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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. For anyone who bought the Ambassador New 3DS, look out for the mailman. I just received this in the post today. And I emailed Nintendo this morning about the statue this morning asking for information. So others should get them too.
  2. I mainly play on my own. I'd say it is still somewhat enjoyable. With no Big story mode like the Subspace Emissary like the last one, you are restricted to pretty much just battles. However, the challenges add a little and unlocking everything will take a little time. I mainly play through the classic and All star mode with each character, and a lot of 3 stock matches against level 8-9 CPU's and still get enjoyment out of it.
  3. That was great, Wario and DK's had me cracking up along with DHD.
  4. Anyone in need of a WiiFit Trainer, be quick. Only a few left on Amazon £12.99
  5. UGH! Got disconnected from race 3 in GP 2, then again for race 4. It was fine whilst I was watching too, picked a course then it went. Think I was on 7 points before then. Third GP was a blast guys. I was literally shouting at the TV on Warios Mine race to stay in the lead. Great fun.
  6. My Sonic and Megaman have shipped from Game. Will probably look in on Friday to see if there are any other new ones there. I'll be looking online first but it's a good option for me. I really only was going to collect a few of these, now I have over a dozen of them. I have an extra Marth that I am looking to trade too. Ideally for some not so common ones but offers welcome.
  7. Not heard anything yet. I remember reading when I registered, that they would send an email once they have "heard" from Club Nintendo that it was registered.
  8. thought some people might enjoy this. Little Mac KO punches King Dedede out the air.
  9. I must be lucky. I get near zero buffering when I watch. I even watch through the iPad and AirPlay to my Apple TV and it's flawless. I'm still enjoying it. And I feel I am getting my £9.99 worth. Just between the PPV and NXT shows, and some of the specials, I'm enjoying it.
  10. Kind of a funny night for me there. 7th, 4th, 8th. Got really lucky on a few races where I seemed to be too far in last to get anywhere and would pull up to a top 4 placing. Great fun.
  11. Had a better week this week, though I thought is was gonna be a strange one. GP 1 and 2 I won the first race then came like 3rd or lower in the next. Managed to get some decent finishes and get my first silver and bronze.
  12. @RedShell, I've just noticed we've not exchanged NNID's. Please see this and accept before the race. If I don't I'll just join group 1. I'm in Group 2, thanks.
  13. Yup. Got one too, not I need to decide whether to buy the game. It was never my favourite Zelda and I never did get past like the second dungeon on the N64, but the figurine may be worth the game. £32.99 on Amazon.
  14. Just received an email about the skull kid figurine and this. As the Nintendo store are giving the figure away with all new Nintendo 3DS and MM games those who already bought the ambassador machine can get the figurine too just by buying the game. MM was never my favourite Zelda game but I wonder if I should buy it for the skull kid statue.
  15. Jurassicworld.com/ Official website looks like a real theme parks website rather than a films.
  16. Here is Nintendo's Easy transfer guide in a PDF
  17. My apologies, I did not have the mic on so did not hear and no one posted here to say. I let it go till 2 minutes past 8 and decided to start.
  18. Bit of a mixed night for me there. Some bad bad luck and item raped from the get go. Messed up a few times too. Best was GP three for me this week. GP1 GP2 GP3
  19. I've sent Miiverse Friend requests to @Glen\-i, @Foxfear and @f00had. As the host, I need to know if everyone has the DLC tracks or not, are we allowed to select the full selection if we all have them?
  20. Just ordered a Toad and Peach from there too. Probably get the others eventually.
  21. Has anyone that ordered Rosalina from Argos heard anything? I just checked my bank statement and saw that the money was taken by them yesterday, then put back in today. I'm guessing they are not going to be able to fulfil there orders. I've still heard nothing from them though.
  22. I was thinking about all that has happened over the Rumble and thought the following. What if the plan is for Seth Rollins to cash in at Wrestlemania? Would people have been more annoyed if Bryan had the title taken away again like that than not being in it at all? This way, Bryan can show he is back to ring strength with his neck and we then get a match with Bryan vs Rollins.
  23. Now I need to decide what to get. I have enough for either the LBW soundtrack, the Mario Kart 8 starting grid T-Shirt or the Mario Kart 8 Badge set. Anyone with any of these items suggest which one. I'm leaning towards the T-Shirt.
  24. Have to say I was disappointed too, best match of the night was clearly the World Title match. Also have to say watching via the Network was pretty flawless. I was watching on my Mac through the main website and only had two instances where the feed froze for about two or three seconds. Even the picture quality was on par with watching on the tele.
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