been in some matches that have really swung in the last minute or so. It really isn't over until that counter hits 0.
  24. Exactly. This is usually what I do, I hang back, painting all the areas around our base and surrounding area. Those little blank spaces all add up.
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