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Everything posted by Cheapshot

  1. If that's all true I don't think I'd rather play it over my perfectly translated SNES rom... I'd probably get it anyway because it's portable and we need to show Namco-Bandai that the "Tales of..." series is gathering momentum in Europe. ...they're going to cut the "mature" scenes aren't they?
  2. Well the GameCube is dead, so why would they release Legendia on it?
  3. Happy birthday mate!
  4. You can play all those games with improved graphics and framerate on an emulator.
  5. Fucking hell!! That was just painful to watch, I wonder if this was the reason Nintendo stuck with Carts for the DS.
  6. Use Bitlord, I love it!
  7. Heh I don't think even Zelda fan sites go into this much depth.
  8. http://www.portforward.com/routers.htm Go here, it'll sort you out.
  9. I guess you'll...have to find another copy possibly Good luck!
  10. Why not try the internet?
  11. It happened right before the game gets REALLY awesome too. Is the disc clean?
  12. Try water magic on him like spread.
  13. OK, never mind then.
  14. Oh crap need a memory upgrade.... *checks pockets* *finds chocolate wrapper*
  15. You think they'll hire proper voice-actors this time around?
  16. There isn't really a first person shooter out there to top Call of Duty 2 for general chaos, Quake 4 makes a good fist at it methinks. If you 'do' strategy, get Rome Total War; thousands of units on-screen kicking the shit out of each other, give it a shot. BTW, this thread should be in the PC boards.
  17. I presume you haven't played real football have you because EA does an awful job at replicating it IMO, it's just sluggish. How you could call it a realistic game is beyond me. Pro Evo is the closest gaming has gotten to real football, pretty much EVERY player has their own distinct animation that you see them do in real life, it's fluid and perfectly balanced; the ultimate sports game.
  18. Can anyone explain how to set this up, Battlefield 2 jerks quite a bit and I'm pretty sure this would help. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
  19. I'm up to ep 8 on Samurai Shamploo - that episode about the big gay Dutch guy is a bit dodgy...
  20. Why are you even bothering with him Jo?
  21. It got a 38/40 in Famitsu iirc; this looks like a modern Streets of Rage to me, I'll definatly be buying this one.
  22. Lol, that makes no sense man.
  23. Your opinion is identical to mine - uncanny. But a revolution isn't neccecarily needed IMO, at least not in the west - Most people around here are quite happy buying Need for Speed games over and over (Not that it's a bad game or anything just...samey) I think it might rejuvinate the Japanese market however, and of course it's going to be a hell of a lot of fun for us - it'll be like the time when you picked up your first games console again. I can't bloody wait for it! Finally something NEW.
  24. This is the "Other Consoles" board by the way. And why can't you like both?
  25. No one is implying that and what would be the problem if they thought that way?
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