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About Rapture1984

  • Birthday 12/10/1984

Personal Information

  • Location
    Kent, UK
  • Interests
    Gaming & clubbing
  • Occupation


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    GBA, DS, NES, N64, GC
  • Other Systems Owned
  • Favourite Game?
    Resi 4 / Gears of War
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Kyle Hyde - Hotel Dusk
  • Gender

Game Info

  • Wii Console Number
    7071 9689 1111 8221
  • Xbox Live Username
    Rapture 84

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  1. Does anyone know if and when there is going to be an xbox price drop this month?
  2. Both 10 out of 10. Both amazing games, don't argue just enjoy them both :P
  3. Star Wars? :P Watched 'The Number 23' last night and thought it was brilliant 8.5/10 very freaky though!
  4. Just found this in a box of old photos Oh dear!
  5. Oxi your Conscient coma pic is awesome, reminds me of the album art for Faithless - Reverence but better :P
  6. Just stuck a couple of random sketches on my DA have a butchers!
  7. Lol, cheers mate Just out of interest what camera do you have? I've just got a standard Samsung digital camera but thinking about getting a bigger one as would love to do some proper photographs. Got some awesome abandoned radar dishes from the war in a quarry near where I live and they would make awesome prints.
  8. Nice piccy Daft! http://rapture1984.deviantart.com/ is mine, there's only a couple pictures on there at the moment but I should be getting a graphics pad soon so can start some drawings!
  9. Got this game on Thurs and absolutely love it. The story is brilliant, especially the hills bit The creeping dark is so much fun as well, got to love slithering over the tops of buildings to eat peoples' hearts out! Some of the collectibles are brilliant as well, "If you have been stabbed press 2, if you are being stabbed press 3, if you are stabbing someone press 4" Lol!
  10. Super Mario Bros 3 for the NES, no idea where the second copy came from, must have accidently nicked it off one of my mates when I was a nipper.
  11. Cheers! Haven't finished Zelda yet! :P Suppose I should really get around to that sometime...
  12. There's no way that system can be bad, if you don't want to donate, opt out, simple as that!
  13. I agree, I would have stopped playing Dead Rising long before I did if it wasn't for the achievements. Viva Pinata is good aswell otherwise no one would bother trying to grow all their plants to max size.
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