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Everything posted by James

  1. I make mine if flash and export them as a gif, but they come out shit, as seen in my sig.
  2. James

    PES 5

    Schpickles may I recommend a player by the name of Berbatov, His stats start of prety low but now thay have exceeded his development and up into the 90's. He's also keen to go to your club.
  3. 6) Your boss doesnt even have the ability to do your job. So true.
  4. Never happen since anything that resurface on this board for longer than 2 days gets locked.
  5. Nothing much few scars and what not from football, I do have a clump of bone on one side of my ribcage which sticks out about 1 CM from the other side.
  6. english through and through, it doesn't make me proud.
  7. James

    PES 5

    Try the master league with default players, that IS hard.
  8. In a warehouse shifting crap, 12 hour shifts all this week, w00p.
  9. Farsight - Perfect Dark, nobody was better than me with that gun. RCP90 - Goldeneye fast as fuck and once you got hold of two, you teh win. RCP120 from perfect dark did have a bigger magazine but was slower, so ill stick with the RCP90
  10. James


    Halo 1 and 2 Single player is teh suck, Halo2 multiplayer is the chixor.
  11. http://shop.game.net/browse.aspx?cat=11216
  12. Is it not possible that your TV speakers are busted
  13. James

    PES 5

    Serious, fucks sake.
  14. Obviously, but some people on here are beyond 1337, they know who they are.
  15. James

    PES 5

    Im struggling as well, its one huge change of gameplay but thats gonna be the beauty of it once you do get used to it, it'll look like your playing ballet. Review I read said a "con" was for new players would struggle with the steep learning curve, ive played and owned all the 4 previous versions and am struggling!!
  16. James

    PES 5

    I was exaggerating, but truth be told you could get Cisse, Henry any other fast player, get the ball a few meters after the half way line and run past a few defenders and score.
  17. James

    PES 5

    Well its certainly different, players seem a little slower, cant just get a fast striker and run down the field and score, more build up is required. Master League has had a lick of paint, Vorander and the boys have retired and some young bucks have come through the ranks. And im playing it on 3 stars with the squad of the default shite players and only scored 2 goals in 6 games, a long road ahead fo sure.
  18. James

    PES 5

    Well It arrived today, i'll give my verdict in a few hours.
  19. James

    PES 5

    Just found it was out this friday, so I ordered yesterday from GAME. Should be here thursday/friday cant wait.
  20. Cheese fest, but a damn good one. Annalise is still as hot as she always was.
  21. James


    No, I believe its all a creation by your mind.
  22. Bought the light blue Graffiti one http://www.terratag.com/images/T-SHIRTS/HANABI-2.jpg
  23. Some of my apps.
  24. Hasn't Nextgen had a beef with c-e/r-e for some time now, since he got shunned from something if my end-trail memory serves me correctly.
  25. The Editors. fifteen
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